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The authors have considerable experience conducting DNA lineage studies, with a focus on Y-DNA studies of the world’s historic rabbinical lineages. Each of these studies presents its own unique challenges. Two of the more challenging... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesSociology of ReligionAnthropology
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      Military HistoryGenealogy-Family History
Y-DNA analysis has proven to be a valuable tool in the genealogical research of Jewish paternal lineages. In our research, we have used it to validate the paper trail of pedigreed rabbinical descendants and identify the Y-DNA genetic... more
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      Jewish StudiesFamily studiesGenealogyEastern European and Russian Jewish History
La quarta esposizione del ciclo “Brera mai vista” (Milano, Pinacoteca di Brera, sala XXXIV, ottobre - dicembre 2002) ha presentato alcuni dei 61 bellissimi studi ad olio su carta del pittore milanese Francesco Londonio, entrati a far... more
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      Art HistoryEnlightenmentGenre PaintingLombard Art
The following article is an excerpt from a chapter of our forthcoming book: The Shpoler Zeida – The Life, Legends, and Descendants of the Grandfather of Shpola. The chapter is entitled: "Mysteries of the Shpoler Zeida Family." This... more
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      Family studiesGenealogyHeritage StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish History
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      HistoryCultural StudiesJewish StudiesGenealogy
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The contribution left by Luigi Staibano to the local history of the Amalfi coast is the main theme of this paper. In the past his works were not appreciated but today we can affirm the value of his micro-historical researches as a... more
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      GenealogyLocal HistoryHistorical Micro StudiesHistorical memory and Identity studies
Proposta para um título genealógico da família dos Costas Homens Soares, da Lageosa e suas ramificações em Santiago de Piães 1. JUSTIFICAÇÂO Este ensaio baseia-se, em primeiro lugar em documentos inéditos existentes no Arquivo da Casa de... more
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      Genealogy-Family HistoryCinfães
Memoir of growing up in 19th-century Schenectady, and containing unique information regarding the Harmon family's origins in Ireland. With commentary and Harmon genealogy by John T. Miller.
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    • Genealogy-Family History
Gli Afan de Rivera. Storia, genealogia e araldica, La Musa Talìa editore, Venezia 2019 - 24,5x17,5 cm, pagine 575, 62 fotografie in bianco e nero, 24 pagine con fotografie e tavole a colori, copertina rigida, con un blasonario di Maurizio... more
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      Modern HistoryMedieval HistoryGenealogiaMilitaria
Resumo: o presente texto apresenta a linhagem varonil da Família Coutinho Bravo da Fonseca Gorjão, que se fixou na Madeira no final da primeira metade do século XIX, dando conta das suas principais ligações a partir do século XVII e até... more
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      Historia SocialGenealogiaHistory of Madeira IslandsGenealogy-Family History
Algunos descendientes colombianos y estadounidenses del Emperador Inca Pachacútec, pertenecientes a la familia Jaramillo
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      GenealogyGenealogiaConquista de AméricaGenealogical studies
Historische Todesanzeigen, die aus Anlaß des Ablebens von Adeligen aus deutschen Ländern der Jahre 1912 bis 2009 gedruckt worden sind, können als wertvolle Quellen für die Ahnenforschung, die Familienforschung, aber auch die... more
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      Cultural HistoryGenealogyNobilityGenealogia
The Metis dictionary of Biography is intended to give the reader an overview of Metis History through the biographies of a very diverse cross-section of North America's Metis people. An earlier iteration of this work was published as... more
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      GenealogyPostcolonial StudiesMetis StudiesMetis identity
A compilation of the ancestors of Prince Henry Sinclair of Rosslyn, Scotland and Orkney, plus 4 generations of his direct descendants.
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyScottish genealogy, great glen clans, quarriersGenealogy-Family History
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    • Genealogy-Family History
The Metis Dictionary of Biography is intended to give the reader an overview of Metis History through the biographies of a very diverse cross-section of North America's Metis people. An earlier iteration of this work was published as... more
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      GenealogyPostcolonial StudiesMetis StudiesGenealogy-Family History
Family history research has become increasingly popular as online genealogical research tools have become widely available. However, family historians, particularly those from dominant social groups, usually end up interpreting their... more
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      GenealogyColonialismHistory of the FamilyFamily history
"Harmon Limes, Sr. was born on July 14, 1750 and baptized on August 5, 1750 at St. John The Evangelist Smith Square, Westminster, London, England. Andrew and Frances (Cornwell) Limes are shown as his parents. A brother, John, was born... more
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      GenealogyFamily historyGenealogy-Family History
You can’t have a name like John Locke without knowing at least
something of the great 17th century philosopher. Please allow me
your indulgence as I reconcile for you my lineage and his.
