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In comparison to the other Bulgarian colonies around the world, that of Istanbul is a special case. If one compares it with those in America, Australia and Canada, it is small in size, but an important part of the complicated... more
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      Plant BiologyBulgarianQualitative evaluation
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(= Slavonic names for mosque with special regard to Polish, Silesian, Czech and Slovak data). -- Abstract: Even though mosques are a typical element of the Islamic culture the channels through which their designations came into Slavonic... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsSlavic Languages
Worldwide, festivals and local special events are used as key elements within regional development strategies. Festivals and local special events are widely acknowledged to make an important contribution to the economic development of... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationBulgarianCultural Tourism
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      RussianSlavonic LanguagesCzechBulgarian
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureRussianRussian Nationalism
Abstract: This study discusses the considerable efforts carried out by Volga Bulgaria in its endeavour to establish resolute relations with Baghdad nnder the Abbasid Caliphate. The study employs a historical approach that involves... more
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      BulgarianBulgariaBulgarian historyBulgarian archaeology
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      BulgarianMorphologyMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Evidentiality
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      HistoryRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureSlavic Languages
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      LawBulgarianTrafficBulgarian law
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      BulgarianEpic LiteratureEpic poetryDivanu Lügati't-Türk
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      Cultural StudiesEastern European StudiesAnthropologyIntercultural Communication
The Collection includes Ukrainian translations of English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Bulgarian, Slovak, Polish, Belarusian, Russian, Turkish and Korean fiction, poetry, children’s literature. The Collection is... more
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Gerov's principal work is considered his unique Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language (Речникъ на блъгарскый языкъ). For about fifty years, he collected, from ordinary people, a great number of words, expressions, proverbs, folk songs, and... more
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      PhilologyHistoryRussian StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
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      Second Language AcquisitionBulgarianBulgarian LanguageCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages
Interest in the use of fungal direct-fed microbials in ruminant nutrition is considerable. The ban of antibiotic growth promoters in feed for production of animal foods has increased interest in evaluating the effect of yeast cultures... more
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      BulgarianYeast culture
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      Albanian StudiesMacedonianBulgarianLoanwords, Language contact & change
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesOttoman History
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      Slavic LanguagesBulgarianBalkan languagesAnalytic
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      Balkan HistoryNationalismBulgarianOttoman Balkans
Emigranţii bulgari din Basarabia la sfârşitul sec. XVIII−începutul sec. XIX în istoriografie. Autoreferat tezei de doctor în istorie. Veliko Târnovo, 2014. Bulgarian migrants in Bessarabia at the end of 18th - first half of 19th century... more
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      Russian StudiesOttoman HistoryRomanian HistoryBalkan Studies
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      BulgarianCroatianBulgarian LanguageCroatian Language
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesBulgarian
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    •   26  
      LiteracyEducationSocial AnthropologyHigher Education
Numerous Gagauz case shifts listed in Özkan 1996 and seemingly pointing to a very intensive tendency towards case syncretism are discussed by this author. Six conclusions are presented in the last paragraph of the study.
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
This study presents a hypothesis about the etymology of Bulgarian kuker, kukeri pl. denoting men wearing costumes with bells on the belts and masks of animals, taking part in a traditional Bulgarian ritual to scare away evil spirits. The... more
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      Balkan linguisticsEtymologyBalkan StudiesBulgarian
Mountains were always a convenient region, which could be profited from as both a safe refuge protecting from the enemy as well as an opportune starting point of an attack against the enemy's territory. An analysis of works left by... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
The year 927 brought a peace treaty between Byzantium and Bulgaria, which ended many years of military struggle between both the states. On this occasion, Theodore Daphnopates, a prominent representative of the intellectual elite of... more
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      ReligionRhetoricComposition and RhetoricLate Antique and Byzantine History
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      Regional GeographyMulticulturalismHealth PromotionCity and Suburban Integration
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      EthnographyBulgarianArchaeology of ethnicityEthnicity
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      Second Language AcquisitionSociolinguisticsBulgarianCEFR
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    • Bulgarian
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      Discourse AnalysisAlbanian StudiesDiscourseMacedonian
Folk dance of the Bulgarian Diaspora in the United States today is related to today's Bulgarian folk dance scene in Bulgaria at many levels. Folk dance activities in the United States (US) are initiated by people who belong to the... more
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      Dance StudiesImmigrationAnthropology Of DanceImmigration Studies
Владимир Овчаров
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      BulgarianBulgarian historyMedieval numismaticsBulgarian archaeology
Настоящата работа представя приложението на математическия анализ като начин за четене на фолклора, аргументира значимостта му като метод за изучаване на историческите извори и показва града, описан в българските народни песни с мотив... more
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      FolkloreOttoman HistoryBulgarianBulgaria
Стаття присвячена дослідженню однієї з восьми нещодавно віднайдених свят-кових ікон з церковної колекції храму святого Стефана в Афінах. У роботі здійснено іконографічну атрибуцію, аналіз композиційних та стильових особливостей твору з... more
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      IconographyBulgarianNativityHOLY VIRGIN
Gagavuzca, iki tipik Balkan dili olan Bulgarca ve Rumence ile 700 yıl etkileşim halinde olmasının doğal bir neticesi olarak zamanla Balkan dillerine ait bazı özellikleri bünyesinde geliştirmiş veya onlara benzemiştir. Bunlardan biri de... more
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      PhonologyBalkan linguisticsPhoneticsBalkan Studies
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      Eastern European StudiesEastern EuropeBalkan linguisticsSouth East European Studies
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      EtymologyBulgarianBulgarian LanguageHistorical Lexicology
In late 1902, due to threats of Great Power intervention to Macedonia Sultan Abdulhamid set up General Inspectorate in Macedonia. Hüseyin Hilmi Paşa was assigned as general inspector. Although he made some ameliorations in the region,... more
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      BulgarianRussiaGreat PowersRusya
On the 18 March 2012 Otec Stiliyan died 83 years old. As monk and tipikar he had sung the daily services for 51 years at Bačkovo Monastery. Everybody who visited Bačkovo between 1961 and 2012, was instantly touched by his exceptional... more
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      Balkan StudiesBalkan HistoryBulgarianOld Church Slavonic
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      HistoryBalkan StudiesBulgarianCentral and Eastern Europe
Spis treści ....... 6 Wykaz skrótów ......9 Wstęp 13 CZĘŚĆ I Dzieje . . . . 25 Rozdział I Panowanie Borysa-Michała (852–889). Chrzest Bułgarii 27 1.1. Kierunki polityki zagranicznej w pierwszym etapie rządów (852–863) ..... 28 1.2.... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
L’immigration des bulgares dans le Principauté de Moldavie pendant la guerre russo-turque (1806-1812) Au début du XIXe siècle la Péninsule des Balkans a continué d'être une arène de rivalités et de luttes pour influence entre les... more
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      Romanian HistoryWar StudiesBulgarianBulgaria
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBalkan History
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      IconographyBulgarianPulm Sunday
The text discuss the question of human attitudes facing the miseries of war on the basis of an excellent piece of Byzantine rhetoric art from the third decade of 10th c. Throughout the first three chapters of the oration, concerning the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyGreek LiteratureRhetoricLate Antique and Byzantine History