Ancient Greek History
Recent papers in Ancient Greek History
The extent to which pre-Columbian societies altered Amazonian landscapes is hotly debated. We performed a basin-wide analysis of pre-Columbian impacts on Amazonian forests by overlaying known archaeological sites in Amazonia with the... more
A new interpretation of the structure of Plato's Gorgias.
The ancient coinages of Neapolis and its neighbors are known for including many interesting symbols, letter combinations, and monograms. While many of these numismatic devices have been convincingly explained in previous literature, there... more
This paper explores the Pindaric tradition in Μπολιβάρ. It discusses how the poetics of praise and their function in Pindar's odes may illuminate the modern poem's form and aspirations especially as far as the role of the poet... more
Pamphylia kentlerinden Perge’de üç nekropolis bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan ilki ve Arkaik Dönem’den Hellenistik Dönem’e kadar yoğun olarak kullanılanı, akropolis eteklerindekidir. Kentin doğu ve batı surları dışında Roma İmparatorluk... more
In 1954, Walter Beasley, the founder of the Australian Institute of Archaeology (the Institute), financially supported a young Australian archaeologist, G.R.H. Wright, to excavate tombs at Tauchira, near modern Tocra, and Euesperides, in... more
"La democrazia ateniese in età moderna e contemporanea", a cura di Ugo Fantasia e Luca Iori, «Quaderni della Rivista Storica Italiana» 3, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2023
a cura di Ugo Fantasia, Luca Iori, «Quaderni della Rivista Storica Italiana» 3, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2023
Additions 2023-2024: Women in the Ancient World. An Extended Bibliography, A new fourth edition, Toulouse, 11.160 entries, 760 pp.
Das römische Köln war eine Militärgründung. Mindestens 25 Jahre waren auf dem heutigen Stadtgebiet zwei römische Legionen stationiert. Das Zweilegionenlager von Köln wird umfassend beschrieben. Außerdem wird dargelegt, dass sich die Ubier... more
Le panthéon de la region plus large de Thrace est largement d’origine orientale, sans que les dieux indigènes manquent. La plupart des divinités, dont il est composé, sont associées aux éléments de la nature ou à la guerre. La plupart de... more
È uscito il numero 63 di «Zapruder», che mette sotto osservazione il periodo classico per indagare come la storia antica – il suo utilizzo, recupero, sedimento – sia parte di un gioco di specchi continuo con la contemporaneità e i... more
This paper is presented at the 10th Hittitology Congress in The University of Chicago, August 2017 and discuss the location and history of Seha River Land in Western Anatolia with Luwians idendity. 2024.
The dinosaur record from Iran includes footprints from the Liassic Ab-e-Haji Formation of Neizar Valley (Kerman Province, central-eastern Iran), a single footprint from the Javaherdeh Formation near Zerab (Alborz Mounts, NE Iran), and... more
This necessity of tefillah and its deep connection to Purim is reflected
in many explanations of the Megillah.
in many explanations of the Megillah.
El estudio de lýssa y de su personificación Lýssa en los distintos testimonios literarios e iconográficos permite definir su valor concreto en las Bacantes de Eurípides.The study of lýssa and its personification Lýssa in the literary and... more
PETITS RIENS SOPHOCLÉENS : ANTIGONE IV* (v. 773–777, 795–802, 857–861, 883–888, 902–903, 925–928, 955–961, 970–976, 1019–1022, 1029–1030, 1033–1039, 1039–1043, 1074–1076)
Resumen: las inscripciones griegas prerromanas halladas en la Península Ibérica son un testimonio valioso para conocer diversos aspectos del contacto entre griegos e íberos y la posible influencia del uso epigráfico griego en el ibérico,... more
O artigo investiga a constituição da figura do filósofo, formulada por Platão em seus Diálogos, salientando as diferenças substanciais entre a ciência dialética e suas artes opostas, como a retórica e a sofística na pólis ateniense... more
Herodotus was born in a city with mixed Hellenic and Carian population, and grew up in a region (south-west Asia Minor) which was in constant and close contact with the great states of the Near East, such as Lydia and Achaemenid Persia.... more
Meu propósito no presente artigo é pensar o nexo entre poder e liberdade a partir de Tucídides e Aristóteles. No discurso fúnebre de Péricles em homenagem aos atenienses mortos em combate durante a Guerra do Peloponeso e na determinação... more
В 2022 году изданием второго тома «Атласа ближней хоры Херсонеса Таврического» (первый том вышел в свет в 2020 году) коллективом из шести авторов был осуществлен целостный замысел по представлению аэрофотоснимков 1941–1944 гг. в контексте... more
This volume offers fresh perspectives on Platonic dialectic. For Plato, philosophy depends on, or is perhaps even identical with, dialectic. However, there is little agreement as to what Platonic dialectic is. Most studies of Platonic... more
Marcel Detienne é um dos mais importantes historiadores e especialistas do estudo da Grécia Antiga. É reconhecida, sobretudo, por suas tentativas de aplicar uma abordagem antropológica à Grécia clássica e arcaica. Suas influências vieram... more
In the fourth century BC, the first sanctuary for the goddess, Isis, was built in Athens by Egyptian immigrants. Cults for the Graeco-Egyptian deities, Isis, Sarapis, Harpocrates and Anubis, are attested in Athens and Attica until late... more
Analysis of the pattern of symbols confirms the linguistic role of ancient signs.