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      Computer ScienceArchitectureEnergyVocabulary
Seminar held for the Department of Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics, TU Wien, Summer Semester 2018.
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArchitectureMartin Heidegger
The Seagram Building in Manhattan (1954-58), by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson, is one of those rare pieces of architecture which has come to define an era. For Mies van der Rohe the achievement of the Seagram Building was... more
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      ArchitectureAmerican modernismArchitectural HistoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
What kind of architectural knowledge was cultivated through drawings, models, design-build experimental houses and learning environments in the 20th century? And, did new teaching techniques and tools foster pedagogical, institutional and... more
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      Design TheoryPedagogyHistory of architectureArchitecture Theory
Longarone and Venzone are two towns that were reconstructed completely. Their destruction originated from two disastrous events: Longarone disappeared because of the Vajont catastrophe of 9th October 1963, while Venzone was razed to the... more
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      ArchitectureHistory of architecture
Early modern Amsterdam was an ultra-modern city, laid out conforming to the triple demand of functionality, beauty and profit; a city that takes a unique place in European urban history because of its location, design, and impressive... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCultural Heritage
This book investigates the architectural, product design, and urban typology of the capsule which, beginning in the 1960s, broadened the concept of the basic building blocks of architecture to include a minimal living unit, called the... more
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      Architectural TheoryHousing and Dwelling (Architecture)- Architecture historyHistory of architecture
The Gold Coast is Australia’s most rapidly changing city – regularly compared to Miami and Las Vegas for its embrace of bad taste and the good life; and with Dubai for its sudden moments of high-rise assuredness and seeming lack of... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchitectureUrban HistoryUrban Planning
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      Art HistoryArtArchitectureNineteenth Century Studies
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      Urban HistoryHeritage ConservationLandscape HistoryArchitectural Conservation
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      ArchitectureHistory of architectureSchool Building DesignSchool Architecture
Il saggio è dedicato alla "lettura" dell'architettura nell'Adorazione dei Magi di Leonardo, dai disegni al dipinto, secondo una impostazione specifica della Storia dell'architettura e alla luce delle nuove conoscenze emerse dal restauro... more
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      Leonardo da VinciHistory of architectureAdoration of the MagiLeonardo Da Vinci Architectural Drawings
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      African StudiesArchitectureAfricaFascism
RESUMEN El lector tiene en sus manos una pequeña colección de textos académicos que intentan combinar el rigor científico con el interés de un artículo de divulgación. Todos ellos han sido publicados recientemente en journals o en actas... more
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      ArchitectureHistory of architectureArquitecturaHistoria de la Arquitectura
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryMedieval ArchitectureMedieval rural settlement
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      American StudiesArchitectureUtopian StudiesUrban Planning
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchitectureMedieval rural settlementHistory of architecture
Lo studio proposto è il frutto dell'attività di ricerca svolta presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Chieti-Pescara in merito alle relazioni fra fiume Aterno e architetture civili, religiose e fortificate presenti... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureHistory of architectureFortificationsMedieval Fortifications
The study aims to analyse the two static models most widely adopted by Bernardo Antonio Vittone, through the comparison of two churches in Turin: Santa Chiara and San Leonardo. They are double envelope buildings, with central dome,... more
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      Architectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtBaroque art and architectureItalian Baroque art
In the design process, as within this book, I access and draw on the collective knowledge of architecture in various ways. This book examines and traces the processes of knowledge and transformation that accompany this access. It is... more
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      ArchitectureDesign Process (Architecture)Architecture DesignArchitecture Typology
Sintesi del lavoro di ricerca critica sul padiglione dell'Esprit Nouveau, progettato da Le Corbusier, recentemente restaurato a Bologna.
