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      Latin American StudiesBrazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryCatholic Social Teaching
Las misiones y los colegios fueron las instituciones centrales de la Compañía en el Antiguo Régimen. Si bien a las primeras la acomodatio les dio cierto carácter particular, los segundos fueron la piedra angular de la construcción de la... more
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      Cultural HistoryEnlightenmentJesuit historyIntellectual History of Enlightenment
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      HydrogeologyHydrologyHistory of ScienceJesuit history
The thesis is divided into two parts and it aims to explain the historical events related to the bibliographical collection of the ancient Jesuit College of Perugia. The first part focuses on the Jesuit librarian history and on the... more
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      Cultural HistoryLibrary ScienceEarly Modern HistoryCultural Heritage
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      CensorshipTheologyEarly Modern HistoryInquisition
In this article, I explore the parallel responses of two groups of colonial subjects who were confronted with the institutional changes that occurred in the context of Enlightenment ideas in eighteenth-century Mexico: Creole clerics... more
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      Mexican StudiesEnlightenmentMexico HistoryJesuit history
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      Jesuit historyIntellectual History of EnlightenmentDiarios de ViajesExile Literature
Ebeling, Sascha and Margherita Trento. “From Jesuit Missionary to Tamil Pulavar: Costanzo Gioseffo Beschi (1680-1747), the ‘Great Heroic Sage’.” In L’Inde et l’Italie. Rencontres intellectuelles, politiques et artistiques, Puruṣārtha 35,... more
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      Early Modern HistoryJesuit historyTamil LiteratureItalian Humanism
Esta publicación, a cargo de Alberto Hernández Mateos, presenta por primera vez la edición completa del tratado musical de Antonio Eximeno, incluyendo las partes suprimidas o alteradas en la edición española de la obra. El "Estudio... more
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      EnlightenmentJesuit historyIntellectual History of EnlightenmentMusic Aesthetics
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      History of the BookJesuit historyEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryEarly Modern Italy
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      Art HistoryJesuit historyQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)China studies
Despite their numerous similarities, Marranos in inquisitorial Spain and Recusants (and the so-called ‘Church Papists’), English Crypto-Catholics, in the wake of the English religious reforms, have rarely been studied concurrently. In... more
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryInquisitionJesuit history
Beyond Dordt and De Auxiliis: The Dynamics of Protestant and Catholic Soteriology in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, Volume 192 (Brill). Edited by Jordan J. Ballor, Matthew T.... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistorical TheologyReformation HistoryReformation Studies
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      Jesuit historyCultural EncountersExploration HistoryCanada
Vortrag auf der Konferenz Engaging Margins: Framing Imagery as Embodiment of Cognitive Processes, organisiert von Gwendoline de Mûelenaere und Sophie Suykens, Lovain-la-Neuve, 8.–9. Oktober 2020
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      Saints' CultsJesuit historyArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtItalian Baroque art
Provavelmente em meados do século XVI, um religioso europeu de nome Leonel de Sousa, em missão às partes mais a leste do mundo conhecido, registrou, em um manuscrito de dez fólios, a “Vertude da Erva Sancta que he o tabaco” (n.d.). Ali,... more
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      Health SciencesPortuguese StudiesHistory of MedicineHistory of Science
Desde o início da colonização, o trabalho compulsório dos indígenas esteve entre as questões mais debatidas na Espanha e em suas possessões americanas. Nos anos finais do século XVI, os repartimientos, instituição de recrutamento de... more
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesSpanish Studies
O artigo analisa estudos de caso historiográficos sobre os elementos compostos por volutas, talões e contravolutas presentes no frontão da fachada principal da Igreja Jesuítica de Santo Alexandre em Belém do Pará.... more
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      Portuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonJesuit historyArquiteturaTeoria História e Crítica da Arquitetura e do Urbanismo
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      Early Modern HistoryPilgrimageJesuit historyChurch History
Pontificia Università Gregoriana 18 maggio 2015 ore 18.00 – Aula C008 Intervengono Massimo Carlo Giannini (Università degli Studi di Teramo) Rafael Valladares (Escuela Española de Historia y Arquelogía en Roma) Coordina Martín Morales... more
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesSpanish History
Près de quatre siècles après sa première édition, il convient de placer la Brève Relation du voyage de la Nouvelle-France aux côtés des Voyages de Champlain et du Grand Voyage du pays des Hurons de Sagard. Précieux témoignage des premiers... more
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      Québec HistoryJesuit historyQuebecois Literature17th Century French Literature (Literature)
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of SlaveryJesuit historyEsclavitud
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      TheologyMissiologySystematic TheologyLiberation Theology
Ch. 8. Celebrating New Saints in Rome and Across the Globe Pamela M. Jones, University of Massachusetts Boston Men and women recognized for exemplary holiness had been revered as saints since the early Christian era, but it was in the... more
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      Cult of SaintsJesuit historyWomen saintsSt. Peter's Basilica, Rome
