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The extent to which pre-Columbian societies altered Amazonian landscapes is hotly debated. We performed a basin-wide analysis of pre-Columbian impacts on Amazonian forests by overlaying known archaeological sites in Amazonia with the... more
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      Ancient HistoryGeographyCultural LandscapesScience
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      HistoryAncient History
The Cilicia Region, which stretches between Korakesion and Alexandria Kat'Isson, is bordered by the Taurus Mountains in the north and the Mediterranean Sea in the south. Defined as Cilicia by the sources, the region serves as a... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchitectureBridge EngineeringEmperor
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeographyArchaeology
The article presents a Nabataean text inscribed in raised relief on a bronze plate and dated to the seventh year of the Nabataean king Aretas IV (3 BC). The text is significant since it mentions the dedication of a water well/cistern by... more
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      Ancient HistoryNabataeans (Archaeology)Nabataean ReligionNabataean Petra
Bu calismada, Osmanli’da merkezi yonetimin bulundugu Tarihi Yarimada ve yakin cevresinde, idari teskilatlanmanin gelistigi Tanzimat Donemi’nde (1839-1876), nezaretler (bakanliklar), meclisler ve Şeyhulislamlik ile diger idari birimlerin... more
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      Ancient HistoryArt
The article describes barrow [kurgan] 5 of the Samarsk II barrow burial site at the village of Samarsk in today’s republic of Bashkortostan. Although the burials were highly disturbed, research has permitted them to be correlated with... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeographyArchaeology
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La década de 1970 indica, en la producción historiográfica sobre el Imperio Romano, la emergencia de un revisionismo que desembocó en una postura opuesta a la convencional. Por un lado, la versión tradicional sostiene que los siglos... more
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    • Historia
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      GeographyArchaeologyPrehistoryNew Guinea
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      Ancient HistorySaint
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyLime KilnLimyra
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      MesopotamiaAtatürk Üniversitesi
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      HistoryFolkloreEnglish Literature
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      Ancient HistoryEgyptologyArtCt
Modern humans have populated Europe for more than 45,000 years1,2. Our knowledge of the genetic relatedness and structure of ancient hunter-gatherers is however limited, owing to the scarceness and poor molecular preservation of human... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyWeatheringArtefact Assemblage Studies (archaeology)
Spinal cord injury (SCI) represents a significant health and social problem, and therefore it is vital to develop novel strategies that can specifically target it. In this context, the objective of the present work was to develop a new... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringMedicine
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The majority of the Early Iron Age cremation graves of women near the Middle Danube in northeast Croatia and northwest Serbia, in the cemeteries of Batina, Dalj, Vukovar, Sotin and Doroslovo, contained an urn, a set of ceramic vessels,... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyIron AgeChronology
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      Ancient HistoryPoliticsNationalismTurkish Nationalism
En 1988 se creó, por primera vez, una cátedra de Historia Antigua en la Cataluña postguerra civil. La cátedra de Historia Antigua había sido asociada a la de Prehistoria, regida por el profesor. D. Joan Maluquer de Montes i Nicolau, quien... more
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      Ancient HistoryGeographyHistoriographyAmphorae (Archaeology)
This paper focuses on Dressel 20 stamps found on the Tyne-Solway isthmus and Hadrian’s Wall from the fi rst to the fourth century AD. The aim is to describe olive oil imports to the limes of Britannia by focusing on the distribution of... more
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      Ancient HistoryDigital HumanitiesArtRoman Army
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryArtRoman Republic
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      SpiritualityAstrologyShamanism and Shamanic HealingEgyptian Origin
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    • Political Science
E’ il primo di due volumi di un’opera che cerca di illustrare le vie e le città d’Italia esistenti in epoca romana. I tracciati delle strade sono dedotti da due fonti primarie, l’Itinerarium Antonini Augusti e la Tabula Peutingeriana, da... more
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      HistoryRoman History
This paper explores the Pindaric tradition in Μπολιβάρ. It discusses how the poetics of praise and their function in Pindar's odes may illuminate the modern poem's form and aspirations especially as far as the role of the poet... more
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    • History and archaeology
The article presents the results of the archaeological excavations at an extra muros church, situated on the northern slope of the Sarnena Gora Mountain, not far from the village of Buzovgrad, Kazanlak region (Figs. 1–3). Built in the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyPottery
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      HistorySocial History of Medicine
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      Ancient HistoryGeographyArchaeologyArt
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The article proposes a solution for the implementation of the ETL process and the data lake of the Ethnocultural Bank of the Indigenous peoples of the North. The Ethnocultural Bank is an aggregating information resource on the languages... more
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      Computer ScienceIndigenous
Pamphylia kentlerinden Perge’de üç nekropolis bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan ilki ve Arkaik Dönem’den Hellenistik Dönem’e kadar yoğun olarak kullanılanı, akropolis eteklerindekidir. Kentin doğu ve batı surları dışında Roma İmparatorluk... more
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      Ancient HistoryPolitical ScienceIslamMultidisciplinary
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      BusinessProject Planning
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In 1954, Walter Beasley, the founder of the Australian Institute of Archaeology (the Institute), financially supported a young Australian archaeologist, G.R.H. Wright, to excavate tombs at Tauchira, near modern Tocra, and Euesperides, in... more
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    • Archaeology
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      PhilosophyTheologyReligious StudiesProclamation
Persamaan ekonomis dan kesmepatan memperoleh pendidikan bagi segenap anggota kelompok nasional dan peningkatan kesejahteraan kelas-kelas yang secara sosial mempunyai hak-hak istimewa.
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    • Political Science
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      BuddhismHistoryAncient HistorySri Lanka
Materialist science does not see that consciousness is causal and fundamental. In contrast, as the body of nonlocal consciousness research has become more rigorous, more meticulous, what is notable about the criticism is its growing... more
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For Latin learners, here is an Acceleration Reader, which segments the text into phrases to promote the sequential and aggregative understanding of "chunks" of meaning, along with a running translation of the segments (pari passu), so... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Classics
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      Political ScienceDroughtFamineCorruption
Calsh malnalgement is one of the importalnt corporalte alctions to be calrried out on aln ongoing balsis, both for smalll compalnies alnd compalnies on al globall scalle. Compalny size is one of the determinalnts of the complexity of... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationEl Mal