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2014, Mirator, 15:1 (2014)
2016 •
In this article we are concerned with Gregory of Tours' historiographical work widely known as " Historia Francorum " or " History of the Franks ". More specifically we try to record Gregory's attitude toward Frankish past in his edition of Frankish history. Fundamental in our examination is the question whether Gregory of Tours had intentionally omitted information from his " Historia Francorum " referring to a pre-Christian Frankish past or simply didn't record them, because the author himself was not particularly interested in them, as they didn't serve the aims of the composition of his work. If the above question can be clearly answered it might lead us to new approaches to Gregory's wider intentions in the composition of his " Historia Francorum " , and certainly to a wider and deeper understanding of the Merovingian society of the 6 th century. 3
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