Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)
Recent papers in Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)
"""""Abstract The eruption of Thera ca. 1600 BC is associated with striking cultural changes in the eastern Mediterranean and it may also have influenced other parts of Europe. However, on the Iberian Meseta, the event does not appear to... more
More than 30 years ago the American anthropologist-archaeologist William Adams wrote a seminal article on the interpretation of material culture change in ancient Nubia entitled ‘Invasion, Diffusion, Evolution?’ (1968). In it the author... more
It was a February afternoon in 2009, in the prehistoric antiquities room of the Archaeological Museum of Naxos, when I first talked with Colin Renfrew about the publication of all the Early Cycladic figurines found in excavations. Our... more
During the Minoan Neopalatial period (ca. 1700-1450 BCE) female figures are depicted in visual art sitting on rocks and stepped cult structures, both of which may be symbolic representations of mountains. Trees are also depicted in... more
Lin. A a-ta-i-301-wa-e : ἀυτάι *θύαι
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
The end of the Early Bronze Age, in other words the EBA III, is one of the significant turning points in the cultural history of the Anatolian Peninsula. Metal objects that indicate social class differences, advancements in architecture,... more
This paper examines the possible foreign origins of the pillar base of the Judean Pillar Figurine (JPF). After considering and rejecting Mesopotamian and Levantine origins due to lack of chronologically compatible antecedents, the... more
(with Demetra Kriga) in M.E. Alberti & G. Sabatini (eds.), Exchange Networks and Local Transformations. Interactions and Local Changes in Europe and the Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, Oxford, 9-21.
Forthcoming April 2017 Chapters by: Simon Jusseret (The University of Texas at Austin, Université catholique de Louvain) Manuel Sintubin (KU Leuven) Jan Driessen (Université catholique de... more
В работе рассматриваются памятники северной «периферии» срубной культурно-исторической общности в границах современных республик Чувашия и Татарстан. Привлечены данные о более чем 700 памятниках. На основании изученных поселений и... more
The institution of feasting in the Bronze Age Aegean, as in much of the world, has been the subject of considerable recent scholarship, with a broad consensus that feasts provided a locus for the negotiation and performance of... more
During the Aegean Bronze Age (ca. 3,200-1,100 B.C.), blue pigments are rendered from a myriad of different sources across distinct media: from naturally-occurring minerals such as riebeckite and lapis lazuli to man-made compounds like... more
Wanax was derived from Hattic title of a god as a lord of land. Guasileus was a result of the steppe influence in pre-Mycenaean time. The king name ki-nu-ra from Mycenaean Pylos reflects the name of Spartan king Kinortas
This is a very accessible introduction to understanding the function of the Minoan palaces aimed at students and interested lay persons, based on my book, Minoan Architecture: A Contextual Analysis.
This paper will consider the West House at Akrotiri in its context of a model Theran house and “typical urban house of the Minoan era in general,” combining old interpretations with new spatial studies including space syntax and 3D... more
An ancient organization in age groups and ancient rites of passage for children and young people in the Aegean Greek world are ideas which was first developed by historical anthropology in XXth century, before being criticized by... more
This paper focuses on the occurrence of sealings impressed by the same seal faces or by very similar seal faces at different archaeological sites in the Late Minoan I period. Sealings are small clay lumps impressed one or more times with... more
Ein neues Buch des Althistorikers Frank Kolb rollt den denkwürdigen Gelehrtenstreit um die Stadt an den Dardanellen auf. - Besprechung von Frank Kolb, «Tatort ‹Troia›», Verlag F. Schoeningh.
Annual report of Liman Tepe Excavations 1992 (The first excavation season)