Molecular Physics
Recent papers in Molecular Physics
Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy has opened up a wide range of biochemical imaging applications by probing a particular Raman-active molecule vibrational mode in the specimen. However, the original implementation with... more
Bransden B.H.H., Joachain C.J. - The Physics of Atoms and Molecules (1983)
Phenylhydrazine (PHZ), a potent chemical causes toxicity on various tissues at various levels. Administration of phenylhydrazine mainly causes haematotoxicity which leads to the haemolytic anemia. In mammals PHZ induced anemia increased... more
It is shown that the nonlinear equations governing the dynamics of the large amplitude waves in a self-gravitating unmagnetized collisionless dust-electron-ion plasma admit stationary dust-acoustic shock solutions. Owing to the... more
High temperature superconductivity emerges in the cuprate compounds upon changing the electron density of an insulator in which the electron spins are antiferromagnetically ordered. A key characteristic of the superconductor is that... more
Theories based on the coupling between spin fluctuations and fermionic quasiparticles are among the leading contenders to explain the origin of high-temperature superconductivity, but estimates of the strength of this interaction differ... more
The design of a new apparatus, named FANTASIO, for studying jet-cooled molecules is described. It includes, around the same supersonic expansion cell, a high resolution Fourier transform spectrometer with single or multipass optics, a... more
The comprehensions of Roger Boscovich (1711-1787) concerning the structure of fluids have been further developed applying the achievements and the results of modern science. It is shown that various supermolecular rotating particles... more
Од теорије Руђера Бошковића (18. в.) до теорије Павла Савића и Радивоја Кашанина (20. в.) је раздобље од два века. Прва теорија се темељи на закону континуитета и полази од начела класичне Њутновое механике, а друга се заснива на квантној... more
The nonlinear aspects of longitudinal motion of interacting point masses in a lattice are revisited, with emphasis on the paradigm of charged dust grains in a dusty plasma (DP) crystal. Different types of localized excitations, predicted... more
We report on a delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment based on a two-photon imaging scheme using entangled photon pairs. After the detection of a photon which passed through a double-slit, a random delayed choice is made to erase or not... more
A series of multiple nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations has been carried out for a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine lipid bilayer system in water solution, with ubiquinone (UQ) freely moving inside the bilayer. The focus is on the... more
Hanson, GR, Noble, CJ, Gates, KE, Burrage, K., Smith, CD and Bottle, SE (2001). Xsophe, a computer simulation software suite for the analysis of CW EPR spectra. Application to the analysis of mono-, diand tri-nitroxide EPR spectra. In: ,... more
In this paper we write down equations of motion (following the approach pioneered by Hoover) for an exact isothermal-isobaric molecular dynamics simulation, and we extend them to multiple thermostating rates, to a shape-vary-ing cell and... more