A tanulmányban a historiográfiai áttekintés után egyrészt a jezsuiták kalocsai rendházának gazdasági ellehetetlenítését mutatom be, igyekezve megcáfolni egy, a Horthy-korszak szakirodalmában ezzel kapcsolatban megjelenő közvélekedést.... more
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      Jesuit historyJesuit educationJesuitsMonks
Fr. Matteo Ricci SJ (Li Madou, 利瑪竇 1552-1610) is probably one of the most famous Jesuit pioneers who arrived in China during late Ming dynasty. For this reason, scholars have been studying his writings and his efforts to establish a... more
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      Chinese StudiesJesuit historyEpistolary researchJesuits in China
Scholarly attention to Pierre Rousselot's writings has tended to focus upon interpreting his work systematically, with little attention paid to the thinker’s Jesuit context or experience. The current study seeks to broaden the discussion... more
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      SpiritualityJesuit historySpirituality & MysticismThomism
No âmbito dos estudos sobre o estatuto da imagem e da palavra em Vieira, gostaria de sugerir alguns temas sobre a recepção do Jesuíta no cinema – já que apenas o texto foi o que nos restou de sua obra e atuação –, tratando de alguns... more
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      Jesuit historyCinema StudiesManoel de OliveiraPadre Antonio Vieira
The epitaph of the Rev. Jerzy Stephetius in the Holy Cross Cathedral – a contribution to the prosopography of Upper Silesia and contacts betweenn Opole and Gliwice
In: Kwartalnik Opolski, t.53, z. 2-3, 2017, s. 60-76.
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      Jesuit historyHistory of SilesiaUpper SilesiaOpole
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Jesuit historySecond World WarVichy France
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of CartographyJesuit history
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceJesuit history
Preserved in Quebec City, the French canvas entitled France Bringing Faith to the Huron-Wendats of New France, executed around 1666, constitutes a central piece of Canadian art history painted during the French colonial period. Espousing... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingJesuit historyNew France
The present upload has been expressly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Association for the Study of Kirishitan Culture.
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      TheologyPortuguese HistorySlaveryJapanese History
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryCult of SaintsSaints' Cults
Tradução comentada das primeiras cartas jesuíticas sobre o Brasil a serem publicadas, extraídas de coletâneas impressas em Coimbra em 1551 e 1555. Inclui cartas de Manoel da Nóbrega, José de Anchieta, Leonardo Nunes, João de Azpilcueta... more
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      Jesuit historyPortuguese LiteratureColonial BrazilEpistolography
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      Book HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsJesuit historyTypography
The present paper tries to determine the number of the members of Roman Catholic Male Religious Orders in Hungary in a phase when it reached its maximum: after the limitation of the Mendicant Orders and before the abolition of the Society... more
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      Early Modern HistoryJesuit historyHistory of Roman CatholicismChurch History
A jesuit Missionary in North-America. Forgotten in Tilburg, his place of origin.
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      HistoryJesuit history
La Compañía de Jesus fue la primera institución católica que tuvo presencia a nivel global y que utilizó a sus santos como parte de sus discursos propagandísticos, especialmente antes y después de su expulsión. Aquí se analiza el fenómeno... more
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    • Jesuit history
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      Portuguese StudiesJesuit historyIndo-Portuguese ArtJesuit Architecture, Art and History
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      ColombiaSlaveryHistory of SlaveryJesuit history
From its origins in 1540 to its final expulsion in 1767, the far-flung Jesuit network of schools and scholars influenced the development of scientific and mathematical pedagogy in the Spanish Empire. The most important of these schools... more
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      History of ScienceNaval HistoryEnlightenmentJesuit history
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      Analytical bibliographyHistory of ScienceJesuit historyDescriptive bibliography
Le " pape noir " est le dernier avatar du " mythe jésuite " ou de l'" anti-jésuitisme " militant. Ce mythe naît au XVIe siècle avec la Compagnie de Jésus elle-même, dont la nouveauté intrigue d'emblée. Rapidement, les jésuites sont... more
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      Jewish HistoryConspiracy TheoriesJesuit historyThéorie Du Complot
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissanceJesuit history
A short summary on the history of the Hungarian Jesuit Archive, founded in 1934 by András Gyenis SJ. The Archive scattered in 1950, after the Communist regime dissoluted the Hungarian Jesuit Province. The study tries to discover the faith... more
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      Archival StudiesJesuit historyArchivesHistory of Hungary
Visuelle Strategien zur Konturierung eines jesuitischen Wissensreiches, in: Oy-Marra, Elisabeth/Remmert, Volker R. (eds.): „Le monde est une peinture“. Jesuitische Identität und die Rolle der Bilder, Berlin 2011 [Beiträge zu den... more
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      Jesuit historyEarly Modern ScienceScientific RevolutionHistory of Science and Religion
in: Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 86, 2017, 49–99
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      Print CultureArt HistoryJesuit historyChristian Iconography
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of MuseumsJesuit historyAthanasius Kircher