Consumption and Material Culture
Recent papers in Consumption and Material Culture
"當代的中國大陸已成為全球的消費大國,各個大城市裡名牌店林立。然而早在三、四百年前江南的大城市裡,已經可以看到休閑消費的繁榮現象。休閑消費如何改變了城市的空間?店舖為因應消費需求如何改造其空間配置?休閑的空間如何擴大與分化?私人性質的休閑空間為何走向公共化?男性與女性在消費空間上有何差異?本書嘗試將「空間」的觀念帶入到消費研究的領域,探討明清城市內休閑消費活動如何改變了空間結構,進而分析現象背後所反映的社會關係與權力糾結。... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
From Chinese Brand Culture to Global Brands uses a Chinese perspective to examine the capacity of Chinese brand culture to serve as a complement to existing models of brand globalization. Moving away from the trend to study the... more
Comment le rapport aux objets matériels intervient-il dans la construction des sujets? La pause café-cigarette(s), l'usage du cannabis et le jeu vidéo sont les terrains de recherche décrits et analysés ici. Cet ouvrage approche les... more
This most recent edition of the bibliography contains almost 21,200 titles in English (64%) and French (36%), with an introductory section on historiography. It deals with every aspect of Italian history and culture from the Late... more
Our lecture series of the cx center for interdisciplinary studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
The 'Past Sense' Project (PSP) brings together contemporary and historical archaeology, and psychotherapy, to consider the significance of material culture within contexts of domestic and sexual abuse, past and present. PSP will pilot a... more
In virtual worlds, consumption of digital, virtual commodities is apparently limitless. In game-oriented worlds like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XI the acquisition of desirable goods is limited only by skill, time and patience –... more
ABSTRACT In the article, we make an attempt at discussing what it means that our reality is commodified, what the consequences of this are, how we commodify our bodies and what role in this process is played by cyborgization, as well as... more
Les taillades, vaste gamme d’incisions opérées sur les étoffes, sont un reflet de l’impact de la réglementation protocolaire et somptuaire sur la créativité des tailleurs pour garantir l’originalité de paraître de leur noble clientèle.... more
La civilisation du journal ne voit pas seulement apparaître une circulation accrue des idées, une extension du lectorat, un mode d’information tissé de romanesque et de nouveaux rythmes liés à la quotidienneté. Elle instaure aussi... more
Una de las líneas de investigación en historia económica que está cobrando mayor protagonismo en los últimos años es la dedicada al mercado de segunda mano, a la reventa y reciclaje de objetos utilizados anteriormente por otras per-sonas.... more
Étude approfondie de l’iconographie textile et vestimentaire du portrait de François Ier peint par Jean Clouet afin de proposer une relecture d’une herméneutique plus complexe que ne l’ont laissé penser les recherches fondamentales de... more
Shifting from representationally-oriented analysis of images to analysis of practices—the production, circulation and consumption of tourists’ images, and from photos created by tourists to photos staged, produced and displayed by the... more
Published in The Carolina Quarterly, Spring/Summer 2018, 67 (2): 171-174: "Body Horror: Capitalism, Fear, Misogyny, Jokes." Anne Elizabeth Moore, 2017, Curbside Splendor.
Este estudio analiza procesos contemporáneos de cambio cultural en dos áreas rurales del Noroeste de España. Ambas estuvieron habitadas por grupos sociales con una marcada identidad cultural que ha dejado su impronta en la cultura... more
A short article on my research on Cape Town's craft beer industry. It argues that craft beer is a new expression of social distinction acting through the desire of high-end consumers (who seek out individuation through alternative lines... more
By Eduardo Ledesma
The Iron Age societies of the southeastern Iberian Peninsula, like their Greek and Etruscan counterparts, used stone sculptures to decorate their sanctuaries and cemeteries. Limestone was the raw material used. While abundant throughout... more
Focusing on the account book of the MP and antiquary Sir Edward Dering (1598–1644), which covers the decade of his life in which he came of age, was knighted, and embarked on an ambitious political and courtly career, this article argues... more
The Household Meals Project (HMP ) looks at the division of food-related chores (shopping, putting supplies away, food preparation, cleaning up, garbage, and recycling) in 150 middle-class households in suburban and urban New York. The... more
""Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century cross-cuts the ranks of important books on social history, consumerism, contemporary culture, the meaning of material culture, domestic architecture, and household ethnoarchaeology. Far richer in... more
Introduction The volume in which this essay sits explores the long and social relationship between humans and alcohol, but, of course, no one really orders a pint of alcohol to drink. As Michael Dietler (this volume, Chapter 8), Lewis... more
Within the past decade, material disorder—especially that of the domestic variety—has come to stand alternately as evidence, symptom, and potential cause of mental disorder in the North American popular and psychiatric imagination.... more
Treasures Afoot: Shoe Stories from the Georgian Era Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018 Shoes tell us stories. They can reveal the hopes, dreams, and disappointments of the people who wore them. Shoes that were crafted in the... more
Die politischen, ökonomischen, kulturellen und emotionalen Hintergründe des »Gulaschkommunismus« am Beispiel der Mode. Die Ungarische Volksrepublik als Land des »Gulaschkommunismus« – dieses Bild prägt auch heute noch die Erinnerungen... more
Notions of sentimentality, nostalgia and timelessness cling to toys and the material world of childhood. In his landmark 1928 cultural history of toys, German art historian Karl Gröber framed playthings as material remnants of an... more
This paper discusses the social construction of the concept tween and whether this concept can be useful when engaging in research with children in the ages of 8–12. The paper will start by describing social construction, from there, the... more
Coffee: A Global History will be published in October 2018. Download this flyer to get a 20% discount from the publishers or go and pre-order now from Amazon!
Coffee: A Global History was published in 2019 by Reaktion Books and is distributed in the United States by University of Chicago Press. It's widely available for purchase on the internet. Reviews include: for the coffee nerd in your... more