Document Library

Revista médica de Chile
Identificación de mutaciones en el gen CYBB que llevan al fenotipo de la enfermedad granulomatosa crónica ligada al cromosoma X: Reporte de una nueva mutación
sara navarro
Biomechanical spinal growth modulation and progressive adolescent scoliosis--a test of the 'vicious cycle' pathogenetic hypothesis: summary of an electronic focus group debate of the IBSE
Peter Dangerfield
EXCLI Journal
Precise pancreatic necrosectomy by step-up approach
Kadambari Dharanipragada
A Case of Recurrent Breast Cancer Diagnosed vvith Isolated Ovarian Metastasis Under Anastrazole Therapy
Mahmut Gümüş
Novum Jus
Protecting human rights through a constitutional approach
Edmar Moreira
Panorama da educação em valores na formação de educadores ambientais
Gabriela Longo
Compunerea cls a iii a
camelia tripon
International journal of hypertension
Sociodemographic risk factors of diabetes and hypertension prevalence in republic of Korea
Hosik Min
Virus research
Genetic diversification of penaeid shrimp infectious myonecrosis virus between Indonesia and Brazil
Sidrotun Naim
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
Factors Influencing the Length of Stay Ischemic Heart Disease Utilizing Medical Information
Jenri Ambarita
British Journal of Neurosurgery
Anatomical landmarks for positioning the head in preparation for the transsphenoidal approach: The spheno-sellar point
Carolina Martins
Agustin Thandayani
Migración por amenidad y la crisis de crecimiento de los pueblos de montaña del oeste canadiense
Lorna Stefanick
Pengukuran Serapan Ultraviolet Pada Kaca Film Menggunakan Sensor UVM-30A Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMEGA8535
anisa dwi astuti
PRESENTACIÓN CORPORATIVA 1) ¿Qué es OmegaPro? 2) Operar con OmegaPro 3) Ecosistema 4) Premios -Reconocimientos a OmegaPro
Katherin Castrillón Martínez
Viviana Paniagua
Journal of Pharmacy Research
Development of stability indicating liquid chromatography-mass tandem spectrometric method for the estimation of mycophenolate mofetil in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations
Controle de qualidade de Águas Minerais / Quality control of Mineral Waters
Rayane Moura
Polonofobia jako strukturalny składnik rosyjskich doktryn imperialnych
Joachim Diec
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada
Comunicação transnacional mediada por computador: uma análise discursiva das identidades de futuros professores de inglês no Facebook
Barbara Cristina Gallardo
Boletim Do Laboratorio De Hidrobiologia
Relação Entre Gradiente Vegetacional e Atributos Do Solo Nos Bosques De Mangue Do Furo Grande, Bragança - Pa
Marcus Emanuel Barroncas Fernandes
Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability
Random preventive maintenance policy based on inspection for a multicomponent system using simulation
Mônica Marsaro
Embodied Practices of Black Belonging and Identity Formation in Lynching Drama of the Progressive Era: Koritha Mitchell's Living with Lynching
Mar Gallego
Participatory Food Cities: Scholar Activism and the Co-Production of Food Knowledge
Rebecca Sandover
Anales De Psicologia
Selección y evaluación de categorías acerca de la personasana o madura desde el modelo de los "Cinco Grandes
Fernando Ruben Garcia Hernandez
O Ethos da Mulher V: Consumo e construção da identidade feminina na Igreja Universal
Karla Patriota
Building and Environment
Determination of climatic differences in three different land uses in the city of Erzurum, Turkey
Sevgi Yılmaz
Brain and Behavior
Apoaequorin differentially modulates fear memory in adult and aged rats
Chad Smies
Surveillance and control of cassava diseases in Africa - International meeting results in Pan-African cassava disease network
Peter Sseruwagi
Psykhe (Santiago)
La Memoria Visual Como Predictor del Aprendizaje de la Lectura
Mónica Pino
Solid Mechanics and Its Applications
Elasticity for Geotechnicians
Paolo Podio-guidugli
Ahmad Budi Junaidi
Pengaruh Suhu Penyimpanan Dan Waktu Fermentasi Terhadap Kualitas Cuka Apel Manalagi
Dr Zuhdi Ma'sum ST MT
Matan Matan Al Ajrumiyyah
A'rief Bijaksana
Így is Lehet Fegyelmezni
Sándor Klein
Revista de humanidades
Regulación de las nuevas ofertas de turismo de interior: un compromiso permanente
Ana Fe Astorga González
Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía
Comprensión y reconciliación: algunas reflexiones en torno a Hannah Arendt
Juan Ignacio Blanco Ilari
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
UGC 4599: a photometric study of the nearest Hoag-type ring galaxy
Ido Finkelman
Redesain Sistem Drainase DI Kawasan Pasar Lawang Kecamatan Lawang Kabupaten Malang
Stefanus Nggae
Møte, vokse, dele. Evaluering av Samarbeid menighet og misjon (SMM)
Hans Austnaberg
Determinants Affecting Adoption of Malt-Barley Technology: Evidence from North Gondar Ethiopia
daniel tadesse
2018 19th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM)
A Semi-Supervised Approach for the Semantic Segmentation of Trajectories
Lucídio Cabral
uki nurmalaarif
Muflikh Wakhidi
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Biological control of Sclerotinia minor attack on pyrethrum plants by Trichoderma harzianum in glasshouse experiment
Yan Ramona
Revista Nuevo Humanismo
Costa Rica, mujer y ciudadanía
Paula Alonso Chacon
Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Rumah Sakit Gotong Royong Jalan Medokan Semampir Indah no. 97 Surabaya (30 November - 11 Desember 2015)
galih prasetya
Journal for Deradicalization
The Use of a Scenario-Based Nominal Group Technique to Assess P/CVE Programs: Development and Pilot Testing of a Toolkit
Megan K McBride
Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari
İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Bilim Tarihi Bölümü Öğrenci Kongresi
Solmaz Ceren Özdemir
Stereotyped Pruning of Long Hippocampal Axon Branches Triggered by Retraction Inducers of the Semaphorin Family
Elke Stein
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Kinetics of the photoinduced evolution of the nanostructured porous silicon photoluminescence
Javier Schmidt
Fisheries Science
The growth, feed conversion ratio and fin damage of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss under self-feeding and hand-feeding regimes
Kenta Suzuki
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Allometry and catastrophic regime shifts in food chains
Kenta Suzuki
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Development of Mathematical Model for Cassava Starch Properties Using Response Surface Methodology
Chintha Pradeepika
Exploring Relationships Between Arts Administrators In Appalachian Kentucky And Tennessee And Their State Arts Agencies: A Qualitative Narrative Inquiry
Elise Kieffer
PloS one
Defective Pericyte Recruitment of Villous Stromal Vessels as the Possible Etiologic Cause of Hydropic Change in Complete Hydatidiform Mole
Stanley Robboy
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
A review on the use of SrBr2·6H2O as a potential material for low temperature energy storage systems and building applications
Prof. Armand Fopah Lele
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Transportation Geotechnics and Pavement Engineering
The Effect of Soil Non-linearity on Mixed Traffic Railway Lines: Passenger vs Freight Loads
Carlton Ho
Nursing Journal of India
Effective of Music Therapy and Planned Nurses Interaction on the Hemodynamic Parameters during the Intra Angiography Procedure
rashmimala pradhan
Case Reports in Dentistry
Large Complex Odontoma of Mandible in a Young Boy: A Rare and Unusual Case Report
John Koshy
Le Journal de Physique IV
Positron Lifetime Study in Al-Li Alloys
Fernando Plazaola
Uvedba in analiza orodja Wiki kot intraneta v podjetju Iskra Sistemi d.d
Marina Trkman
Kohti aineistojen yhteiskäyttöä - kaukopalvelun yhteiset pelisäännöt ja suositukset
Vuokko Palonen
Kannabiksen käyttäjä suvaitsevaisuuden kynnyksellä : Suomalainen ritualisoitu kannabiksen käyttö siirtymäriittinä
Akseli Virratvuori
Avaliação dos Efeitos da Utilização do TDD na Qualidade Interna do Produto
Josue Santos
Hubungan Prestasi Praktik Kerja Industri Terhadap Minat Bekerja Menjadi Mekanik Pada Siswa Kelas XII TKR SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo
Mochamad Cholik Cholik
Homoki gyepcönózisok és Cicadinea közösségeik a Dél- Alföldön
György Györffy
Management & Marketing
A review on green supply chain aspects and practices
Value in Health
Budget Impact Analysis of Everolimus Plus Exemestane Versus Gemcitabine Plus Paclitaxel and Capecitabine Plus Docetaxel in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients in Egypt
