Greek Lyric Poetry
Recent papers in Greek Lyric Poetry
De Tirteu, poeta espartano arcaico do século VII a.C., restaram-nos apenas poemas elegíacos fragmentários. Seus fragmentos dividem-se entre aqueles que narravam a história e os preceitos espartanos, instituídos por reis descendentes dos... more
This book is the edited proceedings from the conference 'The Art of Stesichorus' held at St John's College, Oxford, on June 29–30 2012. Contributors include: Ewen Bowie (Oxford), Chris Carey (London), Patrick Finglass (Nottingham),... more
This article argues that the reception of Homeric poetry in the lyric poets of the Archaic period is a process of evolution, in which evidentiary difficulty and the gradual development of intertextuality combine to make Stesichorus the... more
Sapph. fr. 9: critical edition, critical and exegetical notes, overall interpretation.
A critical assessment of V Di Benedetto's work on Greek lyric poetry, especially Sappho and Alcaeus.
Both in the epinicia and the fragments, Pindar uses phrases of the type ‘x does …; but I …’. These phrases are commonly seen as conventional formulas mostly denoting transition; this paper argues that many of them have an additional... more
Through close reading, this paper unmasks the violence latent in Pindar's ktistic narratives of divine rape. It argues that the poet juxtaposes language of pleasure and consent, even of marriage, with the traditional language of... more
Traduzione letterale, interlineare dell'inizio del nono libro dell'Iliade, versi 1-113. Si tratta dell'assemblea greca che apre il libro, fino al termine del primo discorso di Nestore, in cui l'eroe suggerisce ad Agamennone, e... more
Although the reception of archaic Greek poets within antiquity has ignited the interest of many modern scholars, very little attention has been given to the visual representation of these poets, despite the fact that many artifacts or... more
Revista LETRAS CLÁSSICAS no. 10.
Lyric Poetry and Social Identity in Archaic Greece examines how Greek men presented themselves and their social groups to one another. The author examines identity rhetoric in sympotic lyric: how Greek poets constructed images of self for... more
Comics for a new translation by Gregory Nagy.
Estudo sobre práticas de performance da poesia grega arcaica em grego e em português, sobretudo com o grupo Pecora Loca.
Trabajo no publicado, elaborado en el año 2007, a partir del cursado de un seminario de posgrado dictado por el Dr. Daniel Alejandro Torres en la Universidad Nacional del Sur.
This is a new translation from Greek into Swedish of the 1979 Nobel Prize winner Odysseus Elytis' masterpiece To Axion Esti
Textos estabelecidos e anotados pela autora. ISBN 978-989-97972-9-1