Greek Language
Recent papers in Greek Language
This table began as a comparison of Etruscan words to other Indo-European words, and it is clear that the linkage to Etruscan illuminates some new patterns in Indo-European word relationships. We added for further comparison words from... more
This article proposes a new formal reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) nouns containing the suffix *–oi–. I argue that both primary and non-primary derivatives in this class had stress alternating between the derivational suffix... more
Lin. A a-ta-i-301-wa-e : ἀυτάι *θύαι
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
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This paper examines annotations inscribed in three manuscripts by Demetrios Laskaris Leontares (1418 – post-1475), an aristocrat whose possession or use of a dozen codices is documented. Palaeographic and historical criteria place all... more
"Aetia Romana. SH 957 (P.Hamb. inv. 666 verso) and the legend of the founding of Rome in the Greek world."
Odiseja xxii. [Odyssey xxii.] Историјска граматика грчког језика 1 (основне студије), јесењи и прољећни семестар ак. год. 2017.–18., Одјељење за класичне науке, Филозофски факултет, Београд / Greek Historical Grammar I (BA Course),... more
Besprechung des griechischen Textes der o.g. Ausgabe, Abgrenzung zu andern Editionen und der technischen Details des Ausgabe.
The object of analysis here are the deverbal abstract nouns with roots of Greek origin and Bulgarian suffix. Most of them are motivated by fully adapted verbs borrowed from Greek and of particular interest from the perspective of word... more
This paper is a response to the diminishing emphasis on biblical languages in theological/ministerial education. It was originally read at Asbury Theological Seminary at a biblical languages seminar hosted by the seminary's Greek and... more
This short article tentatively explores the nature of different "levels of style" in the Greek of five works belonging to the hagiographical and monastic literature of Late Antiquity, by investigating the distribution of different... more
Famous ku-ro, ‘sum’ and ki-ro, ‘debt’ are Greek words
Origin of Ancient Greek civilization
During the Roman empire many Greek speakers learned Latin. Their books and exercises, which survive in medieval manuscripts and in papyri from Egypt, show that some of their language-learning techniques were similar to ours and others... more
by Joanna Moura The purpοse οf this study is tο map the prοfile οf patients with aphasia in the οral language areas by analyzing the types of paraphasia. Specifically, the speech samples were acquired from the Greek Corpus of Aphasic... more
L’etimologia del toponimo di Eboli è una questione che affonda le sue radici nella notte dei tempi, e – in maniera plurima – storici locali (e non) hanno affrontato questa problematica di complessa interpretazione. Qual è, ordunque, il... more
The heterogeneity of the Septuagint is sometimes ignored in the exegetical and theological study of the Bible. However, the Septuagint displays features that vary according to each book that it contains. The objective of this article is... more
This paper provides a broad overview of the study of the Greek language in Mexico —taking into account also the translations from ancient Greek literature—, from the start in the early 16th century to the turn of the 20th century.
Το παρόν βιβλίο αποτελεί βοήθημα για το μάθημα της Έκφρασης – Έκθεσης της Α΄ τάξης του Λυκείου. Περιλαμβάνει: 1) Γενικές οδηγίες για την παραγωγή λόγου (παράγραφος – περίληψη – έκθεση), 2) Προσέγγιση της θεωρίας του σχολικού βιβλίου,... more
Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a... more
McGill University, 9.2.2017
La proposition consiste à rechercher les catégories indiquées dans le cadre de conditions déterminées d’énonciation. Il s’agit de réfléchir autour de la notion d’agent en considérant deux figures singulières : le héros tragique et le... more
Rozmówki polsko-greckie „Dogadaj się po grecku” powstały z myślą o turystach i osobach mieszkających w Grecji, aby pomóc im dogadać się po grecku w różnych sytuacjach. Oprócz dialogów znajdziesz w nich informacje o kulturze greckiej,... more
Слово «хтонь» сразу встало в ряд с другими выразительными современными словами – например, с «хренью», что обеспечило ему дополнительную популярность. Вообще слова, начинающиеся на «х», для носителя русского языкового сознания звучат... more
This is the syllabus for a Gospel of Mark course taught at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary during the Fall 2019 semester. The course itself was subdivided between four sections: Greek Exegesis Online, Greek Exegesis... more
Interpretazione di dati lessicali greci latini italiani e dialettali delle piante del genere Artemisia
Today, an increasing number of people are continuously occupied with mobile devices in their hands, totally focused on the use of social media. This research aims to explore the participation in social media networks and chatting... more
La lingua greca, da quando per la prima entrò in contatto con le popolazioni dell’Italia antica, non ha mai smesso di influenzarne i linguaggi. È del risultato di questa influenza, continuativa e sostanziale, che si cerca di dare una... more
Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy
This Excel file is a WORK IN PROGRESS on Indo-European basic lexicon, aligning PIE reconstructions from IEW, LIV and Mallory-Adams with intermediate reconstructions of IE sub-families found in several other sources (mainly Brill / Leiden... more
Rad se bavi rečima stranog porekla u klasičnom arapskom jeziku, koji se koristio pre pojave islama i u prvim vekovima po njegovom nastanku, a koji je intenzivno preuzimao reči iz persijskog, grčkog, sirskog, latinskog, hebrejskog i drugih... more
Las lenguas indoeuropeas son lenguas flexivas: esto significa que tienen declinaciones y conjugaciones. Los casos caracterizan la flexión nominal en griego y en latín, de manera que declinando un nombre y, por tanto, cambiando sus... more
This article presents the topic of the conference that was held at Polis Institute in January 2015 and the different contributions that were made there and that have been published in the proceedings. The article presents as well the... more
This is a talk on ancient coin legends in Greek and Latin without the lecturer's narrative.