Peloponnesian War
Recent papers in Peloponnesian War
The empire that the Athenians established in the years after 478 BC was an entirely new phenomenon in the history of Greece, and the basis of much of the brilliant development of Athenian culture in the fifth century. Its growth and... more
Syllabus and Reading Schedule for The Rise and Fall of Popular Rule—Athens (Integrated Humanities Program, History Module, Fall 2018, UVM). Course Description: America's founders, when establishing our political institutions, took... more
This paper assesses Thucydides' thoughts on the causes and inevitability of conflict in the Peloponnese by incorporating realist theories of interstate relations in addition to a sound analysis of Athenian imperial policy and the role of... more
An atlas of maps to accompany primary source readings in Ancient and Medieval Warfare, including the siege of Syracuse during the Peloponnesian War, the battle of Cynoscephalae, the Granicus, the Jugurthan War, Caesar's Gallic and Civil... more
This article delves into the relevance of the concept of "total war" as it is applied to the Peloponnesian War. In so doing, it is noticed a lack of consensus among contemporary scholar in regards to what is required for a war to be... more
Pericles has had the rare distinction of giving his name to an entire period of history, embodying what has often been taken as the golden age of the ancient Greek world. “Periclean” Athens witnessed tumultuous political and military... more
Im Peloponnesischen Krieg (431 bis 404 v. Chr.) standen sich die Machtblöcke des Ersten Attischen Seebundes unter Führung Athens und des Peloponnesischen Bundes unter seinem Hegemon Sparta gegenüber. Dank Thukydides sind wir über den... more
In: P. Fraňo - M. Habaj (eds.), Antica slavica, Trnava 2018, pp. 61-76. After a discussion of three minor discrepancies in Thucydides, I deal with Thucydides’ description of the relationships between Athens and Sparta in 420 (and the... more
Sparta’s naval victory in the Peloponnesian War depended on ship contributions from Peloponnesian and central Greek allies and funding from the Persian empire. At the end of the war, Lysander’s acquisition of captured enemy triremes... more
In Thucydides’ history of the Peloponnesian War there are fourteen references to oracular responses published not only by the oracles but also by several diviners during the war period. Although certain people under the influence of the... more
IG V 1,1 should not be dated to the beginning of the Archidamian War. Connections with an allusion in Thuc. 2,8,4 and the explication of the beginning of the War in the Peace of Aristophanes are not very firm. Datation at the Decelean War... more
N.B. This article is superseded by J. E. Lendon _Song of Wrath: The Peloponnesian War Begins_, (2010).
Scholars have disagreed about whether the Great Dionysia was celebrated in 404 bce, despite the grim circumstances in Athens on the eve of the city’s surrender to Sparta. This article reconsiders the problem and reviews the positive... more
Brief outline of each chapter of all eight books of Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War
The purpose of my dissertation is to analyse the negative comments concerning Pericles; the 5th Century BCE Athenian statesman and general. This will involve an assessment of both ancient and modern writers. It will include an exploration... more
En el presente estado de la cuestión se abordará el estado actual de la investigación en torno a la infantería ligera griega en el siglo V. Las fuentes del periodo no prestan atención a las tropas ligeras y existen importantes vacíos, lo... more
The Delian League was formed as a buffer against further Persian aggression into Greece. It was also formed to exact revenge for the two invasions of Greece by Persia in 490 and 480 BCE. The league began with good intentions but ended... more
A brief look at the treaty between Athens and Sparta that brought a cessation to the hostilities of what some have described as the preliminaries to the Peloponnesian War.
The following text is an English translation of Vandewalle, A. (2019). 'Assassin's Creed Odyssey: een speelbare versie van klassiek Griekenland' in Hermeneus 91 (4), 146-152 originally published in Dutch. The translation is my own. The... more
Course Description: This course offers an introduction to the history of ancient Greece from the Bronze Age to Alexander the Great, drawing on both source materials and modern works. This is a student-driven seminar based on readings and... more
This article provides an in-depth analysis of Gorgias's Funeral Oration. The chapter shows that Gorgias’s Epitaphios was most likely composed and disseminated at some point in the last quarter of the fifth century; that the text was... more
Aristophanes’ oeuvre is inextricably tied to the life and the fate of his native city Athens. The history, the political issues, and the people of Athens have always provided the central themes of his comic fictions. Aristophanes opposed... more
Sparta had long been Greece’s dominant land power, because its hoplites, as full-time professionals, fought much better than its enemies and it could force its allies to provide further hoplites for its wars without the need to pay... more
The fifth-century BC played a crucial role in the formation of Greek identity, during which the Greeks developed both a unified and a divided Hellenic consciousness. The Persian Wars (490-479 BC) encouraged the formation of a Pan-Hellenic... more
In diesem Beitrag wird die Rolle von religiösen Phänomenen des klassischen Griechenlands auf die im Geschichtswerk des Thukydides geschilderten Ereignisse, welche Vorgeschichte und Verlauf des Peloponnesischen Krieges beschreiben,... more
This is my translation of Thucydides 5.84-116, "The Melian Dialogue," from two Greek classes I had at Berk with Profs. Leslie Threate (Spr. 1994) and Ron Stroud (Fall 1996). After 10 years of fighting, in 421 BC, Athens made peace and an... more
Tabella degli eventi tramandati da Tucidide e Senofonte (Paralipomeni), relativi al periodo 479-404 ed utili allo studio delle "politeiai" greche.
Between records of political speeches, descriptions of military tactics, and insight into the inner workings of Athenian democracy, Thucydides inserts heralds, messengers, and ambassadors. While these individuals did not receive prominent... more
While Brasidas is often singled out as a particularly un-Spartan Spartan and is clearly presented as such by Thucydides, there were many other Spartans, including in the pages of Thucydides, who matched Brasidas' innovation, energy and... more