Recent papers in Cistercians
Come abbiamo visto citando Marx, ciò che è dato per un paese è dato per il mondo intero, è solo una questione di tempi. Va da sé che bisogna tener conto del grado di sviluppo di una società per spiegare analogie e differenze. Essendo... more
„Tu deinen Mund auf und iss, was ich dir geben werde.“ Der Adressat dieser Anweisung ist der alttestamentliche Prophet Ezechiel, der von Gott angehalten wird, eine Schriftrolle zu essen, ihren Inhalt sich einzuverleiben und die sich auf... more
This is a description (longer than an abstract), and the front matter, of my third book: the annotated translation of the Henryków Book, prefaced by a long introduction. This document was sent to me by the publisher in the process of... more
Submitted here is my introduction to my annotated translation of the Henryków Book, titled Local Society in Transition, whose reference matter appears in the Books section of this website. This introduction contextualizes the Book and its... more
This article presents a manuscript that significantly enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series of hitherto unknown writings. Aside from this, it contains what is by some distance the oldest copy of the ›Legatus... more
So far, studies of Pelplin's manuscripts have focused exclusively on selected, most prominent volumes with signatures 23 (19), 43 (79), L 13. Some scholars have attempted to attribute to Pelplin's Cistercian scriptorium also manuscripts 2... more
The Diocesan library in Pelplin contains several manuscripts which originate from its mother monastery in Doberan. They probably came here with the first monks from Doberan to the newly founded monastery in Pogódki (1258) which moved to... more
Parmi les sept péchés capitaux au Moyen Âge, l’acédie est considérée traditionnellement comme l’ancêtre de la paresse, de la mélancolie ou de la dépression. Elle se signale par un manque de ferveur qui plonge le religieux dans un état... more
První vydaný český překlad původně německé kroniky "Das ehemalige Cistercienserinen-Stift in Frauental od Dr.P.Mathiase Marii Pfeyfara, která byla původně vydána r.1876 v Mikulově nákladem Clothildy hraběnky Clam-Gallasové. Náklad... more
Full title: Inwentarze pośmiertne i działy spadkowe ludności wiejskiej klucza pelplińskiego. Z dziejów kultury materialnej i praktyki prawnej w Prusach Królewskich w XVIII wieku [Posthumous inventories and inheritance registers of the... more
Статья посвящена различным аспектам чтения и его роли в монастырской жизни. Самым важным аспектом является техника чтения (вслух и про себя). Долгое время существовало мнение, что техника чтения про себя появилась сравнительно поздно, а... more
Demonstrated the role of monastic orders in the formation of architecture of Romanesque style, identified stylistic types of Catholic temples of the Romanesque, depending on the monastic order, who built the temple. The article contains a... more
Reprise revue, corrigée et augmentée sous forme d'ouvrage de« Exemplum et histoire. Césaire de Heisterbach (v. 1180-v. 1240) et la croisade albigeoise », dans Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes, 147, 1989, p. 49-86. A été ajouté un long... more
Resumen El estudio del fondo bibliográfico de manuscritos que hubo en la biblioteca del Monasterio de Piedra es un asunto complejo. Tradicionalmente se ha afirmado que todo se perdió en la desamortización, pero esta afirmación es un... more
Under 2017 genomförde Arkeologerna en arkeologisk undersökning i Vreta kloster inför ombyggnation och iordningsställande av ett besökscentrum i det så kallade Klosterhuset, en magasinsbyggnad från 1200-talets andra hälft. Undersökningen... more
The present book is devoted to a cultural phenomenon in the form of a collection of musical manuscripts written with a specific instrument in mind in a monastic milieu, but one which contains no liturgical compositions. The collection in... more
New evidence concerning a well-known knight in the 13th-century Duchy of Brabant shows that at the end of his life he became a conversus or lay-brother in the important cistercian abbey of Villers, altough he was married to a noble woman,... more
Poster zum Tag der Münsteraner Archäologien am 11. 6. 2016.
Im Rahmen des Projekts unter Leitung von Eva Stauch wurde die zentrale frühmittelalterliche Siedlung beim UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Kloster Maulbronn, Mulinhusen, entdeckt.
Im Rahmen des Projekts unter Leitung von Eva Stauch wurde die zentrale frühmittelalterliche Siedlung beim UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Kloster Maulbronn, Mulinhusen, entdeckt.
Aelred of Rievaulx's treatise "A Certain Wonderful Miracle" ends with 2 statements originally addressed to Saint Peter, crediting God with two kinds of action to an imprisoned young nun. Scholars have largely overlooked the first of the... more
In the Middle Ages, several different types of finger rings were used that could have different functions and meanings for different types of people. Exclusive finger rings with motifs depicting the Virgin and child has been found as... more
Rafał Kubicki (University of Gdańsk) Water mills and rural settlement in the Dominion of the Teutonic Order in Prussia The study is devoted to the closer discussion of the issue of location, economic function and the legal status of... more
Mill contracts in the estates of the Cistercian convent in Żarnowiec (Świecino 1406, Wierzchucino 1516) In the research into history of cloisters monastic orders, both male and female ones, a significant part is taken by studies... more
Referência: 2. SANTOS, Selene Candian dos. O Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem de Bernardo de Claraval e a Espiritualidade no Século XII. In: JORNADA DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS E CICLO DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS DO PARANÁ E SANTA... more
Edição 1091/21; Depósito Legal: 487067/21; ISBN: 978-989-8991-64-5. A maioria das boticas monásticas conhecidas na Europa ocidental, encontrava-se no interior dos conventos e mosteiros para inicialmente tratar as comunidades religiosas e,... more
The correspondence between King Roger II and Bernard of Clairvaux reveals that in 1140 ca. Cistercians moved to the Norman Kingdom with Elisabeth of Champagne, when she married the Duke Roger. Here, they established their first... more
in: Cenulae recens factae. Een huldeboek voor Johny De Meulemeester, 2010
Before the end of the thirteenth century, the two Ligurian female monasteries attested in the extant documentation show, albeit in different ways, the influence that the nuns’ natal families tended to exert on the two monastic... more
The study, developed in three parts, starting from the "corridor of Nazareth", is a contribution to try to formulate hypotheses concerning the place that may have hosted, albeit briefly, the Shroud and, subsequently or at the same time,... more
Mill rent in the income of Eastern Pomeranian monasteries until mid-18th century The article is an attempt to determine the importance of mills in the income structure of selected Eastern Pomeranian monasteries. The author focuses on... more