Environmental policy
Recent papers in Environmental policy
The use of sonar by military vessels during military exercises may produce acoustic pollution of the marine environment. States have an obligation under international law to reduce and control this form of pollution. Regulation of the use... more
Environmental problems have become the main agenda of all countries in the world since 1970's. Various reports have been written, international meetings have been held and various contracts, agreements and action plans were accepted... more
We develop an endogenous growth model with capital and pollution externalities to analyse whether environmental policy should be decided upon by a parliament or an independent regulator. We find that an independent regulator gives raise... more
The global COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis, an economic crisis, and a justice crisis. It also brings to light multiple ongoing, underlying social crises. The COVID-19 crisis is actively revealing crises of energy sovereignty in at... more
Capital needs during the next twenty years for public wastewater treatment, piping, combined sewer overflow correction, and storm-water management are estimated to be approximately $300 billion for the USA. Financing these needs is a... more
A solução dos problemas na Amazônia não são independentes, mas conectada com outras partes do País e do mundo. A redução dos desmatamentos e queimadas na Amazônia depende do desenvolvimento de atividades agrícolas adequadas nas áreas já... more
Obesity has been characterized as a disease. Strategies to change the incidence and prevalence of this disease include a focus on changing physical and social environments, over and above individual-level strategies, using a multilevel or... more
Department of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8 ... 518-276-6387; Fax: +1-518-276-2235; URL: http://www.rpi.edu/dept/economics/; E-Mail: sternd@rpi.edu ... For more information and to browse and download ...
This paper presents results of repeated economic lab experiments. They were designed to test a model of combinatorial auctions on the case of providing financial support (capital investment subsidies) to polluters. Combinatorial auctions... more
In 2007, China overtook the US to become the largest emitter of CO2 into the Earth's atmosphere. China's vital role in global efforts to combat climate change creates a pressing challenge to explore the unique characteristics of Chinese... more
Efficient natural resources management, including continental water at watershed level, requires understanding the arrangement of landscape attributes in a region. The geographical analysis of landscape attributes is a useful approach to... more
A dynamic general equilibrium model of a small open economy specialized in producing tourism services is presented. The tourism package is a bundle of attributes provided by firms, the government and the natural environment. Investment in... more
Paper setting out questions for directors and boards to ask in relation to environmental governance, strengthening markets, monitoring developments, securing an integrated response, cooperation and collaboration, environment cities,... more