Military History
Recent papers in Military History
The revised results of this live-fire experiment with colonial, Revolutionary War, and American Civil War firearms add to the investigation of late pre-modern gun use and enhance our previous work on colonial-era firearms (Scott et al.... more
The question of Czechoslovak strategic thinking is closely linked to the existence of the Czechoslovak state between 1918 and 1992. The issue of the state’s defense has always been linked to its diplomatic, political, legal and social... more
This dissertation aims to discuss the incorporation of the “nationalist” Kazak intellectuals of Alash Orda to the Soviet Socialist Republics and their role in the establishment of the Kazak ASSR. In the course of events they acted first... more
For Latin learners, here is an Acceleration Reader, which segments the text into phrases to promote the sequential and aggregative understanding of "chunks" of meaning, along with a running translation of the segments (pari passu), so... more
Wars offer excellent opportunities to historians who wish to study the tendencies, attitudes and structures that are particular to certain societies, especially in the field of public health, demography and mentalities. How societies cope... more
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet unter abrufbar.
Verschiedene Aufsatze uber die Konstituirung des Politischen im Zeitalter der Franzosischen Revolution sind nur Entwurfe von verschiedenen histrischen Interpretation. Dieser Standpunkt wird durch die sich widersprechende Darstelungen... more
To be published, April 2024.
Methamphetamine Drugs that Worked for The Military and Terrorists: From Pervitin used on The May 1940 WWII First Battle of Dunkirk to (new-age) Captagon used on The Oct. 7th 2023 Palestinian Terrorist Hamas Attack on Israel. DISCLAIMER... more
Bitva u Lenina (1943) - Battle of Lenino (1943) - presents an addendum of collective monography Sokolovo - první boj. 1. čs. samostatný prapor v bitvě o Charkov, i.e. in English Sokolovo - first fight. 1st Czechoslovak Independent... more
The Balfour Declaration was an important statement of intent, but it was only one of several wartime statements by British officials about Britain’s future plans for Palestine. It was the inclusion of the declaration in the text of the... more
Inefficiently and incompetently operated US Drones were TOTAL FAILURE despite operating in Ideal Conditions
March 2024
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27809.42086
Agha H Amin
March 2024
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27809.42086
Agha H Amin
Visiting site of execution of Mulla mansoor
March 2024
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28648.28161
Agha H Amin
March 2024
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28648.28161
Agha H Amin
Artykuł koncentruje się na mało znanym epizodzie z życia kpt. Juliusza Wilczura-Garzteckiego i jego działalności polegającej na rozpracowywaniu środowiska związanego z 2 Korpusem gen. Władysława Andersa oraz osoby ambasadora Tymczasowego... more
Ομιλία της ιστορικού, πολιτικής επιστημόνισσας και διδάσκουσσας στο ΚΕΔΙΒΙΜ του ΕΚΠΑ. Δρ. Τμήματος Ευρωπαϊκής Ιστορίας, Παν/μιο Οξφόρδης, Δήμητρας Τζανάκη Δήμητρας Τζανάκη στην 1η ημερίδα του Ανοιχτού Διαρκούς Συνεδρίου «100 χρόνια από τη... more
The greek translation involved extensive calculations in matlab and in Excel. There were many calculation on the movement of bodies in different centripetal forces like a force that is proportional to the diistance from the center, or... more
- by Pavlos Mihas
A detailed Luftwaffe in Italy order-of-battle, strengths and bases for the first nine months of 1943. An updated version (the third one) of this article.
How Successful was ZA Bhutto era Proxy war in Afghanistan
March 2024
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23877.26083
Agha H Amin
March 2024
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23877.26083
Agha H Amin