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One of the emerging control problem in manufacturing systems is the ―information interoperability (I 2 )‖ problem: information is required to be coherent and congruent with the specific use, particularly in interfacing manufacturing processes, at any stage of the product lifecycle management. Lack of comprehension, misunderstandings as well as redundant activities are typically signs of I 2 problems. Standardisation initiatives, in the frame of ISO and IEC (IEC 62264), try to answer these problems by specifying the information related to products, manufacturing resources and processes. These represent the most assessed corpus of knowledge for business to manufacturing (B2M) applications interoperability, available so far for studying and solving the I 2 issues. This paper tries to trace a path for studying the I 2 problems in production-control systems, by a formalisation procedure to build an ontology-based model, based on the IEC 62264 standard.
2007 •
Annual Reviews in Control
Ontological approach for products-centric information system interoperability in networked manufacturing enterprises2009 •
Advanced Engineering Informatics
ONTO-PDM: Product-driven ONTOlogy for Product Data Management interoperability within manufacturing process environment2012 •
This paper presents the idea of a proposed Manufacturing Foundation Ontology (MFO) aimed at acting as a basis for the Product Life Cycle (PLC) interoperability. MFO is aimed to have the provision for introducing interoperability not only across departments but across organization as well. The proposed idea shows the development of a MFO in several layers and various levels in those layers. The foundation ontology will act as a basis for building Interoperable knowledge bases or ‘World Models’ from a library of formally defined concepts in a heavy weight ontology. MFO must be flexible enough to allow organizations to be able to model their own domains with the flexibility to use the terms they want. Rules and axioms governing each and every concept add rigour to the semantics of the MFO and restrict the use of concepts to facilitate interoperability with a minimum effect on flexibility to model.
2011 •
This paper proposes a manufacturing core concepts ontology (MCCO) aimed at providing support for product life cycle interoperability. The potential focus of the work is interoperability across the production and design domains of product lifecycle. A core set of manufacturing concepts and their key relationships are identified in MCCO. Semantics are captured formally through heavyweight logic using rigorous rules and axioms.
Information flows and products traceability are considered as tools to protect consumer safety. To meet traceability requirements, it is mandatory to find a system able to trace all relevant information related to the product lifecycle. This information is quite often scattered within organizations. The heterogeneity of applications induces a sort of “Babel tower effect”, which causes traceability problems, leading systems to fail at collecting information from different and heterogeneous sources to effectively trace the product lifecycle. Generally speaking, this kind of problem falls within the umbrella of interoperability problems. This paper postulates a different point of view to resolve these problems, the product-driven point of view, starting from the observation that the product is the common element perceived in all manufacturing operations and that added values are engraved on it unequivocally. The paper extends previous research activities by sketching a common informati...
2013 •
Business Process Management …
Product-Driven Enterprise Interoperability for Manufacturing Systems Integration2006 •
International Journal of Production Research
Towards the ontology-based consolidation of production-centric standards2013 •
2016 •
Nossa hipótese é a de que o exame das marcas de enunciação que se depositam em versões de texto ajuda a reconstruir um percurso de pesquisa e as transformações pelas quais um pesquisador passa ao longo de sua formação. A pesquisa monstrou o trabalho invisível do orientador que ajuda na conquista do espírito científico (BACHELARD, 1996). O corpus foi composto por 1101 versões das dissertações de mestrado de quatro informantes. Quando necessário, foi instruído pela correspondência eletrônica relacionada à devolutiva das versões. Nos aspectos relativos à relação do pesquisador com o saber, o orientador incide sobre os seguintes comportamentos: inibição; isolamento; apatia; administração do tempo; desordem; inconsequência, colagem a terceiros e delegação de responsabilidade. Nos aspectos relativos à elaboração intelectual, evita que o aluno tome o secundário pelo essencial; os textos lidos como verdades absolutas; selecione elementos aleatoriamente; permaneça fechado e não consiga descr...
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Asia Pacific Allergy
Immediate systemic allergic reaction in an infant to fish allergen ingested through breast milk2016 •
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Endocrine Abstracts
Relationship of benign thyroid disorders with histological alterations of breast tissue. (Preliminary results of an observational study conducted in Greece)2013 •
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Postenkarussell. Die Pariser Kunstszene dreht und bewegt sich – allerdings ziemlich unruhig2016 •
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Optical tweezers combined with micro‐Raman investigation of alcohol‐induced changes on single, live red blood cells in blood plasma2019 •
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Prisma Sains : Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram
Improving Students' Scientific Literacy: Learning Studies Using Science Teaching Materials on Circulatory System Materials2021 •
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
An Overlapping Additive Schwarz-Richardson Method for Monotone Nonlinear Parabolic Problems2008 •
2008 •
Jurnal Abdimas Indonesia
Pelatihan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Dengan Menggunakan MS Excel Bagi Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah DI Kota Padang2021 •
Astroparticle Physics
Cosmic rays and neutrinos from GRBs: predictions versus acceleration modeling2003 •
Jurnal Ilmiah PENDAS: Primary Educational Journal
Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Pembelajaran Ips DI Sekolah Dasar Negeri 159 PalembangOphthalmic Genetics
Functional imaging of mitochondria in genetically confirmed retinal dystrophies using flavoprotein fluorescence2022 •
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III Trial of Sunitinib Plus Prednisone Versus Prednisone Alone in Progressive, Metastatic, Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer2014 •
NMR in Biomedicine
Silent increase of urinary ethylmalonic acid is an indicator of nonspecific brain dysfunction2010 •