Library and Archival Science
Recent papers in Library and Archival Science
The thesis is divided into two parts and it aims to explain the historical events related to the bibliographical collection of the ancient Jesuit College of Perugia. The first part focuses on the Jesuit librarian history and on the... more
Although artificial intelligence is the product of science-fiction literature, it currently represents a significant branch of computer science dealing with intelligent behavior, machine learning, and machine adaptation. It has become a... more
Unlike traditional mass media, peer interaction between individuals is of critical importance in the dissemination mechanisms for social media. There is emerging interest in the possible novel application of social media in disseminating... more
The paper focuses upon the Ottoman registers, constituting significant part of the fond of Belogradchik, of Berkovitsa, of Kula, of Lom, of Oryahovo, of Vidin and of Vratsa. All they are kept at the Oriental Department of the Bulgarian... more
2019. Vivimos en una sociedad archivada. Mejor aún, una sociedad digitalmente archivada. Nuestros dispositivos electrónicos (computadoras, tabletas, teléfonos inteligentes, pantallas de todo tipo) nos dan acceso a infinidad de carpetitas... more
- O advento do documento digital
- Gestão e preservação
- Repositórios Digitais
- Auditoria de Repositórios
- Preservação Digital Sistêmica
- Cadeia de custódia digital arquivística
- Gestão e preservação
- Repositórios Digitais
- Auditoria de Repositórios
- Preservação Digital Sistêmica
- Cadeia de custódia digital arquivística
Архіви України. УДК 929Каленський:930.25(438) Левченко Л.Л. Видатний польський архівіст Густав Каленський та його праця "Brakowanie akt". Стаття висвітлює біографію та наукову діяльність видатного польського архівіста Густава... more
In 2013 verwierf het Studie- en Documentatiecentrum Oorlog en Hedendaagse Maatschappij (CegeSoma) het archief van mr. Frédéric Eickhoff. Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog verdedigde hij ongeveer 2500 verzetslieden die moesten verschijnen... more
Technology has revolutionized the ways in which libraries store, share, and access information. As digital resources and tools continue to advance, so too do the opportunities for libraries to become more efficient and house more... more
Professional associations of archivists of different levels in the USA: local, state, regional and national, are characterized. Their aims, objectives, structure and lines of activity are analyzed.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of the development of large-scale digital libraries within the context of ancient and Enlightenment ideas about the ‘universal library’ and its association with the promotion of... more
Hospital de Todos-os-Santos [All Saints Hospital] received since 1504 - the year the Regimento [rules of procedure] were approved - the abandoned or orphaned children of the city. Minors were placed in the Hospital wheel so this... more
Fundamentando-se em recentes reflexões desenvolvidas na área da Arquivologia, notadamente no conjunto cada vez mais expressivo de trabalhos elaborados acerca das vantagens do emprego da análise tipológica nos vários segmentos do... more
The cases of archival crime in Indonesia, especially political cases, have been common news informed by media, from news paper, television, and social media. One of the disciplines which studies the archival forgery, as form of archival... more
Bakalaura darba “Tematiskās kolekcijas izveide Latviešu folkloras krātuvē: novadpētniecības metodikas pielietojums” mērķis ir izveidot tematiskās kolekcijas struktūru, balstoties uz novadpētniecības metodiku. Tiek skatīta novadpētniecības... more
M. Wiśniewska, Funkcje archiwów społecznych, [w:] Archiwa organizacji pozarządowych w Polsce, red. T. Czarnota, M. Konstankiewicz, wyd. Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Warszawa-Lublin 2015, s.... more
Chapter 3 presents empirically informed analyses of a number of new public space projects initiated first as counter-projects and counter-spaces by a variety of community and historic preservation society interests. It demonstrates... more
1) Le DVP (Document virtuel personnalisable) – définitions, objectifs et problèmes. 2) Deux exemples : la mise en ligne de manifestations scientifiques et la description de documentaires audiovisuels. 3) La sémiotique textuelle. 4) Le... more
A great evening with the Friends of the Library brings a fascinating discussion around the promises and challenges of digital data. Four industry experts shared their insight and knowledge around information preservation, digitisation,... more
يعد الأرشيف العثماني التركي رابع دور الأرشيفات العالمية من حيث كمية الوثائق، وقد تم تصنيف 50% من مجموع وثائقه التي تبلغ 150 مليون وثيقة، و هذه الوثائق تتناول مختلف مناحي الحياة الثقافية و السياسية و الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية و الصحية ، و... more
I Patti Lateranensi // Le fonti per la storia dei negoziati // Mussolini e Pio XI all’origine della Conciliazione // Dal primo scambio di idee alle trattative confidenziali (agosto – ottobre 1926) // I primi schemi di Trattato e... more
Sarà dedicato alla presentazione dell’Archivio digitalizzato per i documenti riguardanti la Storia del Marchesato di Monferrato, l’Incontro che si terrà presso la Sala Consiliare del Comune, via Goffredo Mameli n. 10 Casale Monferrato -... more
Operation of the Central and State laws on right to information in India is integrally related to effective management of government records and information. This article makes a critical analysis of public records management in India,... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
Archival Theory and Practice in the USA. American archival science in the United States is a relatively unknown subject in Poland. The author’s intention is to synthesize the history of this discipline, which origins and development were... more
Niniejszy tekst przedstawia metody empirycznych badań jakościowych oraz możliwości ich zastosowania w badaniach nad zarządzaniem dokumentacją. Autorka przybliża strategię badawczą studium przypadku, metodę wywiadu, metodę obserwacji oraz... more
This study introduces the book named “The Educational and Cultural Services of Archives” written by İshak Keskin in 2014. The author, tackles the educational and cultural functions of the archives at the theoretical level and in all its... more