Balkan Studies
Recent papers in Balkan Studies
[Uncorrected Page Proofs] -- Montgomery, David W. 2019. "The Hardest Time Was the Time without Morality": Religion and Social Navigation in Albania. In Everyday Life in the Balkans, edited by David W. Montgomery. Bloomington: Indiana... more
Since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement on December 14th in Paris 1995, the political but also general social scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been overwhelmed with the issues of reforms and changes in regard to the... more
Con questa preziosa analisi Carlo Pallard tratteggia un vivace e puntuale disegno della storia più recente di questo complesso Paese, del suo tormentato percorso verso la modernità. Un cammino segnato da colpi di stato riusciti e da altri... more
The local festival dedicated to the Anniversary of the Vision of Agia (Saint) or Osia (venerable, blessed, saint) Pelagia is celebrated on the Greek island of Tinos and is dedicated to one of the most recent Orthodox saints, Agia Pelagia,... more
This study concerns itself with the first Imperial Envoy Gerard Veltwijck (ca. 1500—1555), who negotiated with the Ottoman Sultan Süleymān. Using newly discovered as well as recently published sources, it will focus on the part this... more
Прва историографска синтеза о Смедереву и смедеревском крају у Првом светском рату. Књига је заснована на вишегодишњим научним истраживањима архивске, музеолошке и друге изворне грађе, као и до сада непознате стране и домаће старије... more
With all the turmoil and conflict taking place around the world, it is often tempting to think of the Western Balkans as yesterday’s problem. While it is true that the prospect of armed conflict has diminished significantly over the past... more
An examination of the 1995 fall of the Bosnian Muslim enclave of Srebrenica.
The book discerns the rise and survival of Vladimir Putin as leader of Russia. The book will be relevant for those interested in Balkan and East European politics. To add, the book also reveals the secret relationship between the two... more
The book focuses on the breakup of the Yugoslav Federation and wars that followed viewed through the comic art in the local and international press. War propaganda and political discourse are examined and placed in the larger historical... more
A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
İÇİNDEKİLER ÜÇÜNCÜ BÖLÜM ARNAVUTLUK 1. Analysis on Existing Ottoman Heritage Buildings inside Fortress Walls of Elbasan City Brunilda BASHA–Zafer SAĞDIC 09 2. Arnavut Edebiyatında İslâm Dini Yansımaları ve Söylemsellik Modelleri Nysret... more
2015 Şubat -Mart Makale ve Analizleri
collection of essays (foreword, 20 articles)
In the Western Balkans, as elsewhere around the world, governments took extraordinary measures to effectively contain the spread of COVID-19, measures that entailed serious restrictions to individual freedoms. They also introduced extra... more
Historians have long regarded Maurice Tiberius as the last Roman emperor who struggled to restore the stability of the Balkan provinces. This essay argues that a major financial crisis is responsible for the downfall of Maurice and the... more
The United Kingdom is still keen to express rhetorical support for EU enlargement, but its overall attitude towards the dossier, and its ability to shape the Union’s policies in this area, have been dampened by an increasingly hostile... more
El presente trabajo hace foco en el constructivismo ruso y cómo esta idea llega al territorio de los Balcanes para ser asimilada y reinterpretada. También se hará hincapié en el rol de la revista Zenit y su lugar dentro de la escena... more
Introduction to a survey of a history of Montenegro.
REFERENCE: Předmluva, In: František Šístek, Dějiny Černé Hory, Praha: NLN 2017, pp. 1-21.
REFERENCE: Předmluva, In: František Šístek, Dějiny Černé Hory, Praha: NLN 2017, pp. 1-21.
The chapter deals with the white spots in the biography of the Czech ethnographer Karel Chotek (1881-1967), especially his relation to the Balkans as a source of research inspiration, Chotek's definition of Slovak Culture as a special... more
This paper presents an initial assessment of the results of a four month research project studying the Ultras 1 groups in BiH. This research contributed to the Bosnia & Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI) Programme (implemented by... more
Müşavir Paşa’nın anılarında Osmanlı devletiyle resmi anlamda dost ve müttefik olan bir ülkenin temsilcisi olarak gelen askeri bir uzmanın yaklaşımını görüyoruz. Bize Kırım Harbi öncesi ve sonrasındaki Osmanlı devlet yapısı, ordu, maliye,... more
Rad se bavi atmosferom među studenskom mladeži u Hrvatskoj u vrijeme trajanja Prvog i Drugog balkanskog rata. Na temelju postojeće relevantne literature, onovremenih brošura i memoarskih tekstova, te izvora privatne naravi, proučava se... more
The short brief analyses the new dynamics in the new EU legislature on EU enlargement to the Western Balkans, its impact on the EU’s perspective to North Macedonia, and the role of the Assembly of North Macedonia in pushing for the... more