History of Medicine
Recent papers in History of Medicine
WHILE PHARMACOPOEIAS like the Parisian Codex medicamentarius governed the world of apothecaries in ancien régime France, there also existed a parallel and more loosely organized tradition whereby pharmaceutical innovators were granted... more
Objective: Throughout history, gout has been referred to as the " disease of the kings " , and has been clearly associated with the lifestyle of the aristocratic social classes. According to the written sources, several members of the... more
This article analyses how nineteenth-century medical science apprehended the eye and its functions. It disputes Jonathan Crary’s claim of the alleged mistrust towards human vision as a source of reliable information from the 1830s... more
A group of medical historians and paleographers has teamed up informally to create a "Medicine in the Long 12th Century Working Group." More than 500 extant manuscripts from this period have been identified as containing Latin medical... more
The first full-time professorship for urology at a German university was established in 1937 and in 1942, a rare teaching qualification (Habilitation) for urology was granted, both at the prestigious Berlin University. At the same time,... more
Los ensayos que integran el libro que el lector tiene entre sus manos se plantean como objetivo contribuir a desentrañar las ambiguas relaciones existentes entre demonología cristiana y cultura folklórica en un escenario específico... more
After beginning his historical work in Switzerland in the 1950s and then continuing it in the United States at the Menninger Foundation, Henri Ellenberger (1905–1993) became the leading historian of " dynamic psychiatry ". This expression... more
Sur L'origine du monde de Courbet
Matsumoto, Naomi. 'The Operatic Mad Scene: Its Origins and Early Development up to c. 1700' (PhD Dissertation, University of London, 2005). This thesis investigates the origins of the operatic mad scene, its development up to c.1700,... more
El trabajo analiza la creación en la Argentina, entre los años 1930 y 1954, de una estructura administrativa nacional, orientada a la prevención y el tratamiento de las enfermedades venéreas. Dicho esfuerzo responde a un proyecto... more
Henry, archdeacon of Huntingdon, England (ca 1088–ca 1154) has been admired for centuries as the author of the monumental Historia Anglorum. The recent discovery of the Anglicanus ortus opens a new window onto this important English... more
Sir William Osler is celebrated today not only for his contributions to the advancement of medical education, but also for the humanism he brought to the practice of medicine. He was a doctor whose bedside skills and manners were... more
Vasquez A. Web-like interconnections of physiological factors. Integrative Medicine 2006
This paper explores how tales of difficult births found in medieval miracle narratives can contribute to our understanding of the experience of pregnancy and childbirth in twelfth-century England. While rare in the early collections,... more
"The anatomical body is a body double—the essay calls it a mirror that first anatomists, and later a larger public, peered into. Anatomical illustration and display required collaboration between art and science, and eventually became the... more
The phenomenon of the ascendancy of the cult of Asclepius in the civic religion of the Greek polis is closely paralleled with the rise of the Hippocratic tradition. Asclepius manifested himself in the dreams of those in need both as a... more
The intro is available on my personal website via the link. The Shape of Sex is a pathbreaking history of nonbinary sex, focusing on ideas and individuals who allegedly combined or crossed sex or gender categories from 200–1400 C.E.... more
Depuis 1633, date à laquelle Descartes range son Monde dans un tiroir pour éviter d’avoir les mêmes ennuis que Galilée, aucun éditeur n’a jamais publié ce livre comme tel, et dans l’ordre où le souhaitait Descartes. Cependant, pour... more
In early modern Venice, a city replete with professionals of intelligence conveniently located mid-way between East and West, pharmacies were amongst the most important centres where people met to exchange news, discuss current affairs... more
MW 2:30-3:45 Office Hours: MW 11-12 or by appointment Spring 2020 Race and Medicine in U.S. History Af. Am 497I/Hist. 497I By the end of this course, you should be comfortable discussing how American physicians approached race from the... more
Edirne Sarayı'nda Tıp Tarihi ile İlgili Yapılar". (G Dinç, Arın Namal ile). I.Edirne Sarayı Sempozyumu (Edirne, 25-27 Kasım l995), Edirne Sarayları İhya ve İnşa Vakfı Yayınları No. l, Edirne: l995, 80-86.
Nel ricordo della studiosa americana scomparsa a Firenze nel maggio 2012, il testo ripercorre il tema delle fonti cui attingeva Boccaccio per l'introduzione del Decameron, per sviluppare poi un confronto fra la situazione di Firenze... more
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
This dissertation traces the transnational praxes of contemporary Chinese artists Cai Guo-Qiang, Chen Zhen, and Huang Yong Ping. Initially trained in painting, these three artists reinvent Chinese metaphysics in France, Japan, and the... more
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Humans around the globe probably discovered natural remedies against disease and cancer by trial and error over the millennia. Biomolecular archaeological analyses of ancient organics, especially plants dissolved or decocted as fermented... more
This book is OPEN ACCESS and available for download on JSTOR and other online repositories (see attached link to Cornell Press page and JSTOR DOI). Institutionalizing Gender analyzes the relationship between class, gender, and... more
The book on new directions in literature and medicine is a compendium of interesting essays that will interest all those working in the medical humanities.
Editor's Note Want to learn more about the great master? Explore our interactive timeline here and discover what Leonardo was doing at your age. he Mona Lisa is arguably the world's most famous painting-and yet, like many of Leonardo da... more
Social History of Medicine, Volume 31, Issue 3, 1 August 2018, Pages 651–652.
The importance of scientific travellers in the development of medical studies in Portugal during the XIX century.