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      Critical TheoryArchitecturePhotographyDrawing
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      Japanese StudiesArchitectureJapanHistory of architecture
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      Colonial ArchitectureHistory of architectureHistory of Architecture
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryMedieval ArchitectureHistory of architecture
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      ArchitectureFirst World War- Architecture historyHistory of Construction
Cette communication a eu lieu le 31 mars 2017, dans le cadre du séminaire doctoral d'Alexandre Gady. Elle fut l'occasion de révéler une documentation inédite permettant de porter un nouveau regard sur le projet de place Louis XVI destiné... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMaritime HistoryLandscape Architecture
Toward a New Architecture is a manifesto written by Le Corbusier. The manifesto has seven essays under the title of argument. These essays can be listed as the engineer's aesthetic and architecture, three reminders to architecture,... more
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      ArchitectureContemporary ArtArchitectural HistoryModernism (Art History)
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      Medieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtHistory of architectureHistory of Art and Architecture
This is a review of facsimile editions of two architects' sketchbooks, Eduardo Souto de Moura and Wang Shu. One factor in the staying power of the sketch is its immediacy, another is its physicality. In a world in which we increasingly... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryDrawings (Architecture)Architectural Theory
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      Historic PreservationHeritage ConservationHistory of architecture
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryArchitectureImmigration
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      History of architectureTeoria História e Crítica da Arquitetura e do UrbanismoHistory of Art and ArchitectureHistoria y Teoria del Arte y la Arquitectura
The contribution is focused on the Naviglio di Ivrea (Torino), sketched from Leonardo in the sheet 563r of the Atlantic Code. The research in local archives carefully examined the historical and territorial context prevailing at the time... more
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      HistoryHistory of architectureHistory of the Territory
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      ArchitectureHistory of architecture
Il contributo presenta il metodo adottato per lo studio dei progetti di chiese a pianta centrale realizzati da Bernardo Antonio Vittone e raffigurati nel suo trattato. Al fine della analisi delle logiche compositive sottese ai singoli... more
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      Architectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtDrawings (Architecture)Baroque art and architecture
© Vydavateľstvo Spolku architektov Slovenska, Bratislava 1993. ISBN 80-900483-6-6 / © Publishing Association of Architects der Slowakei, Bratislava 1993. ISBN 80-900483-6-6 *** Licenční upozornění: Uveřejnění publikace na tomto... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryAvant-GardeHistory of architecture
Occasionally the archaeological ship reconstructor is fortunate enough to encounter the remains of a vessel on which shipwrights' design marks have been preserved. La Belle (1684) has the most extensive and complete set of such marks... more
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      Naval ArchitectureHistory of Science and TechnologyMaritime ArchaeologyHistory of Technology
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      History of architectureHistoria de la Arquitectura16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architectureHistory of Art and Architecture
A handbook on Byzantine Architecture. 24 Sample Pages.
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine ArchitectureByzantine ArchaeologyHistory of architecture
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      Architectural HistoryArchitectural ConservationHistory of architectureHistory and Theory of Modern Architecture
La figura di Bernardo Antonio Vittone rappresenta una singolarità nel panorama dei protagonisti dell’architettura italiana, per il suo essere sospesa tra permanenze dello spirito barocco e nuove istanze della cultura illuminista. Di... more
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      Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtArchitecture TypologyBaroque art and architectureHistory of Construction
L'inventario dei libri ritrovati alla morte di Bernardo Antonio Vittone nella sua abitazione torinese è stato pubblicato più di quaranta anni fa da Paolo Portoghesi: non si tratta dunque di un documento inedito. Tuttavia non era... more
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      History of architectureStoria ArchitetturaHistory of ArchitectureBernardo Antonio Vittone
The study aims to analyse the two static models most widely adopted by Bernardo Antonio Vittone, through the comparison of two churches in Turin: Santa Chiara and San Leonardo. They are double envelope buildings, with central dome,... more
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      ArtArchitectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtItalian Baroque art
Integral to the reproductive processes of the biota of several forest, shrub, and grassland biome-types, wildfire ignites some 3,400,000km2 of Earth’s vegetated surface annually. Though a highly complex phenomena coupled with not one, but... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationUrban PlanningHistory Of LondonFire History
21. yüzyılın hızlı yaşam döngüsü içinde kimi değerler yitirilirken, kimileri yeniden yaşama katılmakta, keşfedilmektedir. Anadolu’nun derin tarihi içinde yeniden keşfedilen değerlerden birisi de “köy” yaşamı olmaktadır. Belki hiç... more
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      Vernacular Typology StudiesVernacular ReligionArchitectural EducationTraditional Ecological Knowledge
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      Art HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtLeonardo da VinciHistory of architecture
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesFrench StudiesSocial History