Recent papers in Centralization
Winner – 2021 Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise. Reviewed in: Vetus Testamentum, 72, no. 2 (2022): 348–350. https://brill.com/view/journals/vt/72/2/article-p348_13.xml Review of Biblical Literature (05/2022):... more
A hulladékgazdálkodási közszolgáltatás kötelezően igénybe veendő szolgáltatás, amely minden ingatlanhasználót (magánszemélyeket, közületeket egyaránt) érint. E kutatás keretei között arra kerestünk válaszokat, hogy a közszolgáltatások... more
Why does China, geographically the third largest country in the world, have only one time zone, while Australia, nearly as big, has six? Concentrating on the Chinese case, we argue that control over time zones represents an example of... more
《唐律疏议》中,有一类特殊的犯罪主体:尊长。他们因其身份在而为子孙的行为承担罪责,可称为“尊长身份犯”。这些规定和国家赋予他们的尊长特权构成一种“对称性”的义务,两者构成一个整体,建构起了宗法国家对社会的控制结构,即国家通过尊长控制家族、进而建立起以家族为社会基本单位的权力控制结构,进一步地,这种控制结构并没有为个体设立法律上的独立人格。不过,同样存家长权力的古罗马却没有因为宗法控制而在法律上否认个体的法律人格,相反它强化了个体脱离家族的独立。通过比较分析这两种制度不同的社会... more
The branches of organization and management from the tree of commerce resemble essential ingredients in understanding a business, be it large or small. Skills in performing critical analysis and evaluation in this genre becomes imperative... more
Recent Developments in The Turkish Local Government System in The Context Of Centralization And Decentralization Debates (2012-2018) başlıklı kitap bölümünün Türkçe versiyonu Türkiye’de 2000’li yıllar idari reform geleneği içinde önemli... more
Responding to David Harvey’s critique of my paper ‘Why a radical geography must be anarchist’, I once again reiterate the importance of anarchist perspectives in contemporary politics and geographical praxis. In challenging Harvey on the... more
This paper suggests a format for conducting case studies on the issues of centralization and decentralization in the context of MIS. The problems are stated, evidence presented and questions are posed for which operational measures of the... more
This dissertation addresses issues of state integration for ancient residents of the city of Copán and the contemporary Chortí-Maya of Honduras through a community archaeological project. Today a UNESCO World Heritage site, Copán was a... more
My article explores the link between the creation of new forms of information storing and state power in Walachia during the 18th century. The extant Romanian literature on the topic failed to systematically analyze the emergence and the... more
ÖZET İşlevini yitirmiş sağlıksız kent ve kent çevrelerinin yeniden inşa edilerek, yenilenerek veyahut ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel yönden canlandırılarak topluma kazandırılmasını amaçlayan kentsel dönüşüm faaliyetleri yerel yönü ağır bir... more
ÖZ Mahalli idare birlikleri, yerel yönetimlerin tek başlarına yapamadıkları faaliyetler ve ortaklığa ihtiyaç duydukları alanlar için kendi aralarında kurdukları işbirliği zemininin tüzel kişiliğe bürünmüş halini ifade etmektedir. Bu... more
Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag fragt nach der Lokalisierung des ungenannten zentralen Kultortes in Dtn 12* und davon abhängigen Texten sowie den Gründen der Etablierung dieser Leerstelle im Kontext des Deuteronomiums. Vor dem Hintergrund... more
One of the most significant current discussions in education in Europe is decentralization of schools. This paper will focus on the current education system on North Cyprus which is very centralized. This paper seeks to describe... more
La descentralización se ha impuesto como un tema de trascendental importancia para América Latina. Los avances en los procesos de democratización y descentralización colocan a las municipalidades como centro del debate respecto a la... more
This article reviews the textual transmission of the ban on local butchery in Leviticus 17:3–4. It explores the importance of the manuscripts from the Dead Sea, in particular 4QLevd and 11Q19, for interpreting the plus at verse 4,... more
In the perspective of the history of ideas, this working paper focuses on the theoretical relationships between the social science and natural science in the context of Parisian early Socialism. This working paper deals with the influence... more
Lo studio analizza il processo di centralizzazione degli acquisti pubblici in Italia. Vengono esaminate la progressiva istituzionalizzazione del sistema di acquisti pub-blici attraverso Consip e i soggetti aggregatori, i cambiamenti... more
The construction industry is one of the sectors contributing to the Malaysian economy and is regarded as an important component of the Malaysian economy. At the same time, as the number of building projects rises, the amount of waste... more