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1992, Journal of Membrane Science
Journal of Membrane Science
Mass transfer in hollow-fiber modules with non-uniform hollow fibers1997 •
Advances in Environmental Research
Oxygen transfer characteristics of hollow-fiber, composite membranes2004 •
Artificial Organs
Uniformity of the Fluid Flow Velocities Within Hollow Fiber Membranes of Blood Oxygenation Devices2006 •
Journal of Membrane Science
Darcy permeability of hollow fiber bundles used in blood oxygenation devices2011 •
IFMBE Proceedings
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Analysis of Blood Gas Transport in a Hollow Fiber ModuleJournal of Membrane Science
Mass and momentum transport in extra-luminal flow (ELF) membrane devices for blood oxygenation2001 •
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Formulation of Generalized Mass Transfer Correlations for Blood Oxygenator Design2017 •
This paper numerically investigates non-Newtonian blood flow with oxygen and carbon dioxide transport across and along an array of uniformly square and staggered arranged fibers at various porosity (ε) levels, focussing on a low Reynolds number regime (Re
The Journal of extra-corporeal technology
Impact of hollow-fiber membrane surface area on oxygenator performance: Dideco D903 Avant versus a prototype with larger surface area2000 •
This study compares the gas transfer capacity, the blood trauma, and the blood path resistance of the hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator Dideco D 903 with a surface area of 1.7 m2 (oxygenator 1.7) versus a prototype built on the same principles but with a surface area of 2 m2 (oxygenator 2). Six calves (mean body weight: 68.2 +/- 3.2 kg) were connected to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) by jugular venous and carotid arterial cannulation, with a mean flow rate of 4 l/min for 6 h. They were randomly assigned to oxygenator 1.7 (N = 3) or 2 (N = 3). After 7 days, the animals were sacrificed. A standard battery of blood samples was taken before the bypass, throughout the bypass, and 24 h, 48 h, and 7 days after the bypass. The oxygenator 2 group showed significantly better total oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer values throughout the perfusion (p < .001 for both comparison). Hemolytic parameters (lactate dehydrogenase and free plasma hemoglobin) exhibited a slight but significant increase...
Chinese Science Bulletin
A novel theoretical model for mass transfer of hollow fiber hemodialyzers2003 •
A novel theoretical model for mass transfer of hollow fiber bundles in hemodialyzers is presented. In the model, a hemodialyzer is considered as a porous zone which is composed of two non-interpenetrating porous flow zones. Firstly, the dialysate side (shell side) is thought as a porous medium zone. Then by solidifying the dialysate flow zone and the occupied zone by hollow fiber membrane, the rest zone of hemodialyzer (i.e. blood side or lumen side) is considered as a porous medium zone too. Finally, the interface of the two flow zones is the fiber membrane through which mass transfer is performed. The dialysate and blood flows are all described by Navier-Stokes equations with Darcy momentum source terms. Kedem-Katchalsky equations as other source terms are added into Navier-Stokes equations to simulate the permeating flux through the membrane. All equations must be coupled together in the process of computing. The model is validated by the experimental data in literature. The simulative results show that the predicted clearances agree well with the experimental data, and the model in this paper is better than other models for the forecast of clearance.
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2013 •
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Proposta De Reestruturação De Processos No Setor De Desenvolvimento Em Uma Organização Sem Fins Lucrativos2021 •
Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion - GECCO Companion '12
Generalized compressed network search2012 •
American Journal of Psychiatry
Adjustment disorder as an admission diagnosis1995 •
2016 •
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
Screening strategy for the rapid detection of in vitro generated glutathione conjugates using high-performance liquid chromatography and low-resolution mass spectrometry in combination with LightSight® software for data processing2009 •
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling
Antihelminthic Benzimidazoles Are Novel HIF Activators That Prevent Oxidative Neuronal DeathviaBinding to Tubulin2015 •
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Digital Storytelling as a Whole-Class Learning Activity: Lessons from a Three-Years Project2009 •
2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC)
Low Noise Amplifiers for Radio Astronomy Applications2019 •
2009 •
Im-postures. Langages du corps à l’époque moderne
Posture et travail mémoriel. Le saint François pénitent de Annibale Carracci2023 •
Radiation Oncology
Changes in circulating microRNAs after radiochemotherapy in head and neck cancer patients2013 •
Journal of Molecular Structure
Spectroscopic characterization of 1-[3-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)propyl]-3-phenylthiourea and assessment of reactive and optoelectronic properties employing DFT calculations and molecular dynamics simulations2017 •
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Occurence of heavy metals in the Middle Oder Region in the zone of copper industry influence. Występowanie metali ciężkich w obszarze Środkowego Nadodrza w strefie oddziaływania przemysłu miedziowego (in Polish)1995 •
Editorial Universidad Católica de Colombia eBooks
Intimidad y convivencia: repensar el valor del encuentro interhumano desde la intimidad2023 •
Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health
Does intravenous salbutamol therapy cause cardiac toxicity in children with acute severe asthma?2016 •