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La década de 1970 indica, en la producción historiográfica sobre el Imperio Romano, la emergencia de un revisionismo que desembocó en una postura opuesta a la convencional. Por un lado, la versión tradicional sostiene que los siglos... more
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      Military HistoryMaterials ScienceHumanitiesMedieval History
O rei D. Alfonso aparece inscrito no horizonte literario medieval como uma figura relevante, cuja obra proficua abarca campos diversos como a historia, a jurisprudencia, a astronomia, a astrologia, espaco/paisagem e, de modo especial, a... more
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      GeographyCartographyMediterranean Climate A common thread runs through the essays gathered here, namely the presence of men of science at the papal court during the 13th century, from Witelo, the greatest optics... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      HomelandDegree in music
A recount of the latest work on the collection and the analysis of the medieval paintings of Hexham Abbey is provided. Medieval pigments of the panel paintings such as blue azurite pigment and post-1840 restoration substitute pigments... more
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The occasion for yet another archaeological documentation in the research history of the Murfatlar rock monastery was provided by the continuous excavations (2005-2010) of one particular site in Pliska-the so called Round stone platform.... more
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In the last years there has been a renewed interest in Medieval Sicily. With this contribution, we would like to introduce the preliminary data of the survey undertaken in the Valle of Jato, situated in Palermo's hinterland. The time... more
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      Archeologia medievaleMedioevoFederico IICeramica Medievale Sicilia
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Al margen de su vinculación a las empresas colombinas y de los frescos de Daniel Vázquez Díaz, el monasterio de Santa María de la Rábida conserva dos conjuntos artísticos de interés: una iglesia de una sola nave con cabecera pétrea y el... more
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      FranciscanosArte MedievalArte Mudéjar Del Reino De SevillaLa Rábida
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An overview of the evolution of the Société française de Numismatique (SfN) between the 20's and the 30's, in the light of its recognition of public utility in 1924.
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Parmi les trésors exposés au musée de Sousse, nous admirons la mosaïque du fond de bassin illustrant la Tête du dieu Océan, entourée de poissons et de mollusques ; celle du panier de poissons ; celle du marais du Nil ou encore celle de... more
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      ArchéologieHistoire MedievaleLes Pêcheries
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      Renaissance RomeRenaissance VeronaMedieval RomeLuchino Visconti
Reconquista and Arab/Muslim Spain’ articulate the typically essentialist narrative of Spanish nationalism about medieval Iberia. While largely contradictory, they each arose out of the same political and ideological context and ran... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryHistoriographyNationalism
Der Beitrag stellt eine doppelte Einfuhrung in das Titelthema dar. Der Autor weist auf die Unbestimmtheit des zeitlichen und strukturellen Rahmens der nationalen Geschichtsschreibung in der Betrachtung des Industrialisierungsprozesses... more
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      Political ScienceDenkmalpflege
Vesconte Maggiolo, a cartographer from Genoa, Italy, crafted a portolan chart in 1536 that illustrated a vignette of the Blessed Mother Mary in the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern side of the Canary Islands. Maggiolo’s vignette of the... more
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      History of CartographyMedieval CartographyViking Age ArchaeologyNew England (History)
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L’éthique intellectuelle est un sujet à la fois classique et encore peu étudié. Roger Pouivet, L’éthique intellectuelle. Une épistémologie des vertus. Vrin, Dans cette synthèse alerte et claire, Roger Pouivet en trouve les fondements... more
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      Virtue Epistemologyethique intellectuelle
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Few developments in the writing of history have had such effect on both the public and the professional sphere as microhistory.
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La famiglia Guinigi è ricordata soprattutto per aver fondato una delle più importanti compagnie mercantili lucchesi del Medioevo. L’attività commerciale non fu però l’unica ragione di vita: durante la prima metà del XV secolo, alcuni... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookBook trade History
Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da fotokopi yoluyla basımı, yayımı, çoğaltımı ve dağıtımı yapılamaz. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2011 yılından beri "tanınmış uluslararası... more
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