Gihan Elsisi
International Journal of Morphology
Carcinoma de Células Claras Variedad No Hialinizante de Parótida: Comunicación de Dos Casos con Diferente Grado de Diferenciación
Alberto G. Corball
Presa românească şi ideea naţională : antologie de articole politice şi poezii patriotice, cronologie şi dosar critic
Iuliana Wainberg
Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity
Oxidative Stress Gene Expression Profile Correlates with Cancer Patient Poor Prognosis: Identification of Crucial Pathways Might Select Novel Therapeutic Approaches
Alfredo Budillon
Critical care medicine
Effect of a National Standard for Deteriorating Patients on Intensive Care Admissions Due to Cardiac Arrest in Australia
Alice Bhasale
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
Efficacy of shoulder slings in shoulder subluxation of stroke patients
Nittaya Lektrakul
European Association of Social Anthropology
China and the circulation of artemisinin-based malaria treatment in the Comoros Union
Kelley Sams
Contributions to the debate about the role of real wage in the accumulation of capital in Argentina. Evidences about the sale of working force below its value
Fernando Cazón
Repositório Digital Da Escola Superior Da Magistratura Do Estado Do Maranhão: Proposta De Implantação Digital Repository of the Higher School of Magistracy of the State of Maranhão: Proposal for Implementation
Joseane Cantanhede
Trauma Monthly
Effect of Job Specialization on the Hospital Stay and Job Satisfaction of ED Nurses
hosein mahmoudi
Journal of Immunology Research
The Interplay between Zinc, Vitamin D and, IL-17 in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Liver Disease
Mai Mohammed
Energy Consumption in Large Wastewater Treatment Plants as a Function of Wastewater Strength
sajjad ahmad
Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia
Cuentos efímeros. Ejemplo verosímil y diálogo en el «Llibre de meravelles»
José Aragüés
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Models of Relapse of Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis
Richard Fichtl
Леонід Черноватий
Acta Biomedica Brasiliensia
Avaliação Da Adesão Ao Tratamento Medicamentoso e Não Medicamentoso De Pacientes Hipertensos Atendidos No PSF Guaritá, Itaperuna-RJ
Denise aparecida silva
International Review of Public Administration
A dynamic performance management approach to support local strategic planning
Salvatore Tomaselli
O Gorillaz é uma banda "de mentira"? Uma discussão sobre o papel das bandas virtuais na música massiva
Ariane Holzbach
Process Biochemistry
Two distinct enzymatic approaches for coupling fatty acids onto lignocellulosic materials
Tukayi Kudanga
2013 Proceedings of IEEE Southeastcon
Improving voltage profiles in the Dominican electricity network using Static VAR Compensators
Osama Mohammed
Analytical Chemistry
Measuring the Mass of Thin Films and Adsorbates Using Magnetoelastic Techniques
Isabel Tejedor
Bioensayo de toxicidad aguda con plantas nativas para evaluar un derrame de petróleo Acute toxicity bioassay with native plants to evaluate an oil spill Bioensaio de toxicidade aguda com plantas nativas para avaliar um derrame de petróleo
Susana Perales
Revista Brasileira De Educacao E Saude
Bullying: o novo fenômeno da violência escolar
José Ozildo dos Santos
UNDP Georgia
გზამკვლევი არბიტრაჟში საქალაქო (რაიონული) სასამართლოს მოსამართლეებისათვის
Giorgi kekenadze
Regeln für Artikel im Deutschen
mehrnoosh najafi khoshdel
Parasitology International
Hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis-like cell death in Entamoeba histolytica
suman dutta
Jurnal Teknik ITS
Modifikasi Perencanaan Apartemen Puncak CBD Wiyung dengan Menggunakan Sistem Ganda dan Balok Pratekan pada Lantai Atap
Data Iranata
Amoun Wzear
Asian biomedicine
Simple lipoaspirate washing using a coffee filter
Reza Yuridian Purwoko
Southern Economic Journal
Compensation for Earnings Risk under Worker Heterogeneity
joop hartog
Case Reports in Rheumatology
A Curious Case of Proximal Muscle Weakness with Eosinophilic Polymyositis
Jaimin Shah
Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Endoscopic Features of Intrasaccal Lacrimal Granuloma
Edak Ezeanosike