Recent papers in Hopewell
Attribute analysis of the lamellar blade assemblage recovered from the Buried Gardens of Kampsville (TBGOK) has provided information regarding manufacture, use, and discard patterns practiced by Havana Hopewell people living in the Lower... more
O r i g i n a l l y p u b l i s h e d on-l i n e b y t h e O hio A r c h a e o l o g i c a l C o u n c i l , 2 0 0 8 , h t t p : / / w w w. o h i o a r c h a e o l o g y. o r g / 3 9-r e s o u r c e s / r e s e a r c h / a r t i c l e... more
The preservation of complex materials and associated environments presents the Digital Preservation (DP) community in general and the JISC community in particular with considerable intellectual and logistical challenges. While many of the... more
I explore in this paper the significance of the headdress interred on Burial 11 under Hopewell Mound 25 by reexamining its archaeological context and the history of its interpretation. Following Shetrone’s (1926) initial interpretation,... more
In the most general terms, archaeologists have classified two types of copper ear spools; solid and bi-cymbal as Hopewell and copper covered and pulley as MIssissippian. In this survey of the Copper Artifact Master Database (CAMD), we'll... more
A possible wooden post circle was found as a faint, small notation recorded on a draft map of the Serpent Mound Park by Fredrick Ward Putnam in 1889, but has gone unrecognized and unreported until now.
Results of instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) of Middle and Late Woodland pottery (n = 313) and clay (n = 22) samples from northeastern Florida and southeastern Georgia are presented. Assemblages in this region include Swift... more
The Turner workshop is one of a growing number of blade-making sites recognized as associated with the major Hopewell earthwork complexes of the Ohio Valley. Blade-making is an important aspect of the Hopewell episode and a potential... more
The true definition of the three major human’s viirtues. // Истинное определение трех основных человеческих добродетелей. ________________ Надежда, рекут, умирает последней: в сем мире последним теряем мы тело, каким есть она. Но Любовь,... more
A brief summary of field investigations during the 1996 season at the Mound City Group, Hopeton Earthworks, and Spruce Hill units of Hopewell Culture National Historical Park is presented. Small-scale test excavations document intact... more
Excavations were conducted at the Riverbank Site (33RO1059), located by the Hopewell Site (33RO27), in 2004 and 2006 to gather data from the site before it is eroded away by the Paint Creek and to improve understanding of the role of... more
We describe and analyze blade production at a small site near the Turner Earthworks, Hamilton County, Ohio. The Turner Workshop provides perhaps the largest sample of Ohio Hopewell (ca. AD 50-350) blades and blade-cores recovered from a... more
Blades from the Hopewellian occupation at Garden Creek (31Hw2), North Carolina and Icehouse Bottom (40Mr23), Tennessee were analyzed by incident light microscophy in order to determine their functions. Although blades are widely, though... more
The popular use of three dimensional models for visually representing information in archaeology, historic buildings, cultural heritage organisations, and academic research has created new challenges for managing and preserving such... more