Intellectual History of Enlightenment
Recent papers in Intellectual History of Enlightenment
Las misiones y los colegios fueron las instituciones centrales de la Compañía en el Antiguo Régimen. Si bien a las primeras la acomodatio les dio cierto carácter particular, los segundos fueron la piedra angular de la construcción de la... more
Josiah Tucker, who was the Anglican dean of Gloucester from 1758 until his death in 1799, is best known today as a controversialist, a political economist and a lesser contemporary of Adam Smith. Little attention has been paid, however,... more
This is the first book on the genesis, impact and reception of the most-widely read History of England of the early 18th century: Paul Rapin Thoyras' Histoire d'Angleterre (1724-27). The Histoire and complementary works (Extraits des... more
Esta publicación, a cargo de Alberto Hernández Mateos, presenta por primera vez la edición completa del tratado musical de Antonio Eximeno, incluyendo las partes suprimidas o alteradas en la edición española de la obra. El "Estudio... more
This paper aims to account for what I describe as the gentrification of the humanist tradition by strengthening the bond between the epistemic merger of virtue theory and the still emergent category of political economy in... more
Nel secolo dei Lumi il nome di Maria Gaetana Agnesi affiora largamente nelle discussioni in atto sulla validità delle teorie newtoniane, sul calcolo infinitesimale di Leibniz e Newton, sull’istruzione femminile e il ruolo della donna... more
Nel secolo dei Lumi spicca il nome di Maria Gaetana Agnesi nelle discussioni sulla validità delle teorie newtoniane, sul calcolo infinitesimale di Leibniz e Newton, sull'istruzione femminile e sul ruolo della donna nell'indagine... more
Настоящата статия прави опит да потърси различни от досегаш- ните тълкувания на ролята на личността и творчеството на печално известния маркиз Дьо Сад. Темата е актуална, защото творчеството на Дьо Сад е важно и за съвремието ни. Неговото... more
Au chapitre XXI du 2e Livre de son Essai concernant l’entendement humain, intitulé « Du Pouvoir », Locke propose une critique radicale du libre arbitre (« free will ») dans son acception traditionnelle. Il s’agit du chapitre le plus long... more
Opisując początki filozofii oświeceniowej, wywodzi jej genezę z gnostycyzmu i wymienia jej kluczowe cechy na to wskazujące. W niniejszym artykule stawiam tezę, iż jednym z kluczowych elementów spajających główny nurt filozofii politycznej... more Frederick II's writings have conventionally been viewed either as political tools or as means of public self-fashioning – part of his campaign to raise the status of Prussia from middling... more
Introduction to the volume: Women, Enlightenment and Catholicism
(Routledge: 2017).
(Routledge: 2017).
This is the first of several discourses for all intellectuals about dogma, mental expansion and the liberation of intellect. “For intellectuals, spiritual progress is always delayed, and the reason is this – that their intellectual body... more
How did the concept of the secular state emerge and evolve in Australia and how has it impacted on its institutions? This is the most comprehensive study to date on the relationship between religion and the state in Australian history,... more
Co-edited and translated with Jacob van Sluis. Vol 1 of the Edinburgh Edition of the Philosophical Works of François Hemsterhuis The first ever English translation of François Hemsterhuis’ early series of philosophical letters published... more
The radical ideas of the French Revolution are generally regarded as the offspring of the theory of social contract. However, even though the Revolutionaries cherished Rousseau’s legacy, the period was not without instances in which this... more
Voltaire (1694-1778) me trotte, avec ou sans béquilles, dans la tête depuis très longtemps, depuis qu’en quatrième ou troisième nous nous passions dans le lycée municipal de Bordeaux, dit Collège Moderne, les passages expurgés de Candide... more
The origins and the development of the Neapolitan school of philosophical and political thought of the 18th century; the life and works of Francesco Longano, Francesco Antonio Grimaldi, Francesco Mario Pagano and the reception of this... more
My subject is Joseph Priestley in the 1770s, and his place in the later Enlightenment. If any one figure stands for the Enlightenment in England it is Priestley, ‘the Voltaire of Unitarianism’, as Hazlitt styled him. There are many... more
Il était un peuple du bout du monde, qui d’un coup vit arriver des voiles. Bientôt des marins avides accaparèrent ses vaches, des colons prirent ses terres. Les maladies et la violence firent le reste. Dans ce laps de temps que dure ce... more
Chapter 6 in Voltaire's science fiction satire, Micromegas, is an illustration of the French Enlightenment's movement toward empirical scientific methods and intellectual skepticism, away from speculative metaphysics, organic systems... more
Gegen ein immer noch wirkmächtiges Bild der Aufklärung als einer Form des Rationalismus will dieser Sammelband " die ästhetische Welterschlie-ßung und Selbstreflexion in den Mittelpunkt stellen " , weil, so die etwas über-raschende... more
Towards a historical consciousness of modernity: Rousseau and the critique of abstract thinking, WIKO Berlin, April 2015
Examining the educational writings of three of the eighteenth‐century’s most innovative thinkers, the Abbé de Saint‐Pierre, Morelly and Helvétius, this article challenges the currently accepted view that it was a belief in human... more
Commentaire général sur l'image du taoïsme dans l'Encyclopédie de d'Alembert et de Diderot.
In THÉORISER EN FÉMINISTE, sous la direction de Anaïs Choulet-Vallet, Pauline Clochec, Delphine Frasch, Margot Giacinti et Léa Védie.
A central theme in the scholarly literature on Enlightenment Europe concerns the increased focus on the role of reason in the development of European thought, especially in the context of the new science and natural philosophers’ radical... more
Dinin otoritesine başkaldırı, Aydınlanmayı tanımlayan bir ilkedir. Bu çalışma, akıl-inanç karşıtlığına bağlanan bu kabulün, Aydınlanmayı ne ölçüde tanımladığını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu bakımdan, Aquinas'tan Spinoza'ya, Hobbes'tan... more