Hellenistic History
Recent papers in Hellenistic History
The article has hypothesized the city of Demetrias in Thessaly to have been founded in the late 290s BC by Demetrius Poliorcetes together with his son and heir, Antigonus Gonatas. This hypothesis is grounded on the basis of the fact that... more
En 30 av. J.C., le royaume des Lagides tombait aux mains de l’Empire romain, entrainant avec lui le dernier bastion du monde hellénistique. Depuis, la dernière reine d’Égypte, Cléopâtre VII, porte un masque plus grand que nature, que... more
This paper gives the first die-study (86 tetradrachms and 31 drachms) for the silver Hellenistic coinage of Tenedus (Tenedos) with the types "Janiform's head/ Double axe". Tetradrachms have been struck with c. 25 obverse dies (there are... more
A historical survey of the regions of Judaea and surrounding territories in the Graeco-Roman period.
"Aetia Romana. SH 957 (P.Hamb. inv. 666 verso) and the legend of the founding of Rome in the Greek world."
This thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach combining research methods in history and political science to propose that the fundamental cause of Rome’s entry into and later domination of the Greek world was its reaction to a series of... more
This course offers an introduction to the history of ancient Greece from the Bronze Age to the end of the Hellenistic Age (roughly the 16th to the 1st centuries BCE), drawing on both source materials and modern works. This is a... more
Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean World, A Brill Companion to Classical Studies Series Series Editor: Lee L. Brice Aims and Scope The aim of the series is to publish high-quality, useful volumes each focused on a specific topic related... more
This is a short extract (introduction) of my article in L. Picht - K. Schmidt - G. Schmitz - L. Wiggering, The Limits of Change. Was ist der Wert der beständigen Dinge? (Berlin: Neofelis 2015), 83 - 102. For more information, take a look... more
A bronze coin of king Pylaimenes (Paphlagonia) kept at the Brussels Coin cabinet has been countermarked with the letters BA surrounded by an ivy wreath which makes immediately think to the king (Ba[sileus]) Mithridates Eupator. The last... more
A review of an important English translation of the History of the seventh century Armenian historian Sebēos.
Onderzoeken naar de plaats van de vrouw in antieke steden geven aan dat het domein van de vrouwen idealiter het huis was terwijl de bewegingsruimte van mannen veel groter was. Door deze studies, die grotendeels gebaseerd zijn op het... more
This paper (in Dutch) places Alexander's universalism in the context of the tradition of universal empire that was current in the Ancient Near East. It is argued that Alexander's pothos, especially his urge to reach the edges of the earth... more
Résumé: Dans cet article naus essayans de dégager une vision de Iafemme d 'aprês I' analyse des rapparts entre Ia Politique et les textes bialagiques d 'Aristote.
Mots-clés: Aristóteles; Mulheres.
Mots-clés: Aristóteles; Mulheres.
Despite Daniel Ogden’s and Alex McAuley’s work in collecting, organizing, and rationalizing the often contradictory information delivered by the ancient sources, the Seleukid genealogy still appears to be the most complex and chaotic maze... more
co-edited with Theresia Raum (Tübingen)
In 1885, a large hypogeum was discovered at the Saint-Étienne Compound, the domain acquired only two and a half years before by the Dominicans on the western slope of El Heidhemiyeh hill, about 250 m north of the Jerusalem Ottoman wall.... more
NOW IN PAPERBACK (June 2019) This is the only substantial and up-to-date reference work on the Ptolemaic army. Employing Greek and Egyptian papyri and inscriptions, and building on approaches developed in state-formation theory, it offers... more
Shvatanje da je antička helenistička kultura spoj ili mešavina grčke i "istočne" ili "orijentalne" kulture potiče od nemačkog istoričara Johana Gustava Drojzena (1808-1884). Inspirisan Hegelovom filozofijom, protestantskom teologijom i... more
This essay will explore how the mathematical culture and approaches of the Ancient Greeks compared to that of the Islamic Golden age. In particular, this essay will focus on what influenced the two respected civilisations; and how the... more
Alexander assumed the principal items of Iranian dress and Achaemenid regalia in 330 B.C. Sources agree that Alexander wore a purple Iranian chiton with white trimmings, a belt, a diadem and a tiara. Also a kind of kandys was part of the... more
From around 700 BCE until the first centuries CE, the Mediterranean enjoyed steady economic growth through trade, reaching a level not to be regained until the early modern era. This process of growth coincided with a process of state... more
Жажда Александра Великого, влекшая его к покорению мира, не была всего лишь жаждой военной власти. Его цель была выше и грандиознее: образовать "ойкумену", общий мир. Его последователи, при всем их величии, власти и долголетии, не... more
Abile stratega, condottiero e potente sovrano, Alessandro Magno di Macedonia, eroe che percepiva se stesso alla stregua di un nuovo Eracle o di un nuovo Achille, fu, prima di tutto, un “viaggiatore”. E chi si approcci alle pagine del... more
Roma İmparatorluğu hakimiyeti sırasında İskenderiye’de yaşayan Philo (yak. M.Ö. 25-M.S. 50), Büyük Herodes, İsa ve Paulus gibi tarihi kişilerle çağdaştır. Kendisinin zengin bir aileye mensup olduğu ve iyi bir eğitim aldığı bilinmekle... more
An introducion to the Seleucid Empire and its historiographical problems. Short description of the politicized discussion of the "western" versus "eastern" nature of that state. Aimed at the general reader and undergraduate students. [In... more