History of pharmacy
Recent papers in History of pharmacy
WHILE PHARMACOPOEIAS like the Parisian Codex medicamentarius governed the world of apothecaries in ancien régime France, there also existed a parallel and more loosely organized tradition whereby pharmaceutical innovators were granted... more
Resumo Este texto pretende analisar alguns livros de receitas manuscritos e publica-dos dos séculos XVII e XVIII nos quais se encontram preparados de culinária a par de outros dedicados a questões de higiene e beleza e mezinhas utilizadas... more
La farmacia en Granada en el siglo XVIII José Luis Valverde En el presente estudio, nos proponemos dar una visión general de lo que fue la farmacia en la Granada del siglo XVIII, en sus tres vertientes fundamentales: La Oficina de... more
Caderno de fórmulas farmacêuticas de Francisco Maria Supico. Um documento para a história da farmácia nos Açores, ed. João Teles e Cunha e Mário Viana, Ponta Delgada, Centro de Estudos Gaspar Frutuoso, 2010, 243 p.
Revisión de testimonios sobre como era el examen de boticarios en Navarra en el XVIII.
Medicine and Healing in the Premodern West traces the history of medicine and medical practice from Ancient Egypt through to the end of the Middle Ages. Featuring nearly one hundred primary documents and images, this book introduces... more
The article examines one kind of medical services, i.e. pharmaceutical services, in 16th century Vilnius. It uses various sources, among which Lithuanian Metrica entries predominate. It establishes that two main groups of pharmacists... more
Der Efeu (Hedera helix) ist seit Langen in Mythologie (Osiris, Dionysos) und Heilkunst Europas und Asiens verwurzelt. Er symbolisiert den Wechsel von Werden und Vergehen, aber auch ewiges Leben. Die mittelalterlichen Ärzte waren uneins... more
Η προκείμενη μελέτη, σχετίζεται με την ιστορία της ιατρικής στην αρχαία Ρώμη. Στην ανακοίνωση αυτή, θα εξεταστεί αρχικά η εμφάνιση των πρώτων ιατρικών κοινοτήτων της αρχαίας Ρώμης καθώς και η εξέλιξή τους. Καθώς η ανακοίνωση αυτή... more
Articolo pubblicato per la prima volta su "Anthropos & Iatria: rivista italiana di Studi e Ricerche sulle Medicine antropologiche e di storia delle medicine", Anno VII numero II (Aprile - Giugno 2003), pp. 29-38. Preprint version.
This is a revised version of my description of the *Antidotarium magnum*, a collection of over 1000 medical recipes produced at Monte Cassino by (or under the direction of) the Tunisian immigrant monk, Constantine the African (d. before... more
JTS / TUBA 55, December 2021, pp. 179-196.
Reseña de la obra: Jaime Coullaut Cordero y Concepción Vázquez de Benito (2017): El «Libro del árbol» de Ibn al-Kattānī. Un tratado médico andalusí. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca; 124 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9012-684-4. Aunque... more
Any reader of Tacitus' Annals may have noticed that poison played a prominent part at the imperial court during the Early Principate. In this article the poisonings mentioned by Tacitus in his Annals 13-15 are analysed and commented upon... more
The Paracelsusian Influence on Ottoman Medicine in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.” (Bedizel Z Aydın ile) Transfer of Modern Science and Technology to the Muslim World. Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Modern... more
MARIA DO SAMEIRO BARROSO “AMBER: SOME PORTUGUESE ARTIFACTS AND RECIPES” Abstract Amber is rarely found among Portuguese artifacts and medicines possibly because it was imported and very expensive. The article focuses on the relationship... more
Introduction: There are many pharmacists considered among the artists who had a deep impact in the history of art. However, it has been observed that the current literature mostly deals with pharmacist–painters’ importance in terms of the... more
Europäische Klöster waren vom 8. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert wesentlich für die medizinische Versorgung. Antike Schriften dienten als Vorbild und prägten das heilkundliche Wissen. Die Klostermedizin umfasst dabei eine medizingeschichtliche... more
Derviş Mehmed Neşati Yağı Tıbbî Yağlar Üzerine Bir Risale. (R.Tuğ ile) Merkezefendi Geleneksel Tıp Derneği Yayınları, İstanbul: 2009, 205.
Before the regulation of opium as a “narcotic” in Sweden in 1923, opium was not regulated for its intoxicating properties and was freely available. But not in any kind of shop. Opium was legally available only through the pharmacies. This... more
Son muchos los fondos documentales relativos a la Historia de la Ciencia, en general y en particular a la Historia de la Medicina y la Farmacia, que se encuentran inéditos en Archivos españoles. La Cátedra de Historia de la Farmacia y... more
Im Jahre 1869 notiert der Journalist Julius Eckardt: " Man kann das russische Reich vom Peipus-See bis zum Ochozkischen Meerbusen, vom Tiflis bis an die eisigen Gefilde Achangels durchstreifen, in jeder Stadt von einiger Bedeutung wird... more
Historia de la Farmacia: apunte bibliográfico.
In the collections of Norsk Farmasihistorisk Museum, Oslo, Norway, we find a roof from Svaneapoteket, Larvik, made in 1907. The roof shows a lot of individuals from The History of Pharmacy and among them the saints Cosmas and Damian.... more
Presentation of the research project focusing on the History of Pharmacy Collection in Cluj, part of the National Museum of Transylvanian History.
Статья посвящена истории использования труда «помясов» (служащих дворцовых приказов) в качестве травников (сборщиков лекарственных растений) в 1-ой половине XVII века. Приведены особенности употребления терминов «травник» и «помяс». В... more
Byzantine medicine remains a little known and misrepresented field not only in the context of debates on medieval medicine, but also among Byzantinists themselves. It is often viewed as 'stagnant' and mainly preserving ancient ideas, and... more