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САЖЕТАК: Банат је још од најранијих времена био насељен српским и румунским становништвом, које је до краја XVIII века имало одређену етничку границу – Срби су насељавали, већином, западни (низијски) а Румуни источни (планински) део... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRomanian HistoryBanat18th Century History
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      Romanian HistoryBanatHistory of Banat
THE ARMY OF THE KINGDOM OF SERBIA IN THE RURAL AREAS OF THE TIMIŞ-TORONTAL COUNTY IN THE ROMANIAN PART OF BANAT BETWEEN 1918-1919 Data from the Historical Museum Fund „Nicolae Ilieşiu” Summary At the end of the World War 1914–1918... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryMuseum StudiesRomanian History
GERMAN Temeschwar, das kleine Wien des Banats Am Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts wanderten Deutsche in die Grenzregionen des Banats ein. Um die Jahrhundertwende pflegen diese ‚Donauschwaben‘, besonders SchriftstellerInnen, eine... more
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      Habsburg StudiesBanatCultural History of Habsburg Empire 1800-1918Timisoara, Romania
L’histoire des Banatais de la Roque-sur-Pernes a fait couler beaucoup d’encre depuis leur arrivée dans le Vaucluse au cours des années 1950. Nous connaissons bien, aujourd’hui, le parcours de ce petit groupe amené à fuir l’Europe centrale... more
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      Habsburg StudiesNational IdentityMigration HistoryEthnicity
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval HungaryBanatMedieval Institutions
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      Ottoman HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyOttoman Empire
A note about the death of painter Ștefan Tenețchi from Arad, aged 104, was identified in the dead register for 1793-1811, belonging to the Orthodox parish of Abrud; he died on 15 August 1798 and was buried in the cemetery nearby the... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryTransylvanian Romanians
Subject of thethesis is industrial heritage and its reuse. Emphasis has been put on industrial objects which have lost their function and now have certain historical, social and architectural value. First step was investigating the place... more
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      Industrial HeritageUrban RegenerationSerbiaBanat
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      HistoryBanatHistory of Banat
The First World War in the Memoirs of the Romanians in Banat and of the Transylvanian Saxons As fundamental sources for the cultural history of World War I, memoirs have long represented a topic of great interest to researchers, given the... more
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      First World WarBanatCultural History of the First World WarHistory of Transylvania
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      HistoryModern HistoryMuseum StudiesArms and Armor Studies
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      HistoryModern HistoryMuseum StudiesRomanian History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval HungaryBanatMedieval Hungarian Social History
Banat’s historical geography was not yet written. Each new source made available is a true treasure. In this situation are the ten district maps done for the region between 1718–'25. In this study I try to analyze the map done in 1720 for... more
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      Historical mapsBanatTimișoara
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      Bronze Age ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)Iron Age
Szerkesztette: Pánya István
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      History of HungaryHungarian StudiesEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryBanat of Temesvar
Istoria învățământului special din prima jumătate a sec. XIX, în Ardeal și Banat
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      Romanian HistoryRomanian StudiesTransylvaniaBanat
Situata in Campia Arancai, la extremitatea de vest a tarii, Comuna Dudestii Vechi are un relief plat, de campie joasa, un climat continental cu accente de ariditate. Substratul este argilos, fapt care favorizeaza baltirea apei. Departe de... more
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      GeographyBanatBanat BulgariansTimis County
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtMinority Studies
This bio-bibliographical dictionary of the "völkisch" and nationalsocialist personalities of the Germans of South-East Europe is an encyclopedia containing bio-bibliographical data of scientists, men of letters, journalists and... more
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L'intervalle de temps compris entre la seconde moitié du XIX e siècle et le début du XX e siècle a été une période de l'histoire de l'Europe occidentale marquée par plusieurs changements socio-économiques, comme l'industrialisation,... more
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      TransylvaniaFranceBelle EpoqueBanat
This bio-bibliographical dictionary of the "völkisch" and nationalsocialist personalities of the Germans of South-East Europe is an encyclopedia containing bio-bibliographical data of scientists, men of letters, journalists and... more
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"Um die nationale Aneignung und internationale Vermarktung der Insel Ada-Kaleh geht es in der Studie des aus Luxemburg stammenden Historikers Philippe Henri Blasen, Doktorand an der Universität Klausenburg. Im Mittelpunkt steht Mustafa... more
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      Turkish HistoryHistory of HungaryPostcardsHistory of Postcards
Studii monografice
Autorul este Dușan Baiski - Toate drepturile ii apartin, implicit site-ul adauga numele uploaderului ,
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      BanatHistory of Banat
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      Tourism StudiesCultural HeritageEthnographyHeritage Conservation
Theses of the PhD-Dissertation of Ágnes Ivett Oszkó. The primary aim of my dissertation written about the architecture of Leopold Baumhorn was to present the typical characteristics of the genre of synagogue architecture within his... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureHistory of HungarySynagogues
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      Modern HistoryDemographyHistory of HungaryBanat of Temesvar
This bio-bibliographical dictionary of the "völkisch" and nationalsocialist personalities of the Germans of South-East Europe is an encyclopedia containing bio-bibliographical data of scientists, men of letters, journalists and... more
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Monografia Comunei Dudestii Vechi Judetul Timis
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The ethnic structure of the population in Banat had suffered great transformations, visible in the geographic distribution of the comunities.
