Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre
Recent papers in Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre
Although the ancient Macedonians had no independent dramatic tradition of their own, from the late fifth century onwards successive Macedonian kings began to sponsor Greek theater productions and professionals with real enthusiasm.... more
En lisant pour la première fois Civilisation de Dimitris Dimitriadis à l'époque où la pièce a été écrite, à un moment de prospérité et de progrès apparent (2003), j'avoue que je n'ai vu dans sa composition qu'un jeu dramatique, produit... more
Explicación pormenorizada del proceso de proyecto de la anastilosis del frons scaenae del teatro romano de Itálica (Santiponce, Sevilla), escrita y dibujada por el arquitecto responsable de los trabajos.
This article presents some results achieved by the IBAM CNR for the reconstructive study of the Greco-Roman theater of Taormina, aimed at the realization of a CG film presented at the G7 summit (26-27 May 2017). The reconstruction is... more
Dentre os estudos acerca da tragédia grega, há o debate acerca da função social da tragédia grega, que veio à luz principalmente a partir de 1990, consistindo basicamente em duas questões que dividem os especialistas: 1) o drama ateniense... more
The theme that unites the first four papers in this collection (counting the two elements of the second paper as two separate papers for the purposes of this summary only) is the view of Geta as very much the nexus-figure for three... more
The on-going popularity of the Vitruvian layout for the Latin theatre is largely due to its capacity to bridge across several disciplines, which seems to appeal to a certain conception of material culture that assumes the existence of a... more
The Greek Trilogy of Luis Alfaro gathers together for the first time the three 'Greek' plays of the MacArthur Genius Award-winning Chicanx playwright and performance artist. Based respectively on Sophocles' Electra and Oedipus, and... more
Compilation of the scientific and the restauration work at the roman theatre of Augusta Raurica (from 1992 - 2007).
En Antígona podemos ver como el papel de la mujer a través de confrontarse ante la decisión de respetar las leyes divinas o seguir las leyes humanas toma gran fuerza, puesto que la mujer en el siglo V a. C. no tenía gran importancia como... more
Аннотация: Отождествление агона и конфликта в комедиях Аристофана затрудняет интерпретацию аристофановских пьес в плане содержания и композиции. Комедии без агона и комедии с двумя агонами свидетельствуют о факультативности данного... more
Il faut sauver la tragédie grecque de toute la gnose philosophique et tragique qui l'accable depuis près de trois siècles. Il faut la sauver de notre conception moderne de la littérature et du théâtre. Il faut la sauver de nous-mêmes pour... more
Sous le règne de l'empereur Auguste, vers 22 av. J.-C., apparut à Rome un genre dramatique nouveau dont le succès, fulgurant et durable, résiste aujourd'hui encore à l'analyse historique. Ses acteurs, des danseurs solistes accompagnés... more
Nella storia degli studi sul teatro romano poca attenzione è stata riservata finora all’analisi del monologo nelle commedie terenziane e il debole interesse della critica è stato motivato attraverso la presunta “avversione” del poeta... more
Starting from a new commented edition of the play, this short essay focuses on Sophocles' Electra.
Considerazioni sull'Elettra di Sofocle a partire da un recente volume (edizione, traduzione e commento) dedicato al dramma.
Considerazioni sull'Elettra di Sofocle a partire da un recente volume (edizione, traduzione e commento) dedicato al dramma.
Peace is one of Aristophanes’ most poetically resonant comedies. This work provides an analysis of a paratragic feature hitherto almost neglected by scholars, the figure of Prometheus, especially as characterised in Aeschylus’ Prometheus... more
A little cartographic experiment in the footsteps of Greg Woolf's Becoming Roman, trying to identify the influence of increasing mobility on cultural change in early Roman Gaul.