History of Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property
Recent papers in History of Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property
WHILE PHARMACOPOEIAS like the Parisian Codex medicamentarius governed the world of apothecaries in ancien régime France, there also existed a parallel and more loosely organized tradition whereby pharmaceutical innovators were granted... more
The hormones era from 1900 to the 1960s was a period of intensifying pharmaceutical industry internationalisation and competition within and across national boundaries. Patents and patent strategy were essential aspects of this... more
Blurb: This book is a highly readable and entertaining account of the co-evolution of the patent system and the life science industries since the mid-19th century. The pharmaceutical industries have their origins in advances in synthetic... more
The book is as the title states a critical history of the industry since 1880 which is the time I trace its beginnings to. The first chapter can be downloaded here and the book can be ordered from Amazon and other online bookstores,... more
This is the title page and table of contents of a book to be published in late 2020.
The hormones era from 1900 to the 1960s was a period of intensifying pharmaceutical industry internationalisation and competition within and across national boundaries. Patents and patent strategy were essential aspects of this... more
This is the unedited draft of a book chapter to be published in 2018 in: Claudy op den Kamp & Dan Hunter, eds, A HISTORY OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN 50 OBJECTS. Cambridge University Press.
This article discusses the issue of credit and attribution in relation to Novartis's highly successful medicine, Glivec, a patent on which was the subject of a controversial court case in India.
This chapter is about science, patent law and the use of language that supports the extension of patent claims ever deeper into the realms of nature. By language I refer in particular to the use of figures of speech, terminologies and... more
This book is a highly readable and entertaining account of the co-evolution of the patent system and the life science industries since the mid-19th century. The pharmaceutical industries have their origins in advances in synthetic... more