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      GenealogyJohn LockeLocke's Natural Law philosophyGenealogy-Family History
Os livros de óbitos do Hospital do Conde de Ferreira
1883 – 1903
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      GenealogyGenealogiaGenealogíaGenealogy-Family History
Counting Y-DNA STR differences is a poor discriminator for members of the same family. Unless a very large number of markers are used, matching cannot be used with a statistically significant degree of accuracy to establish whether... more
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      Human GeneticsGenealogyGenetic GenealogyGenealogy-Family History
Biography by dates and residence places
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      Migration, Emigration and ImmigrationGenealogy-Family History
Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder... more
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      Asian StudiesSelf and IdentitySocial NetworksFamily studies
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      GenealogyGenealogiaGenealogical ResearchGenealogy-Family History
Queridas amigas, queridos amigos: En nombre de todo el equipo docente del Máster en Genealogía, Heráldica y Archivos de la Universidad de Córdoba nos complace enormemente anunciar una nueva edición de nuestro programa de estudios, una... more
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Hidden deep in the heart of the American Southwest among the larger Hispanic population are descendants of the Sephardim, Jews from Spain and Portugal. Five hundred years after their expulsion from Spain remnants of Judaism are still... more
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    • Genealogy-Family History
A transcribed index of an existing historical account book and an introduction to its utility in researching local communities.
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      American HistoryGenealogyAccounting HistoryGenealogy-Family History
Jane Gaugain was the author of The Lady's Assistant for executing useful and fancy designs in knitting, netting and crochet work, published in 1840. This article explores Jane Gaugain's family, her books and her legacy.
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      Scottish HistoryKnittingGenealogy-Family History
Para elaborar tu árbol genealógico deberá registrar cada familia.
Es posible que tu ancestros tuvieran varios cónyuges (aún si estar casados) y tuvieron hijos.

Este formato te permite registrar de forma precisa esos datos
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      GenealogyGenetic GenealogyGenealogiaGenealogy-Family History
Family history research connects very well with multicultural curriculum because it opens up the multiple experiences of members and communities of a society, as well as helping to make visible the historic construction and ongoing legacy... more
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      MulticulturalismMulticultural EducationGenealogy-Family History
The Fahrney family had settled in Crawford Seminary, McGee County, which was a mission for Quapaw Indians, situated nearby present day Baxter Springs. Later, McGee County became Cherokee County. As Baxter Springs had large amounts of... more
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      History of Daily LifeSocial and Cultural HistoryHistory of Medicine and the BodyAlltagsgeschichte
Článek rozkrývá přímou rodovou linii mlynářského rodu Josefy z Vysokého Mýta mezi roky 1541 a 1856 včetně osudů ostatních sourozenců. Příspěvek vyzdvihuje několik význačnějších osobností z této rodiny. Rodu patřil Josifovský mlýn s... more
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      GenealogyFamily historyBurghersGenealogy-Family History
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      GenealogyMedieval HungaryGenealogy-Family History
After Delmer S. Fahrney's retirement from the Navy, he joins Vimcar Corporation as Vice President. This Los Angeles engineering corporation was a manufacturer of military equipment and a supplier to the Navy. Delmer also acted as a... more
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      UFOlogyGenealogy-Family History
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      Medieval NobilityThe Kingdom of NaplesBasilicataPrincipato Citra
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      Ethnic and Racial StudiesPreservice Teacher EducationSocial mobility and education. Social class. Ethnicity/'race' and minority studies. Roma/Gypsy/Travellers. Mixed methods researchGenealogy-Family History
Бюлетень Білоцерківського рицарського кола / Під редакцією Є. Чернецького. – Біла Церква: Видавець Пшонківський О. В., 2018. – № 11. – 23 с.
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    • Genealogy-Family History
Weitestgehend unbekannt ist heute, auch in sudetendeutschen Kreisen, dass der einst so bedeutende und weltweit bekannte Musikinstrumentenhersteller, Produzent von Klavieren, Flügeln, Harmoniums und Orchestrions einen nord böhmischen Vater... more
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      Cultural HistoryMusic HistoryGenealogy-Family History
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      GenealogyGenealogy-Family HistoryThomas OgdenMayflower Genealogy
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      Modern Jewish HistoryJewish genealogyHistory of Prince Edward Island (Canada)Genealogical Research
Tips & Trics for the websites and
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      GenealogyGenealogy-Family History
2017-ben egy huszonhárom tanulmányt magában foglaló kötet látta meg a napvilágot az Osiris Kiadó gondozásában. A tematikus fejezetekbe rendezett írásokat elsődlegesen a szer-ző személye köti össze: Erdész Ádámé, a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryIndustrial History
Anexo II à obra "Como os Stockler chegaram ao Porto (Séculos XVIII - XX)
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      GenealogyGenealogiaGenealogical studiesGenealogical Research
In White Bread, readers accompany Jessica on a journey into her family’s past, into herself, and into the bicultural community she teaches but does not understand. Jessica, a fictional White fifth-grade teacher, is prompted to explore her... more
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      Ethnic StudiesTeacher EducationGenealogySocial Justice
The “Polee and Rose Allen of the Slave Ship Clotilda and Africatown, Alabama” Explorers Club Flag Expedition took place in February, March and April 2022. This Final Flag Report contains the following sections: • Flag Photos of the... more
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      GenealogyHistory of West AfricaHistory of SlaveryAfrican Diaspora
Cette synthèse de plusieurs articles retrace le parcours de membres de la famille AUGUSTIN de Thionville. Cela nous amènera de Cuba au Pas de Calais, de la Bourgogne à l'Indre et Loire..
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    • Genealogy-Family History