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      DemographyHistorical DemographyBanatHistory of Banat
Mittelalterliche Schwerter und Sabel in Siebenburgen und im Banat. (9.-14. Jh). Der Mensch war zur Zeit des Mittelalters in größerem Maße an seine Waffen gebunden als dieses heute der Fall ist, sein Verhältnis zu diesen Gegenständen... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyTransylvania
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      Medieval HistoryRomanian HistoryTransylvaniaOrthodox Christianity
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      Serbian historyNobilityBanatHistory of Nobility
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      Romanian HistoryHistory of HungaryHistory of RomaniaBanat
This bio-bibliographical dictionary of the "völkisch" and nationalsocialist personalities of the Germans of South-East Europe is an encyclopedia containing bio-bibliographical data of scientists, men of letters, journalists and... more
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      IdeologyNationalsocialismBanatNazi Propaganda
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      Romanian HistorySerbian historyBanatHabsburg Monarchy in the 18th century
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The paper explores the ways religious grassroots actors in the borderlands contribute to the new understanding of cross border regions and religious groups in the space between the Serbian and Romanian Banat from the perspective of the... more
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      Social AnthropologyBorder StudiesBalkan HistoryRomani Studies
This bio-bibliographical dictionary of the "völkisch" and nationalsocialist personalities of the Germans of South-East Europe is an encyclopedia containing bio-bibliographical data of scientists, men of letters, journalists and... more
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      IdeologyNazismBanatNazi Propaganda
Ordinul Surorilor de Notre Dame, ordin călugăresc feminin, cu carismă educativă, care a dezvoltat învățământul pentru fete în Banat începând de la jumătatea secolului al XIX-lea în Dieceza de Timisoara - este analizat aici pentru perioada... more
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      Church HistoryBanatCatholic Church HistoryHistory of Banat
This bio-bibliographical dictionary of the "völkisch" and nationalsocialist personalities of the Germans of South-East Europe is an encyclopedia containing bio-bibliographical data of scientists, men of letters, journalists and... more
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      IdeologyNationalsocialismBanatNazi Propaganda
This paper aims to shed light on the origins of the Banathian coat of arms. Thus it starts in the Middle Ages, analyzing the first known symbols of the Banate of Severin – a cross used by ban Nicholas Redwitz and the princes of the... more
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      HistoryRomanian HistoryHeraldryHeraldry and Vexillology
This bio-bibliographical dictionary of the "völkisch" and nationalsocialist personalities of the Germans of South-East Europe is an encyclopedia containing bio-bibliographical data of scientists, men of letters, journalists and... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyBronze AgeBronze hoards
Aranca reprezinta un brat al Muresului care in urma cu circaun milion de ani se varsa in Marea Panonica. Astazi esteun rau carecurge lenes cale de 129 km de la Sanpetru German peste Periam, Sannicolau Mare, Dudestii Vechi, Valcani ...... more
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      GeographyBanatBanat BulgariansTimis County
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      HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyIdentity (Culture)
This bio-bibliographical dictionary of the "völkisch" and nationalsocialist personalities of the Germans of South-East Europe is an encyclopedia containing bio-bibliographical data of scientists, men of letters, journalists and... more
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      IdeologyNationalsocialismBanatNazi Propaganda
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval HungaryMedieval FortificationsBanat
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      LiteracyEducationSocial AnthropologyHigher Education