History of Cyprus
Recent papers in History of Cyprus
After the death of Alexander III in 323 BC, the coinage in his name and with his types continued to be issued by his successors. This posthumous coinage has been the object of various studies and discussions in the past decades because of... more
This chapter provides a historical background to the present book and contributes to the international literature about the RoC by exploring the important drivers behind the country’s foreign policy, from 1960 to 2004. These drivers... more
The Perfume of Cyprus is an interesting and through-provoking read. Maria Rosaria Belgiorno demonstrates the significance of the production and use of perfumes from the Bronze Age to the present day with the case study of the wonderful... more
Research undertaken in Durham University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Health: Department of Archaeology; supervised by Dr Anna Leone. Viva voce examination held on April 15th, 2016. Examiners: Prof. Roland R. R. Smith (University of... more
Proceedings of the international conference held in Avignon, France 30, 31 October and 1st November 2012
32 papers in English, French, Italian
32 papers in English, French, Italian
Οι ελληνοτουρκικές σχέσεις προσδιορίζουν σταθερά την ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική από τη γένεση του νεοελληνικού κράτους. Το παρόν βιβλίο καλύπτει σημαντικό κενό πολλών ετών στη σχετική επιστημονική βιβλιογραφία. Παρουσιάζει συγκροτημένα... more
This paper discusses the extent to which Cyprus' Commonwealth membership has remained relevant following the country's accession to the EU in 2004. It is argued that, despite the predominant role of Cyprus' EU membership, the importance... more
This paper explores the evidence surrounding the finding and of the aniconic cult image of Aphrodite at Palaepaphos, Cyprus and the scholarship surrounding the persistent rumour of the stone being a meteorite.
The Editorial Team of the scientific Journal The Cyprus Review announces, as every year, the Call for Nominations for its Annual Book Awards.
The deadline for nominations is 31.3.2022.
The deadline for nominations is 31.3.2022.
Posters, at their origin, are a medium for commercial advertising. They belong to the modern world as, right from their first appearance, they were meant to serve the needs of an industrialised economy and were mechanically reproduced in... more
The Ptolemaic kings of Egypt struck many series of coins, mainly in Alexandria but also in various mints scattered in foreign possessions, such as Coele Syria and Cyprus. While Ptolemy I seeks to establish himself on the island from 321... more
Famagusta Maritima: Mariners, Merchants, Pilgrims and Mercenaries presents a collection of scholarly studies spanning the thousand year history of the port of Famagusta in Cyprus. This historic harbour city was at the heart of the... more
Nea Paphos is generally considered to have been founded by Nikokles, the last king of Paphos. Some scholars have proposed that Ptolemy may have founded the new city ca. 312 BC or aft er 294 BC. In this paper, the author tries to analyse... more
In un’Europa che dalla fine della guerra fredda è riuscita a riunificare diverse faglie che la contrapposizione tra i due blocchi avevano creato, ve n’è una che persiste: la linea verde cipriota, che separa fisicamente le due principali... more
I AM PLEASED TO HAVE MADE POSSIBLE THE PUBLICATION OF THIS BOOK IN English, based on my late brother’s book “ΠΙΚΠΟΔΑΦΝΕΣ” [Bitter Leaves of Laurel]: Encounters and experiences from the Struggle to free Cyprus from British Colonial Rule... more
Cypriot muleteers served in the British army in the Macedonian front during the First World War. Both Cypriot men and island mules were used in the war. Mules were used in the war due to their carrying ability under harsh geographical... more
World War I had a profound impact on the Middle East and North Africa. With the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, European powers carved the region into mandates, protectorates, colonies, and spheres of influence. Just a few decades later,... more
Layers of ancient history and globalization on this island has sealed its fate through to the present day and a cultural confluence has been occurring for millennia. Exploring the island thematically by looking at its history, the... more
*Η Δεύτερη Συμπληρωμένη Έκδοση (Φεβρουάριος 2020) περιέχει πρωτότυπες αρχειακές πηγές που περιγράφουν τον διπλωματικό ρόλο της Ελλάδας κατά τις συνομιλίες που πραγματοποιήθηκαν υπό την αιγίδα του ΟΗΕ στη Ρόδο (1948-1949), οι οποίες... more
Μία σύντομη περιγραφή της προσφοράς της Κύπρου στην Ελλάδα από τους Βρετανούς, το 1915, και της απόρριψης αυτής από την ελληνική κυβέρνηση
A commented list of all reported places on Cyprus where Max Ohnefalsch-Richter carried out archaeological activities between 1879 and 1910.
Από τα πολλά βιβλία που έχουν γραφτεί για το Κυπριακό, αυτό το βιβλίο αποτελεί την πιο συστηματική καταγραφή και κριτική ανάλυση των μακρών διαπραγματεύσεων για επίλυση της κυπριακή διένεξης. Το βιβλίο έρχεται σε μια κρίσιμη για την... more
To understand Cyprus problem and founding out a sustainable solution we need to analyze and understand the role of religion on Cyprus issues in past and today. As it is known both Christian and Muslim cultures left their signs on island... more
From its first adoption of writing at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age, ancient Cyprus was home to distinctive scripts and writing habits, often setting it apart from other areas of the Mediterranean and Near East. This... more
The Ottoman-Russian War of 1768‒1774 caused many troubles for the Ottoman State: military, economic, social etc. These troubles were experienced throughout the whole territory, but especially on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. The... more
In the course of 1580, Agostino Valier, a bishop of Verona, conducted an apostolic visitation to Istrian dioceses. The report on the visitation represents an historic source of great importance for the knowledge of late 16th century... more
A presentation on the Cyprus Government Railway (1905-1951).
Cyprus was an important medieval emporium, which maintained its commercial importance after the Ottoman conquest. The aims of this study are: to identify the consuls of Venice in Cyprus and their dragomans; to list the items of trade... more
Though very different in style, Strabo's and Ptolemy's descriptions of Western Cyprus have a number of points in common which indicate the use of a common source. A critical reading of both descriptions leads to the conclusion that the... more
Η βάση ομιλίας στο συνέδριο «Η Αριστερά και το Κυπριακό» που έγινε στις 30/01/2016 στο Σπίτι της Συνεργασίας, Λευκωσία.