Austria (European History)
Recent papers in Austria (European History)
Clausewitz è celeberrimo per la sua opera Vom Kriege (Della Guerra), unanimemente considerato uno dei classici imprescindibili dell'arte militare, ma pochi sanno che il Vom Kriege raccoglie solo i primi tre volumi dei lavori incompiuti... more
Each monument somehow represents a bit of interpretation of the historical reality - it is a testimony to the past. The submitted book will describe four groups of memorials representing four different battlefields in Bohemia and... more
Panslavism was a movement based on the conviction that all speakers of Slavic languages belong to a single nation. This was a starting point for the activities that aimed to bring Slav cultures and languages closer and for the development... more
The interest on the relations between Naples and Vienna in the context of the historiography of the Southern Italy was not fortunate: on the Austrian vice-kingdom had an impact the judgment on the excessive fiscalism and the lack of... more
Decades of political backroom deals of a small political cast has resulted in a political system vulnerable to abuse of office, a weak legal system as well as a very frail anti-corruption framework. Numerous corruption scandals, including... more
PUBLISHER'S DESCRIPTION: "On March 12, 1938, German troops marched into Austria as Adolf Hitler prepared to annex the country. Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg, who had opposed the Nazi take-over of his homeland, was placed... more
In the accounts of life in Austria-Hungary at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century, one reads about a world dominated by nations and nationalism. Both contemporaries and historians describe a nationality... more
In many European countries are being held constitutional debates. The search for a broader form of participation of all social forces with a new, so-called governance, the struggle for autonomy, regionalism and federalism, they all have... more
published in: Brigitte Mazohl, Karin Schneider, Eva Maria Werner (Ed.), Am Rande der großen Politik. Italien und der Alpenraum beim Wiener Kongress
Auch ländliche Kleidung ist nicht einfach mit funktionalen Kriterien erklärbar, sondern kann als Element der Repräsentation gelesen werden. In diesem Beitrag soll versucht werden, anhand von Fotografien aus dem Nachlass eines... more
"TITLE: Saxon Army of the Austrian War of Succession and Seven Years War: SUB-TITLE: Uniforms Organisation and Equipment PUBLISHED: January 2012 AUTHOR: Dr Stephen Summerfield PUBLISHER: Ken Trotman Publishing ISBN No.:... more
Although soundly defeated in the War of Austrian Succession by the brilliance of Frederick the Great and his Prussian Army, the army of Austria was the most significant of his opponents. Their campaign history has been expertly documented... more
Tamara Scheer, Die Sprachenvielfalt in der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee während des Ersten Weltkriegs, in: Pallasch. Zeitschrift für Militärgeschichte 67 (Februar 2019), 125-135. mit Dank an Hans Edelmaier für die Erlaubnis die... more
Simpson, E., ed. The Spoils of War—World War II and Its Aftermath: The Loss, Reappearance, and Recovery of Cultural Property. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1997.
This book (as second and extensively reworked edition of a research published for the first time in 1990) explores the cultural history in the the Adriatic (Austrian) littoral during 18th and 19th centuries. Created by the intersections... more
In contrast to the East of Austria, its western part and especially the Genizat Tirolensia ist still widely unexplored. Until recently the Tyrolean libraries had never been checked systematically on Hebrew and Aramaic fragments of... more
Il biennio 1796-97 ricostruito come mai è stato tentato finora: al di fuori di qualunque visione di parte, come e perché la repubblica Serenissima è finita nell’occhio del ciclone dei grandi conflitti euro-mondiali. Verità certe e lezioni... more
Since the 11th century, there existed contacts between the territory of Ostarrichi and Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire at the Bosporus. These relations were intensified during the period of the Crusades, especially... more
This study investigates the question why mainstream political parties are on a declining trajectory, and why right-wing populist parties have the ability to make inroads into the political process, having the capacity to displace or at... more
This brief communication summarises the historical trajectory of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl I of Habsburg-Lothringen (1887-1922). Karl I ascended the throne in the midst of the First World War when Europe was ablaze; despite being... more
The figure of Dorotea Sofia has not yet been adequately submitted to the attention of the researchers. She is been studied only about the Succession to the Dukedom of his nephew Charles of Bourbon, and very little is known about her role... more
So entscheidend das Attentat von Sarajevo für die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts gewesen ist, so zufällig erscheint es im historischen Kontext wie in der erzähltheoretischen Analyse. Literarische und historiographische Werke widmen sich... more
Why does a literary critic get touchy whe,n an Austrian filmmaker presents the story of Leo Pfeffer the judge investigating the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo in 1914?... more
Ernst Robert Curtius is well known as an advocate of European literature, which transcends national boundaries. Most importantly, he is recognized as a literary historian, who wrote European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages... more
Me këtë shkrim kam qëllim të kontribuoj në debatin mbi marrëdhëniet hegjemonike midis "qendrës" perëndimore europiane dhe "margjinave" juglindore europiane, duke i marrë në trajtim lidhjet midis traditave kuazi-antropologjike të krijuara... more