Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor
Recent papers in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor
THE CULT OF DIONYSOS IN ASIA MINOR IN THE ROMAN IMPERIAL AGE Making his presence, which can be traced long before the Archaic Age, deeply felt mainly in Hellas, Asia Minor and then in Rome throughout the ancient world, Dionysos,... more
Bu kitap, Pontos Kralı Mithradates VI Eupator Dionysos’un biyografisidir. 2003 yılında Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Eskiçağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü’nde tamamladığım Mithradates VI Eupator ve Roma başlıklı doktora tezimin dört senelik... more
Tios (Zonguldak-Filyos) kentteki arkeolojik kazılar 2007 senesinden beri Karadeniz Ereğli Müzesi adına, sırasıyla Prof. Dr. Sümer Atasoy ve Doç. Dr. Şahin Yıldırım’ın bilimsel danışmanlıklarıyla akropolis, antik liman, tiyatro ve... more
Manisa ili sınırlarında yer alan Aigai, Antik Dönemde Aspordene, günümüzde Yunt Dağı olarak isimlendirilen dağ silsilesindeki Gün Dağı üzerinde kurulmuştur. Yunt Dağı idari açıdan Manisa ve İzmir il sınırları içinde yer almaktadır. Toplam... more
Lykia Bölgesi, Anadolu'nun, güneybatıda Akdeniz'e uzandığı Teke Yanmadası'nda yer alır. Bölgenin kuzeydoğusunda Pamphylia, kuzeyinde Phrygia ve Pisidia, batısında ise Karia Bölgeleri bulunmaktadır. Lykia doğu-batı yönünde 120; kuzey-güney... more
[Translated by Ebru Torun, G. Bike Yazıcıoglu, Namık Erkal, Cosku Kocabıyık, Merete Çakmak]. Exhibit curator: Jeroen Poblome; project coordinator: Nihat Tekdemir; catalogue editor: Fisun Yalçınkaya, *Catalogue of temporary exhibit at... more
The surrounding landscape of ancient Pergamon is characterized by several mountain ranges, the Bakırçay Valley and River and the Aegean coastline. The accessibility of this region was vital for the city since it provided food and... more
The book presents recent and on-going research on tombs and deathscapes in the region of Karia in southwestern Turkey
The aim of this entry is to present the topographic, archaeological numismatic and epigraphic evidence of Laodicea ad Lycum in Phygia
Note critique/Buchbesprechung/Book review de/von/of
G. Alföldy, Römische Sozial-Geschichte. Stuttgart, 2011, dans/in REA 117, 2, 2015, p. 639-651.
G. Alföldy, Römische Sozial-Geschichte. Stuttgart, 2011, dans/in REA 117, 2, 2015, p. 639-651.
This is a short extract (introduction) of my article in L. Picht - K. Schmidt - G. Schmitz - L. Wiggering, The Limits of Change. Was ist der Wert der beständigen Dinge? (Berlin: Neofelis 2015), 83 - 102. For more information, take a look... more
La littérature hagiographique d’époque tardo-antique et byzantine conserve le souvenir, historique ou légendaire, de nombreux martyrs, en particulier en Asie Mineure où fut déclenchée la dernière persécution générale des... more
A bronze coin of king Pylaimenes (Paphlagonia) kept at the Brussels Coin cabinet has been countermarked with the letters BA surrounded by an ivy wreath which makes immediately think to the king (Ba[sileus]) Mithridates Eupator. The last... more
A review of an important English translation of the History of the seventh century Armenian historian Sebēos.
Few direct clues exist to the everyday lives and beliefs of ordinary Jews in antiquity. Prevailing perspectives on ancient Jewish life have been shaped largely by the voices of intellectual and social elites, preserved in the writings of... more
Informationen zu den Ausgrabungen mit Beteiligung der Berliner Museen. Grabungsgeschichte von den Anfängen bis 1999, Publikationen und beteiligte Personen zusammengestellt aus den Grabungspublikationen sowie Archivalien der... more
A hoard of 6th century solidi and fractions was found in 1994 in Gökler, Turkey, during illegal prospections with a metal detector. The hoard includes seven die-linked solidi of Justinian, three solidi of Justin II, five solidi of... more
Despite Daniel Ogden’s and Alex McAuley’s work in collecting, organizing, and rationalizing the often contradictory information delivered by the ancient sources, the Seleukid genealogy still appears to be the most complex and chaotic maze... more
Greek Popular Assemblies in the Imperial Period and the Discourses of the Dio of Prusa This paper is an attempt to clarify the position of the Greek popular assemblies within the political system of Graeco-Roman city, using available... more
co-edited with Theresia Raum (Tübingen)
Eight endorsements for Reading Revelation After Supersessionism written by Elaine Pagels (Princeton University), Paul Trebilco (U of Otago), Richard Ascough (Queens University), Anders Runesson (U of Oslo), Greg Carey (Lancaster... more
Today's province Ordu, called as ''Kotyora'' in the ancient time, is a city located between the two big coastal cities Amisos (Samsun) and Trapezous (Trabzon) in the south coasts of Black Sea. It is one of the colonies established by... more
The paper presents the results of recent research conducted on the Central Agora of Hierapolis in Phrygia (Turkey), one of the lesser known monuments of the city due to its state of conservation. With the aim of achieving the... more
Abile stratega, condottiero e potente sovrano, Alessandro Magno di Macedonia, eroe che percepiva se stesso alla stregua di un nuovo Eracle o di un nuovo Achille, fu, prima di tutto, un “viaggiatore”. E chi si approcci alle pagine del... more
Paper presented at CRASIS Annual Meeting & Master Class 'Motivation & Causality' (22-23 February 2018), University of Groningen
The account of Eutychus’ fall in Acts 20,9 poses both translation and archaeological challenges. “Third floor” is the preferable translation for τρίστεγος in the British system, “fourth floor” in the American system. A multi-storeyed... more