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1997, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
2003 •
Pure and Applied Physics
Glow Discharge Electron GunIn the present work, we exhibited the experimental results of the direct current glow discharge electron gun source (DCEG) and their consecutive developments as electron beam energy lower than 5 keV and high intensity beams of tens microamperes to be used in some applications. A new type of direct current glow discharge electron gun was developed and modified for an improved treatment which supplies low –power and high electron-current density applications. This electron source is working on the condition of the abnormal glow discharge. The best working conditions were found to be at discharge pressure in the range of 10-4 mbar and gap distance between the cathode and the anode = 3 mm and a disk of Teflon insulator diameter of 5 mm, finally, the distance between the cathode exit and the extractor (focusing electrode) is equal to 4 mm. Internal and external operational characteristics (discharge and output ion beam currents) have been studied at this optimum distance using hydrogen, ...
Journal of Applied Physics
Electron emission from glow-discharge cathode materials due to neon and argon ion bombardment1989 •
Spectroscopy Letters
Spectroscopic Investigation of a Double Discharge Pulsed Electron Beam Generator2008 •
This article reviews experiments on the production of low-energy, high-current electron beams ~LEHCEB! and their use for surface modification of materials. It is shown that electron guns with a plasma anode and an explosive emission cathode are most promising for the production of this type of beams. The problems related to the initiation of explosive emission and the production and transportation of LEHCEBs in plasma-filled diodes are considered. It has been shown that if the rise time of the accelerating voltage is comparable to or shorter than the time it takes for an ion to fly through the space charge layer, the electric field strength at the cathode and the electron current density in the layer are increased. Experimentally, it has been established that the current of the beam transported in the plasma channel is 1–2 orders of magnitude greater than the critical Pierce current and several times greater than the chaotic current of the anode plasma electrons. Methods for improving the uniformity of the energy density distribution over the beam cross section are described. The nonstationary temperature and stress fields formed in metal targets have been calculated. The features of the structure-phase transformations in the surface layers of materials irradiated with LEHCEBs have been considered. It has been demonstrated that in the surface layers quenched from the liquid state, nonequilibrium structure-phase states are formed. These states, together with the surface smoothing and cleaning, improve some surface-sensitive properties of the irradiated materials, such as the electric strength of metal-electrode vacuum gaps, the fatigue properties of titanium alloys, and the wear resistance of cutting tools made of high-speed steels and hard alloys. It has also been demonstrated that the pulsed melting of film–substrate systems makes it possible to execute efficient surface alloying. A description of an LEHCEB source with a plasma anode based on a high-current reflected discharge is given and the results of its testing and application are presented.
IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (Cat. No.01CH37255)
Micro processing by intense fast electron beams2001 •
2001 •
Generation of intense electron beams by superposing two discharges, namely a low pressure DC glow discharge and a high current pulsed discharge at pressures and voltages very similar to that of the pseudo-spark gap devices, has been reported previously. The small diameter, high peak current and short pulse length are the characteristics of the electron beam generated using this technique. In this technique, no high vacuum facilities are necessary, and many applications such as micro processing, X-rays generation, preionization for high-power lasers are feasible. The electron beam current is in the range of 10-30 A. A full characterization of the electron beam that is utilized in this work has been given in a previous work. In this work it is reported that the most energetic part of the electron beam is about 5-nanosecond pulse duration. The beam is magnetically deflected to the specific point.
2018 •
The paper is devoted to electron beam guns based on the emission of electrons from plasma of a hollow-cathode reflective discharge. The measuring of the diameter and brightness of beam with the rotating wire sensor and scanning slit device were performed. A gun capable of producing strongly focused electron beams of power up to 6 kW and ener gy up to 60 keV. The test piece welding was confirmed a good beam quality. A key finding from t hese studies was that the brightness of the electron beam generated by the gun with a plasma ca thode is not inferior brightness beams obtained by thermionic cathodes. For example, the brightness of the beam with power up to 4 kW and energy of 60 keV was approximately 10 10 A·m·sr at the focal distance of 0,5 m. Beam diameter does not exceed 460 μm.
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JUMLAHKU: Jurnal Matematika Ilmiah STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan
Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika dengan Taksonomi SOLO pada Siswa SMA2004 •
Comunicacion Y Pedagogia Nuevas Tecnologias Y Recursos Didacticos
Argentina: el desarrollo de las TIC y su vinculación con la discapacidad2006 •
Window of Public Health Journal
Pengaruh Konsumsi Kerupuk Singkong Ebi terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin pada Mahasiswi FKM Universitas Muslim Indonesia2014 •
Communication & Society
PR’s early response to the “information superhighway”: the IPRA narrative2015 •
METASASTRA: Jurnal Penelitian Sastra
Merumuskan Metode Pengkajian Tradisi Lisan2016 •
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Connectivity rescues genetic diversity after a demographic bottleneck in a butterfly population network2016 •
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Content-Based Filtering in On-Line Social Networks2011 •
Arquivos de Gastroenterologia
Case-Control Study on Vitamin D Status in Children and Adolescents with Eosinophilic Esophagitis2020 •
2013 •
South African Journal of Education
The effects of problem-based learning on pre-service teachers’ critical thinking dispositions and perceptions of problem-solving ability2014 •
Journal of Endocrinology
Atrial natriuretic factor and C-type natriuretic peptide induce retraction of human thyrocytes in monolayer culture via guanylyl cyclase receptors2002 •
Social Science & Medicine
Psychometric and cognitive validation of a social capital measurement tool in Peru and Vietnam2006 •
Saúde em Debate
O pensamento dos gestores municipais sobre a ouvidoria como um potencial instrumento de gestão participativa do SUS2016 •
Journal of Healthcare Sciences
Usage, Longevity, and Biocompatibility of Amalgam Restorations2023 •
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
Influence of coatings geocement activation energy of thermal oxidative degradation wood2014 •
American Journal of Clinical Pathology
Molecular Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in FFPE Samples and Histopathologic Findings in Fatal SARS-CoV-2 Cases2020 •
BMC Veterinary Research
Alterations in the glutathione metabolism could be implicated in the ischemia-induced small intestinal cell damage in horses2009 •
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Do Monkeypox Exposures Vary by Ethnicity? Comparison of Aka and Bantu Suspected Monkeypox Cases2020 •