Greek Archaeology
Recent papers in Greek Archaeology
This dissertation examines ancient anchoring practice in the Mediterranean through ca. 1500 CE, as well as the history and technological developments of iron anchors, which are among the most important tools inherited from the ancient... more
Τhis lavishly illustrated book surveys Greek archaeology from the collapse of the Mycenaean palaces to the subordination of the last Hellenistic kingdoms to Rome. Its aim is to study Greek art through the material record, and against its... more
Die Summerschool fand wie das Kolloquium “Umgang mit Antike(n)” [TAF 19] in Zusammenhang mit einer vom 11.4.14-15.01.15 im Rittersaal von Schloß Hohentübingen gezeigten Sonderausstellung statt, die diesmal dem Thema “Bunte Götter. Die... more
Lin. A a-ta-i-301-wa-e : ἀυτάι *θύαι
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
Invited talk - University of Vienna (18 January 2022) From the Adriatic Sea to the mountainous borders with Iran and from the Black Sea to the scorched shores of the Red Sea, the Ottoman domains were home to myriad locations of... more
This paper examines the Dyonisian and Orphic symbolic and ritual iconographical aspects of a Centuripe vase from Southern Italy from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Measuring 70.5 by 34.5 centimeters, the basic form of the vase is that... more
This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
The Phrygians, especially in the highlands of Phrygia, carved splendid monuments and chamber tombs. The tradition of carving rock-cut tombs in the area continued through Hellenistic, Roman Imperial and Late Antiquity periods. Especially... more
The fact that the Achaemenids controlled Anatolia for two centuries provokes a question about the extent of Greek, Anatolian, and Persian contacts and exchange during this period. The growing evidence for foreign domination has been... more
The material culture – art, architecture, and artifacts – left behind by a civilization can be “read” like a text of the past, since physical objects produced, used, reused, and discarded by human hands were active elements in human... more
In This Document ,Information is Given About the Ancient City of Sagalassos and the Temple of Apollo in the City.
Bu Dokümanda Sagalassos Antik Kenti ve Kentte Bulunan Apollon Tapınağı ile İlgili Bilgi Verilmiştir.
Bu Dokümanda Sagalassos Antik Kenti ve Kentte Bulunan Apollon Tapınağı ile İlgili Bilgi Verilmiştir.
Any building can be perceived as the summation of specific actions surrounding the gathering and construction of a precise volume and variety of materials. By working backwards and quantifying its individual aspects, a structure can be... more
The Hellenistic, Parthian, and Roman site of Dura–Europos (or simply “Dura”), dubbed the “Pompeii of the Syrian Desert” by Yale historian and archaeologist Michael Rostovtzeff, was jointly excavated by Yale University and the French... more
Si l’on met de côté la première phrase de sa description d’Emporion, au début du livre XXXIV, Tite-Live brosse un tableau cohérent du site de la petite colonie grecque. Il reproduit en substance un texte de Caton relatif au soulèvement... more