History of Roman Catholicism
Recent papers in History of Roman Catholicism
Until the Quiet Revolution of the 1960s, the Catholic Church had an almost unchallenged monopoly on public education in French Canada. Generations of French Canadian children were taught at the primary and secondary levels by various... more
A második világháború lezárultának hetvenedik évfordulója alkalmából megrendezett Háborús évek. A veszprémi egyházmegye a második világháborúban című konferencián elhangzott előadások szerkesztett változatát tartja kezében az olvasó.... more
This study examines the stand taken by Spanish bishops towards Francoist repression during the Spanish Civil War. The aim is to establish the extent of the bishops’ collaboration with Francoist repression and the reasons behind their... more
Introductory remarks to the special issue of Memorie Domenicane
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
Articles on Redemptorists in the United States and Canada, including an essay on two confreres who were periti at Vatican II.
Hornig Károly veszprémi püspök 1907 – 1910 között kora historizáló szemléletének megfelelően barokkból neoromán stílusúvá építtette át a veszprémi székesegyházát. A rekonstrukció eredményeképpen a 18. század elején épült barokk templomot... more
Here are the first pages of my new book on general sacramental theology.
Despite their numerous similarities, Marranos in inquisitorial Spain and Recusants (and the so-called ‘Church Papists’), English Crypto-Catholics, in the wake of the English religious reforms, have rarely been studied concurrently. In... more
Written for the centenary year of the presence of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) in South Asia, this article looks back at their methods of communication during the pioneering years, describes the many communication initiatives... more
"The main objective of the first crusade was to wrest the Holy Land from the Muslims, and subject it to Christian rule." (The Making of the West, Pg. 355) What this quote does more than anything, it breaks down the objectives meant to be... more
The course is a journey through 250 years of Italian history, from the French revolution to the current pontificate of Pope Francis. The aim is to capture fundamental moments and issues in the religious life of the Italian people. While... more
The article discusses the definition of inculturation of Christianity in the missionary activity of the Roman Catholic Church. With respect to the research methodology of the study of this definition, the author refers directly to the... more
The twenty-first century has seen a renewal of scholarly interest in religion that might seem surprising, especially given how many scholars have for so long steadfastly behaved as though religion was in progressive decline since sometime... more
Nowadays the Roman Catholic Church is one of the leading in the confes- sional structure and missionary activity of Christianity, not only in Europe, but also in a number of countries in Asia, Africa and South America. In many re- gions... more
The Actio Catholica, an activity of the lay for the Catholic Church, was a movement of high priority during the papacy of Pius XI and XII, namely between the First World War and the 2nd Synod of Vatican. The Catholic Action became an... more
Anand Amaladass SJ, "Mission der Kirche definiert von der Kultur eines Missionslandes: Am Beispiel eines missverstandenen Genies in der Missionsgeschichte Indiens: Roberto de Nobili (1577-1656)" in Glaube in der Welt von Heute: Theologie... more
Előadás a pécsi szabadegyetemen, 2016. február 17-én a szabadságról.
Lecture at the open university in Pécs, Hungary, 17 February, 2016, on liberty.
Lecture at the open university in Pécs, Hungary, 17 February, 2016, on liberty.
In "Was the Reformation a Mistake?" Matthew Levering examines the Protestant Reformation from an epistemological perspective, that is, whether the reformers correctly challenged the truth claims of the Roman Catholic Church. The subtitle... more
SPECIALE UMANESIMO – VI Centenario Bartolomeo Platina (1421-1481) - - https://bibliotecadiviasenato.it/wp-content/uploads/BVS_N11_NEW_NOVEMBRE_2021_web.pdf - - Pope Joan and the Persistence of Myths: Pietro Ratto’s book "Le pagine... more
As Maynooth College celebrates its 225th anniversary, this beautifully-presented volume captures an institution that has held a singular place in modern Irish church history. Delve into the stories, the reminiscences, the history of this... more
La crise de l'Église catholique de France est devenue un lieu commun sociologique : 56 % des Français se disent encore catholiques mais seulement 4,5 % assistent à la messe chaque semaine. En Europe, la France est aujourd'hui l'un des... more
During the years in which France succumbed to nazi ideology and was occupied by German forces, Henri de Lubac, a French cardinal and one of the great contemporary thinkers the Catholic Church can boast of, played a decisive role in the... more
On Wednesday, Dec. 21, nations in the Northern Hemisphere will mark the winter solstice – the shortest day and longest night of the year. For thousands of years people have marked this event with rituals and celebrations to signal the... more
Per informazioni: Segreteria Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche Piazza Pio XII, 3 – 00120 Città del Vaticano Tel. + 39 06 698 84 618 – Fax. + 39 06 698 73014 E-mail: applicato@historia.va
Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly 28:2 (Summer 2005): 36-38.
PETRÁČEK Tomáš. Kněžství, kněží a dějiny. Několik poznámek k proměnám forem kněžského života v moderní době. SALVE Revue pro teologii a duchovní život, 2010, 20, č. 2, s. 25-35.
The arrival of brethren of the Capuchin order in Fulnek at the close of the 1660s brought a number of new phenomena into the life of inhabitants of this servile town. Parallel to the implementation of popular reforms of piousness bound... more
A la suite de Vatican II, les églises parisiennes ont connu un réaménagement intérieur parfois important. Ces transformations traduisent la tension entre logiques patrimoniales, impératifs cultuels renouvelés et attentes des fidèles.