Italian Merchants
Recent papers in Italian Merchants
Renier Acorre est un marchand et changeur florentin devenu seigneur dans la Brie, receveur de Champagne et panetier à la cour des Capétiens. Son cartulaire privé (Paris, BNF, ms. fr. 8593) est bien connu parce qu'il représente l'un des... more
The news of the fall of the Byzantine Empire by the army of the Turks had given a great shock to Europeans. Latin Christians viewed the fall of Constantinople as a tragic disaster. The conquest of the Byzantine Empire by the Turks has... more
Nella tradizione storiografica le ricerche sui radicali mutamenti politico-istituzionali che interessarono le città comunali italiane nel Duecento, e che si manifestarono soprattutto nell'affermazione dei movimenti di Popolo, e quelle sul... more
Alfonso X el Sabio re di Castiglia e Leon (1252-1284), grande riformatore del diritto e mecenate delle scienze e della cultura, è stato uno dei più famosi monarchi dell’età medievale. Da diversi decenni si studia la sua produzione... more
Après une présentation codicologique et une histoire de la transmission du cartulaire de la collégiale séculière Saint-Étienne de Troyes (Paris, BNF, ms. lat. 17098), je propose d'examiner dans cet article le contexte et les acteurs... more
The Church’s Ban on Usury and the Rise of Capitalism Jongkuk Nam This article aims to review Jacques Le Goff’s thesis that the church’s ban on usury deterred the growth of capitalism in the West. The analysis of decrees of the general... more
A companhia Neroni-Salviati, pertencente a uma das principais famílias florentinas, foi protagonista de uma intensa atividade comercial e financeira que desde meados do século XV a colocou em contacto com as principais praças da Europa.... more
Nei primissimi anni del Duecento quasi tutte le città dell'Italia centro-settentrionale furono attraversate da un'ondata di rivolte. Un movimento di opposizione radicale contestava l'egemonia dell'aristocrazia terriera che allora dominava... more
Robert Wilson's The Three Ladies of London offered its first audiences entertaining stereotypes of 'naturally' vicious southerners who corrupt the vulnerable English with lechery, greed, papistry, and love of foreign luxuries. The only... more
Review of the multi-volume edition of London Customs Accounts, at the time of publication Richard II to Henry VIII, edited by Stuart Jenks
Il Duecento, per Pisa come per molti altri Comuni dell’Italia centro-settentrionale, fu un secolo di profondi rivolgimenti. All’inizio del Trecento la città si trovò con un ceto dirigente dalla fisionomia radicalmente rinnovata e una... more
A study about the salary agreements in the startup of the textile manufacturing of the city of Dubrovnik (1416-1434).
In this article, we present the main aspects of our Master dissertation. The study is based on Michele da Colle's account books, Tuscan merchant in Lisbon in the second half of the 15th century, written in 1462 and 1463. The dissertation... more
Two Latin tombstones were discovered in Yangzhou in 1951 by the People’s Liberation Army. These two gravestones are unusual and very interesting above their historical implications. Their Christian names, iconographies and Latin... more
The first years of commercial and financial activity in Lisbon of Michele da Colle, Pisan merchant-banker in Portugal between 1462 and 1474, left traces in the two double-entry account books that he wrote in Portugal. This... more
In 1336, the great Khan Toghon Temür (1333-1368) sent an embassy to Pope Benedict XII in Avignon to bring horses and other marvelous things from Europe. At first glance, this mission seems to have been initiated by the great Khan, but... more
En aquest article tractarem d’entendre la comunitat mercantil dels milanesos durant el segle XVII com a exemple d’articulació de la confiança a la Mediterrània, aplicant una perspectiva que supere les fronteres com a marc d’anàlisi.... more
Dès la Renaissance, les maisons des champs se sont développées dans les environs de Lyon, accompagnées parfois de jardins élaborés dotés de grottes ou de nymphées. On connait aujourd’hui neuf grottes documentées possiblement pour la... more
The meaning of usury has gradually transformed from any kind of interest to monetary loans charging excessive interest rates. This change toward the usury or interest took place, first in Italian cities during the late middle Ages. This... more