17th century Europe
Recent papers in 17th century Europe
The world, and first and foremost the West, is in crisis. A crisis that is at once financial, monetary, economic, social, geostrategic, political, scientific, energy, and at the same time sees an erosion of morals and morals as well as an... more
"Kingdome differing from other in Europe…" Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów w siedemnastowiecznych tekstach anglojęzycznych
Právní systém a normy raného novověku byly poměrně propracované. Zatímco o některých sporech se nám v archivech zachovaly jen letmé zmínky, o jiných jsme informování poměrně podrobně. Ke druhému ze jmenovaných typů náležel také spor o... more
Studie byla publikována roku 1974 v Jihočeském sborníku historickém ( ročník 43 číslo 2-4) / The study was published in 1974 in Jihočeský sborník historického (volume 43 numer 2-4).
Mikuláš Štraus is mainly known as a publisher of newspapers and leaflets after the Battle of White Mountain. The article builds on the analysis of the decorative material used by his printing workshop and provides some new conclusions... more
http://www.cir17.info/colloques/princeton Ce colloque pluridisciplinaire se propose d'examiner la place des pratiques collaboratives dans la culture française du XVIIe siècle. Alors que se renforce la monarchie absolue, incarnée par un... more
Heslo v Encyklopedii českých právních dějin, X. svazek (R-Říš). Plzeň-Ostrava, 2017, s. 683 *** Rudolf II's Letter of Majesty for Silesia (1609) Majestätsbrief für Schlesien (1609) von Rudolf II. List majestatyczny Rudolfa II dla Śląska... more
The Theses LVI belong to a series of hitherto unpublished early manuscripts of the Dutch humanist and jurisconsult Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) that were acquired by the University of Leiden in 1864. It is not certain when the Theses were... more
(English Summary: Baptism and Baptismal Vessels in Post-Reformation Saaremaa pp. 126-136). This article examines the changes that occured in the use and location of baptismal vessels and fonts in Saaremaa during the Early Modern... more
Rezension des Tagungsbandes
This article presents an overview of the long term trends in the trading patterns for salted herring in the area of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea and their hinterlands in the period of c. 1600-1850. The market is defined as ‘the... more
A closely-researched and detailed study of the operations and tactics of early modern armies, it uses the French and Savoyard invasion of Spanish Lombardy in 1636 to explore warfare through a neo-Darwinian lens. This emphasizes the... more
tudie byla publikována roku 1981 v Jihočeském sborníku historickém ( ročník 50 číslo 3) / The study was published in 1981 in Jihočeský sborník historického (volume 50 numer 3).
La Guerra Civil Inglesa de 1642 a 1651 fue un período de beligerancia social, disputas religiosas, experimentación política e inestabilidad en Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda. Sin embargo, se sabe menos, pero se debate mucho, sobre las... more
Nations like narratives, lose their origins in the myth of time and only fully realize their horizons in the mind's eye. Such an image of the nation-or narration-might seem impossibly romantic and excessively metaphorical, but it is from... more
Stejně jako vedle obecných „velkých“ dějin stojí koncept mikrohistorie, tak vedle „velký“ dějin módy lze postavit každodenní oděvy sledované v jedné lokalitě napříč společenskými vrstvami. Průzkumem lokálních památek, archeologického... more
The political and religious symbolism of buildings is of enduring interest in historical archaeology. Similarly, ideal concepts in urban planning, and utopian communities have been of recent concern. This paper moves beyond iconography... more
Located at the northern tip of Dirk Hartog Island in Western Australia, Cape Inscription is one of the most significant cultural heritage sites in Australia. It marks the accidental landfall of Dutch skipper Dirk Hartog and his crew on... more
The “Majestätsquaterne” of the Moravian Land Registries. Admission to the Estates in Moravia after 1628 and Written Records of them in the Years 1642–1852. The essence of the study is an analysis of the so-called Majestätsquaterne”,... more
This is chapter one of the book: Britain, Denmark-Norway and the House of Stuart (2000)
This paper employs the concept of Protestant Hierotopy to explore the spiritual roots of Dutch Golden Age Painting. Hierotopic methodology focuses on the creation of sacred spaces as a form of human creativity. Though the Reformation may... more
Gabriel Tatton's collection of manuscript charts is the sole surviving example of original marine surveying in the East Indies by the English in the first half of the seventeenth century. An earlier sea atlas of the East also survives now... more
This thesis offers a contextual examination of the 1675 imperial festival which took place in Edirne (Adrianople) during the reign of Mehmed IV (r. 1648-1687). It intends to present a holistic approach to the festival, after the study of... more
In this paper I argue that there is an important sense in which we should regard Leibniz as an advocate of mysticism. I make the case for this claim by considering the complex phenomenon of mysticism itself and Leibniz's discussion of... more
Lange hat sich die Forschung nur für solche Gesandtenberichte interessiert, in denen von Bündnissen, Friedensschlüssen oder diplomatischen Verhandlungen die Rede ist. Hier lenkt eine praxeologische Perspektive den forschenden Blick auf... more