History of Food
Recent papers in History of Food
Resumo Este texto pretende analisar alguns livros de receitas manuscritos e publica-dos dos séculos XVII e XVIII nos quais se encontram preparados de culinária a par de outros dedicados a questões de higiene e beleza e mezinhas utilizadas... more
Overview on food and nutrition in Mycenaean Greece. Published version of my Ph. D. thesis from 2002.
is awarded each year to an engaging, original piece of writing that delivers new research and/or new insights into any aspect of food history relating to any period, place, people or culture. We welcome innovative, well written entries of... more
Chapter 4 of Eiríks saga rauða has long drawn the attention of scholars due to its detailed description of a seiðr, a rare occurrence in Íslendinga sǫgur as well as in sagas of other genres. The protagonist of the scene, a Greenlandic... more
Restorancılık, zengin yemek kültürüne sahip bütün ülkelerde önem verilen bir konudur. Yiyecek-içecek kültürünün gelişmesiyle gastronomi turizmi, yerel değerler, gelenekler ve insan hayatında yemek gibi konulara eğilim artmaktadır. Bu... more
In: JUAREZ, Lorenzo. MEDINA, F. Xavier. Comida y mundo virtual: Internet, Redes Sociales y Representaciones Visuales. Colección: 1ª Edición / Rústica / Castellano / Libro. Editorial UOC, Barcelona, 2017. ISBN13:9788491167259.
This panel seeks papers that consider the many ways in which street food developed throughout history.
It would take place in the “Second International Conference on Food History and Culture” in Tours (France), May 26-27, 2016.
It would take place in the “Second International Conference on Food History and Culture” in Tours (France), May 26-27, 2016.
In this essay, I examine the relationships among blood, sap, and wine in seventeenth-century English agricultural treatises. The associations among blood, sap, and wine provoke unease about English reliance on imported wines. If blood... more
Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини. Спільний українсько-румунський науковий журнал. (АПСНІМ), 2020, № 2 (26), P. 74-78 The paper aims to analize hand-written and printed cookery books published in Ukraine from the... more
Exploring Serbian medieval gastronomy within the project Living the Past since 2010, Artis Center multidisciplinary team introduced new scientific method denominated gastroheritology that incorporates experimental reconstructions as an... more
What is a truffle? Is it the über-shroom, the highest order of fungal foods? Does it arrive, as some cultures feel, in the moment of a thunderclap? One thing is for sure: despite its unappetizing appearance, the truffle is without a doubt... more
Trabalho final da disciplina História da Cultura III, coordenada pelo professor Henrique Carneiro, do departamento de história da FFLCH-USP.
Coffee: A Global History will be published in October 2018. Download this flyer to get a 20% discount from the publishers or go and pre-order now from Amazon!
Coffee: A Global History was published in 2019 by Reaktion Books and is distributed in the United States by University of Chicago Press. It's widely available for purchase on the internet. Reviews include: for the coffee nerd in your... more
Siódmy tom serii Monumenta Poloniae Culinaria zawiera rękopiśmienne, rozproszone (niepochodzące z książek kucharskich) i bardzo zróżnicowane receptury kulinarne z XVI-XVIII w. Staropolskie przepisy opowiadają nam o czymś więcej niż tylko... more
Resumo: Este artigo estuda a alimentação e a sociabilidade à mesa no livro Lisboa em ca-misa, de Gervásio Lobato, que retrata, com bas-tante humor, alguns episódios da vida de uma família da pequena burguesia de Lisboa dos anos 80 do... more
The nutritional, economic and politícal importance of hunting in medieval Aragón is revealed by the development of a legal framework to legislate this activity and its survival until the middle of the 20th century. Our research on hunting... more
This article presents an overview of the long term trends in the trading patterns for salted herring in the area of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea and their hinterlands in the period of c. 1600-1850. The market is defined as ‘the... more
Review of Revolution at the Table: The Transformation of the American Diet by Harvey A. Levenstein, in The American Historical Review, Vol. 95, No. 3 (Jun., 1990), pp. 925-926
In the past years, it seems that food has found itself a central focus of creativity in contemporary culture. To wit, streaming platforms are littered with cooking shows celebrating chefs' creativity around the world, books take culinary... more
Las especias fueron los primeros productos alimentarios en la historia capaces de impulsar las grandes expediciones, las largas rutas comerciales y las travesías hacia lo desconocido.
This article intends to compare two cooking books published in the 1930s. These books had different contents and were addressed to completely different audiences, despite its authors have the same name, Rosa Maria. The work of Rosa Maria... more
Revista Contextos da Alimentação: Comportamento, cultura e sociedade, Vol. 4, nr. 1, ano 2015 (no prelo). ISSN: 2238-4200.
A partir do século quinze, observamos um fenômeno que teve, como uma de suas principais características, a disseminação do cultivo, comercialização e consumo de uma série de determinadas plantas. Apesar, de hoje a Historiografia dispor de... more
Original English language version (without notes) of a chapter now republished in the volume of collected articles, "Food, Social Politics and the Order of Nature in Renaissance Europe" (2019).
An assessment of three recently published books on the history of bread in Europe (Jim Chevallier, Jan De Vries and Steven Kaplan)
Seamus Heaney’s poetry is rich in detail about agricultural and food practices in his native Northern Ireland from the 1950s onwards, such as cattle-trading, butter-churning, eel-fishing, blackberry-picking or home-baking. Often studied... more
Hoy no concebiríamos una dieta sin legumbres, tan nutritivas como arraigadas en la cultura popular, aunque se introdujeran por las cocinas del rey. En el marco de la Semana de la Ciencia 2016, La Herencia de los Reales Sitios celebrará... more
Historia de la alimentación andaluza a través de uno de los platos más arraigados y antiguos, el salmorejo, así como de sus ingredientes (tomate, pan, ajo, aceite de oliva, sal y vinagre). Análisis bromatológico y sensorial de los... more