20th century (History)
Recent papers in 20th century (History)
This study analyzes controversies and public attitudes concerning the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera in Ukraine. The research question is: Which... more
This book presents the history of the Higher School Of Commerce – Varna in the context of the economic and cultural development of Bulgaria (Varna in particular) at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. In the present... more
During a period when many Christian denominations throughout the United Kingdom discussed and sought to practice evangelism, the Tell Scotland Movement [1952-64] inspired the mission strategy of eight protestant churches in Scotland by... more
During the past decades, the assassination attempt has been treated from different disciplines. Nevertheless, the mediatization of the assassination attempt or its treatment in images and audiovisual media has been widely neglected.... more
On October 1, 1920, the city of Santiago, Chile, came to a halt as tens of thousands stopped work and their daily activities to join the funeral procession of José Domingo Gómez Rojas, a 24 year old university student and acclaimed poet.... more
This biographical book originates as part of a broader research program on the history of medicine in Nazi Germany and the social context of the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trials of 1947, as well as questions on the forced migration of Jewish... more
2020 interviews with veterans of the 1945 Battle of Iwo Jima. The veterans are US Marine and Medal of Honor Recipient Hershel W. Williams and US Navy veteran Tom Price who witnessed the raising of the American flag on Mount Suribachi
War, like natural disasters, is another type of crisis that creates collective stress that can have the same type of social effects. Sociological research has identified a number of stages in crises and the social processes that result... more
Triglav, najvišja gora Julijskih Alp, je istočasno najvišji vrh Republike Slovenije. Umeščen je v državni grb in preko grba v državno zastavo in predstavlja najmočnejši nacionalni simbol Slovencev. Ta umestitev ima razloge v preteklih... more
The Berlin-Brandenburg Colloquium for Environmental History is an open forum for discussing environmental history research broadly defined. This semester, our topics are either European or global. Elisa Tizzoni will present her... more
The paper presents one of the tools of indoctrination of Czechoslovak society after 1948 – the building of the cult of personality, namely Stalin's cult of personality. In the introduction, it discusses the starting points of the cult of... more
Len Burritt recalls his time serving in 7th Armoured Division during WWII, working with British generals and coining the division's famous nickname "The Desert Rats"
ABSTRACT in English (résumé en français ci-après): "Specialization vs versatility. The Rangers during Operation 'Torch', 8 November 1942" When the Rangers were formed in June 1942, the intent was to let pass in this battalion,... more
"Nous gardons tous au fond d’un tiroir un menu qui nous rappelle l’heureux souvenir d’un repas convivial. Mais que savons-nous vraiment du menu ? De sa genèse, de son histoire, et de son apport à la société ? Des premiers menus du Moyen... more
Katalóg k výstave 320 stoličiek je prvou a dosiaľ jedinou publikáciou zameranou na históriu dizajnérskych návrhov a produktov významnej československej firmy na ohýbaný nábytok: Tatra nábytok Pravenec. Impulzom k umeleckohistorickému... more
2017-ben egy huszonhárom tanulmányt magában foglaló kötet látta meg a napvilágot az Osiris Kiadó gondozásában. A tematikus fejezetekbe rendezett írásokat elsődlegesen a szer-ző személye köti össze: Erdész Ádámé, a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár... more
N. De Nutte, "Bijna 70 jaar spermadonorschap in België: een update", Het Vrije Woord 63, no. 4, pp. 74-77, 2018.
Until recently, studies of how Wales entered the First World War have generally been overlooked. Often, the British narrative has been assumed for the Welsh experience, with the once popular topos of war enthusiasm being recently... more
Szczególnie interesującym politycznie czasem w Europie był okres między 1918 i 1939 r. Poniższy artykuł dotyczy paktów i układów międzynarodowych we wspomnianej czasoprzestrzeni. Problemowy charakter wywodu związany jest z próbą... more
This article is an attempt to represent the aspirations of the Polish aristocracy during the First World War by imagining the dreams of Maria Lubomirska – wife of Prince Zdzisław Lubomirski, arguably the most important Polish politician... more
Publicado en Javier Moreno Luzón (ed.), Alfonso XIII. Un político en el trono, Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2003, pp. 151-186. "Hace años ya que el pueblo ve en su Rey (a un) demócrata y liberal que encarna totalmente sus aspiraciones,... more
Review Title: "The Rise and Fall of the Antifascist Consensus: Stability and Instability in Postwar Europe."
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?