Medieval accounts
Recent papers in Medieval accounts
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During the period of baronial reform in England, power swung back and forth between king Henry III and a reforming council, eventually dominated by Simon de Montfort. Differences over royal accountability - for example, the right of the... more
L'autore analizza il libro dei conti redatto dal canonico del Capitolo della cattedrale di Aosta Gerard Blaver tra il 1440 e il 1450. Contiene i conti per la costruzione del chiostro tardogotico della cattedrale. Si analizza la struttura... more
La torre Baldovina o Balldovina és una construcció mil·lenària que encara avui és un dels referents geogràfics de la vila de Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Dins de la sèrie "Extravagants" de l'Arxiu Històric de la Catedral de Barcelona es... more
Mark of Vysoká chamberlain to King Louis II was sent on a mission to the Ottoman Empire in 1517. His aim was to meet Prince Süleyman, son of Sultan Selim, and if possible also meet the imprisoned Hungarian envoy Barnabas Béley. Mark and... more
L’étude codicologique et paléographique des comptes des collecteurs pontificaux des provinces ecclésiastiques d’Arles, d’Aix et d’Embrun entre 1274 et 1406 est permise par la conservation de 41 registres aux Archives secrètes du Vatican.... more
In Eastern Normandy at the end of the Middle Ages, the preserved accountings appear like general or final accountings. Held in ‘simple part’, these countable registers for which we preserve important series from 14th to 16th centuries,... more
At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the especially detailed accounts of the Chambéry toll (Savoy, France) sometimes bear a sketch of the merchants’marks that were drawn on the balls, to justify their exemption from the toll rights.... more
Présentation des différentes solutions de financement adoptées par la municipalité d'Avignon pour financer les grands événements performatifs de la ville à la fin du Moyen Age et à la Renaissance (1450-1550).