Dead Sea Scrolls Nag Hammadi Codices
Recent papers in Dead Sea Scrolls Nag Hammadi Codices
This book is intended as a practical tool to facilitate access to the Qumran collection of Dead Sea Scrolls. As such, it is primarily intended for classroom use and for the benefit of specialists from other disciplines (scholars working... more
Trotz zahlreicher und fundierter Einblicke in die Gattung und den theologischen Inhalt der Nag-Hammadi-Apokalypse des Paulus (NHC V,2) bleibt die genaue Valenz des Textes umstritten: Ist der Text valentinianisch, wie oft behauptet,... more
the fragmented book from the Nag Hammadi library, is here renumbered into 300 verses and 11 sub-chapters. Turned out real nice. The book appears to kick off a series of advanced Gnostic teachings based on the Untitled Coptic text... more
Comment parvenir au trésor de la lumière, où nous pourrons atteindre le repos et chanter la gloire du Dieu inaccessible? Fascinants et déroutants avec leurs diagrammes et leurs puissances célestes aux noms mystérieux, les Livres de Iéou... more
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Occultism, Secret hidden Esoteric Literature and the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. It. is quite uncertain, now that I have this book finished, whether I shall... more
My research shows that Gnosticism was a parallel religion created along with Christianity by the very same royal authors of Christianity. They did this, as with other versions of Christianity, for the purpose of generating discussions... more
This study describes the canon's inter-textual use of apocryphal and pseudepigraphal sources which come from the tradition of the Septuagint and were later utilized by the Assyrian Church of the East. These writings also improve our... more
-Uncorrected- page proof of a survey and discussion of ancient Mediterranean sources pertinent to the study of esotericism and occultism.
"This highly innovative collection of essays effectively orients students of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament to the many facets of contemporary Pentateuch studies. One of the major benefits of the volume is that it truly offers several... more
In the first century CE Jewish identity was defined in a context of significant religious diversity. This presents those who read Paul’s Letters with a problem: how to locate Paul’s thought within the complicated matrices of Jewish... more
Scholars have explored Athanasius’s conflict with other Christian teachers in Egypt who practiced “open-canon” readings and exegetical discussions on “the deeper parts of Scripture,” and who encouraged their students to seek knowledge and... more
Recorrido crítico por la figura y la obra de Numenio de Apamea, filósofo griego de la segunda mitad del s. II d.C. que combina el neopitagorismo y el medioplatonismo, sin duda junto a otras influencias más propiamente "orientales", y... more
How was the universe created, and what is our place within it? These are the questions at the heart of Plotinus’ Against the Gnostics. For the Gnostics, the universe came into being as a result of the soul’s fall from intelligible... more
This course investigates the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the late 1940s and the subsequent events surrounding their acquisition and scholarly evaluation. The archaeological excavation of the Qumran site, the implication of the... more
From the earliest times Eastern races, in common with the rest of mankind, have always held a firm belief in the existence of evil spirits, ghosts, and all kindred powers. The phenomenon of death, the mystery of disease and sickness, and... more
The study presents the incipit of the “Gospel of Thomas” in the context of Christian canonical and apocryphal Christian literature of the early Christian centuries. After a few notes about the discovery of the Codes of Nag Hammadi, it... more
A lo largo de su historia el Imperio romano tuvo que hacer frente a numerosas revueltas, debido al enorme territorio que controlaba. De entre los pueblos que las protagonizaron, los hebreos se contaban entre los que con mayor insistencia... more
An investigation of apparent allusions to Paul and Peter in Matthew's Sermon on the Mount. Traditions of James the Righteous are also explored.
Recently most of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been published online in high resolution photographs at and This book is designed to integrate those images into Logos /... more
The frequent replacement of conditional (ky), “if,” with its semantic equivalent ('im) by the Temple Scroll has been well documented. The replacement occurs in some cases when the redactor incorporates biblical laws that employ yk to mark... more
Introductory survey of the Gnostic apocalypses. Suitable for undergraduates.
Forthcoming in the Review of Biblical Literature
This book offers fresh readings of the Gospel of Philip (NHC II.3) and the Exegesis on the Soul (NHC II.6) from new theoretical and historical perspectives. Eschewing the category of “Gnosticism” and challenging common categorisations,... more
Review for the Journal of Jewish Studies 70:1 (Spring 2019), 196–98.
Is the Nag Hammadi Apocalypse of Paul a Valentinian text? Many would say no, few would say yes. The Valentinian Temple brings together all the available evidence to produce a systematic argument in favour of the Apocalypse of Paul’s... more
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Journal of Theological Studies (2016)