Museum Studies
Recent papers in Museum Studies
This paper describes how colonial concepts, perceptions and stereotypes still influence arts and culture as well as research and education in these fields.
Arseny Zhilyaev in conversation with Boris Groys: "Contemporary art is the theology of the museum". This recent conversation is part of the Center for Experimental Museology, a collaborative project between COLTA.RU and the V-A-C... more
The current museographical approach seems to go towards a form of interdisciplinarity, which leverages the encounter between visual and performing arts. From the Tate Gallery in London to the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, this dialogue not... more
El texto presenta una introduccion a los debates sobre los museos etnologicos en la ultima decada, mostrando la evolucion de los modelos aparecidos en la nueva museologia en la actualidad. Analiza la evolucion de los museos al aire libre,... more
This article traces a century of efforts to create a National Museum in Guatemala City. Political instability and natural disasters thwarted these efforts, which nevertheless, formed a significant chapter in the country’s museum history.... more
Published by the Hunt Museum Communities of Culture is a Hunt Museum programme exploring the different unique cultural experiences and heritages of each of Limerick’s regeneration areas – Southill, Ballinacurra Weston, Moyross and St.... more
In 1809, after killing two men aboard the schooner Three Sisters, Edward Jordan was tried and executed for piracy by the Admiralty Court in Halifax. After execution, his body was gibbeted, or hanged in chains, in Point Pleasant Park. It... more
The research illustrates multiple experiences and strategies adopted in museums and in the world of cultural heritage in the field of digital storytelling to guide the future design of narrative digital solutions. Its aim is to provide as... more
Building on tropes of " Americanist abstract-art " and " improvisational African-American-art " that emerged as systems of quilt evaluation in the 1970s, this book promotes recognition of a distinctive vernacular cross-racial-group quilt... more
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have been collaborating on the Grand Egyptian Museum Joint Conservation Project (GEM-JC), and since 2016 this team carried out the... more
This paper reflects on the changing role of the guardian or keeper in museums and art collections from the seventeenth century to the present. Starting from the lexical meaning of the Italian word ‘custode’, thanks to archival... more
O artigo busca contribuir para o debate acerca dos museus, coleções e representações tendo como foco o caso do Museu de Arte Negra (MAN), organizado pelo ativista, escritor e pintor Abdias do Nascimento. Dessa maneira, apresenta uma... more
This chapter presents the important but not very well known archival material relating to James Stewart’s Vounous excavations kept in the archive of the Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm. The Medelhavsmuseet was founded in 1954 as a direct... more
En restituant avec précision une période essentielle de l’histoire de la restauration de peinture, ce livre ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche en histoire de l’art et souligne que les œuvres sont perpétuellement... more
En restituant avec précision une période essentielle de l’histoire de la restauration de peinture, ce livre ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche en histoire de l’art et souligne que les œuvres sont perpétuellement... more
En restituant avec précision une période essentielle de l’histoire de la restauration de peinture, ce livre ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche en histoire de l’art et souligne que les œuvres sont perpétuellement... more
L’aumento dei canali di contatto e di comunicazione ha, per un museo, effetti anche di natura strettamente commerciale: l’aumento dell’utenza potenziale e, dunque, della domanda potenziale, può rendere il museo un ‘prodotto’... more
The Importance of Being Anachronistic: Contemporary Aboriginal Art and Museum Reparations focuses on the role of time in contemporary art and introduces anachrony as a method for subverting the colonial archive. This publication takes as... more
This book chapter about the public for art museums is a revised version of my earlier essay "A Brief History of the Art Museum Public" from 2003
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1999 / The book was published in Prague in 1999.
Recent decades have witnessed concerns over representation, inclusion, and social justice move from the margins to the centre of museum practice. While a growing number of institutions seek to reflect the diversity of their communities in... more
Museum Collection Management Syllabus
- Diligenza e prestezza.è uno studio sulla tecnica della pittura attraverso l’analisi incrociata dei testi letterari e delle opere d’arte. Dopo aver ripercorsa la fortuna critica dei testi dei principali autori – Leonardo, Vasari,... more
This Forum discussion aims to explore the topic of repatriation from a variety of viewpoints considering twenty-first century realities in the region. The contributions fall into three main categories addressing general background... more
TOOLS FOR THE FUTURE Workshop 3 The Formation and Development of New Art Markets Art in Emerging Markets: The Case of India India’s art market is not new (as there is a long tradition of collecting), but certainly an emerging one: Art... more
Actas de las XIII Jornadas Museológicas Chilenas realizadas en Valdivia en el año 2016. Organizadores: ICOM-Chile y Dirección Museológica de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Coordinador general: Simón Urbina. Comité editorial: Luis... more
A research of a story of a lost painting by Frida Kahlo
Με ποιους τρόπους μπορούν τα περιφερειακά μουσεία τεχνών να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες παγκόσμιες προκλήσεις και κοινωνικές ανάγκες για μάθηση και αναψυχή; Πώς αξιοποιούν τις νέες τάσεις στην πολιτιστική επικοινωνία και τα ψηφιακά μέσα; Πώς... more
Statistical data and photographic portraits are two techniques of explanation frequently used to narrate both the magnitude and the specificity of mass death. Numbers offer a census of the dead while photographic portraits promise an... more
On the recent events at Macba. (This essay is part of series of texts that aim to reflect upon recent events at MACBA and the wider politics of art institutions that will be published here over the coming weeks.) In this age of global... more
This essay explores the bodily nature of Michel Foucault’s heterotopias as a means of delving into the complexities of access to and representation in museums today. Informed by contemporary debates around postcoloniality and museum... more
Queering Australian Museums addresses the problem of how queer or LGBTIQ communities can be further included in Australian museums on their own terms. It looks at four areas of museums—management, collections, exhibitions, and connections... more
Troya Müzesi son yıllarda müzecilik konusunda gösterdiği başarılar ve aldığı ödüller ile kamuoyu nezdinde dikkat çekmiş ve takdir toplamıştır. Müzenin başarıları söz konusu edildiğinde “genç müze” vurgusu, üzerinde adeta uzlaşılmış bir... more
This essay offers a case study about the Wildwalk museum in Bristol, UK. Wildwalk, originally called Wildscreen, was the brainchild of the internationally renowned wildlife documentary producer Christopher Parsons. Parsons conceived of... more