Cultural History
Recent papers in Cultural History
The July 1974 invasion of Cyprus by Turkey caught the Greek Colonels (1967–74) off guard, as they proved entirely incapable of responding to the casus belli, partly provoked by their own actions. Greece remained technically in the state... more
This article is a continuation ofthe author’s study of the historiography of boyars and the Boyar Duma in Early Modern Russia (See the first part of this study in Canadian American Slavic Studies 52,no.4[2018]:1–22.)The article explores... more
This essay shows Mexican independent cinema’s innovative approach towards the representation of children’s universe in the 1960s. The films En el balcón vacío, En el parque hondo and Tarde de agosto explore the child protagonists’... more
The study presents decades of research on the history of physical education in Ceará, between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, on the denomination "school exercise", without losing sight, its relationship with national history.
Este estudio explora las causas y consecuencias de las labores de orientación turística realizadas por los niños, niñas y adolescentes en el complejo arqueológico de Narihualá. Desde una mirada de los mismos actores, esta investigación... more
published in "Culture, médias, pouvoirs. États-Unis et Europe occidentale (1945-1991)", Parlement(s). Revue d'histoire politique, n° 29, 2019.
Despite the centrality of the institution of the university to liberalism, the trajectory of the institution in non-western, postcolonial democracies like India has scarcely received attention. The subject has rarely generated the kind of... more
This article focuses on the puzzling circumstances that led to the production of the first bottle of Coca-Cola in Eastern Europe—in Bulgaria in 1965. The curious story line is revisited be- cause, while opposition to the expansion of the... more
Testaments as an alternative to a legal, i.e. customary way of inheritance of the legacy, formed in Rome in the 4th century BC. In Western Europe during the Middle Ages and the Baroque period a specific feature of testaments of those... more
Anthropophagy in Medieval Sicily: a cultural theme between chronicle and representation. Anthropophagy is the consumption of human flesh and the most extreme form of destruction of the human body, a physical violence which is the... more
This critical study of video games since 9/11 shows how a distinct genre emerged following the terrorist attacks and their aftermath. Comparisons of pre and post–9/11 titles of popular game franchises—Call of Duty, Battlefield, Medal of... more
The Tweed Ring spawned a vibrant financial sector that was integral to its brief success but has never been previously examined. William “Boss” Tweed and his allies employed banks controlled or comanaged by Tammany politicians to... more
On the occasion of the publication of Rudolf Flotzinger's book "Johann Joseph Fux. Leben - musikalische Wirkung - Dokumente" (Graz 2015) this article assesses the situation of current Fux research. It reviews the symptomatic problems in... more
Resumo Resumo: a abordagem de ?A Lógica da História faz com que seja possível concretizar a dialética do natural (incluindo o biológico) e o social. O desenvolvimento criativo do método de investigação científica foi possível revelar a... more
Auch wenn die kulturhistorische Entwicklung von Tschechen und Deutschen über die Jahrhunderte von Rivalitäten in dem von Bergen umschlossenen Land Böhmen geprägt war, so ist am Beispiel der Entwicklung der Märchen zu erkennen, wie viel... more
Ein weiterer Zug seiner Originalität liegt in der Art, wie er deutsche und französische Kultur verarbeitet und zusammenführt. Ich wüßte keinen Kritiker in Europa, der mit derselben Sympathie und demselben Verständnis über Madame de... more
Bienal 68. Reconocimiento Oesterheld por miembros vanguardía arte.
In this latest addition to the acclaimed War & Conflict Through the Ages series, Brian Sandberg offers a truly global examination of the intersections between war, culture, and society in the early modern period. Sandberg traces the... more
Movendo dalle metamorfosi dei castelli del Tirolo nelle nuove forme (e funzioni) architettoniche delle residenze nobiliari, analizza le categorie di Umanesimo, Rinascimento e Classicismo, descrivendone la storia linguistica e semantica:... more
The chronicles are the historical narratives, popular as vaṃśāvalīs in Nepāl and India as well. Such vaṃśāvalī have so far been most considered by scholars of history and historiography in their academic pursuit, while lately other... more
Asumiendo la pluralidad de respuestas que encierra hoy la pregunta sobre el ser judío, el siguiente trabajo buscará abrir un camino para la interpretación del proceso de construcción histórica de la identidad judía, a través del estudio... more
This paper focuses on the Guadalhorce Valley, Málaga Province, Spain, where a rich farmer-managed irrigation tradition has flourished since Arab times. Local communities diverted water from the river, managing numerous small-scale... more
An historiographical review essay (2006), analysing the resurgence of interest in empire, discussing key themes in nineteenth century political thought, and assessing some important secondary literature on the topic.
A short piece for The Lancet on the history of melancholy, particularly in Renaissance Europe. Includes discussion of Albrect Durer, Shakespeare, and Romantic poetry.
Resumen Este artículo está estructurado en tres partes. En la primera se expone el modelo de criminalidad medieval que las investigaciones han centrado en la conducta violenta y en el delito de homicidio como principal protagonista. En... more