Optical physics
Recent papers in Optical physics
Coherent-population-trapping resonances within the degenerate two-level system of the F=2→F'=1 transition of the 87 Rb D1 line were investigated in an uncoated Rb vapor cell by means of level-crossing-type experiments. Tuning over the... more
A varied-space grating mounted to both rotate and translate constitutes a practical single element fixed slit monochromator which is in focus at all wavelengths. Monochromators, diffraction gratings, grazing incidence, x-ray optics.
We describe in detail a general strategy for implementing a conditional geometric phase between two spins. Combined with single-spin operations, this simple operation is a universal gate for quantum computation, in that any unitary... more
We present both a computational and an experimental approach to the problem of biological aerosol characterization, joining the expertises reached in the field of theoretical optical scattering by complex, arbitrary shaped particles... more
In this paper the two-photon absorption by a molecule is studied when photons are prepared in a high-dimension entangled state. The light field is prepared in a spatial two-photon qudit state and its interaction with a molecule shows new... more
We have studied the effects of random laser speckle and self-mixing interference on TDLS based gas measurements made using integrating spheres. Details of the theory and TDLS apparatus are given in Part 1 of this paper and applied here to... more
A nonlinear image technique for characterization of the optical nonlinearities is used to investigate the solid semiconductor ZnSe at 600 nm. The method based on a 4f nonlinear image technique with a phase object is used to obtain the... more
This paper deals with the theoretical analysis of ultra refraction properties of slab photonic crystals. Strong angular dispersions induced by wavelength variations have been experimentally observed near the Γ–M and Γ–K directions around... more