Recent papers in Philosophy
In legal decisions standpoints can be supported by formal and also by substantive interpretative arguments. Formal arguments consist of reasons the weight or force of which is essentially dependent on the authoritativeness that the... more
Seminar held for the Department of Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics, TU Wien, Summer Semester 2018.
This paper proposes a media studies that foregrounds technological objects as communicative and historical agents. Specifically, I take the digital computer as a powerful catalyst of crises in communication theories and certain key... more
Dialogue as practice and understanding in contemporary art This study investigates how social constructionist dialogue as art demonstrates a layered mode of practical inquiry, which weaves together interactive and explorative,... more
The brain is not a place to store memory’ is the famous thesis that was proposed in “Matter and Memory” chapter 2. From there, Bergson demonstrates that memory exists from the brain independently and the quality of memory is non-material... more
Construal of the Bible influences LDS religious sensibilities in distinctively complex ways, consciously and otherwise, including Mormon understandings of modern revelation. The initiative to produce for the first time a comprehensive... more
The concept of infinite is clearly addressed in the comments that St. John of the Cross made to his own poetry. In his work, the concept of infinite is intimately related to the notion of God, who is reached not through the knowledge, but... more
Defends the thesis that "Truth is the correspondence of what we say with the way things really are".
Although sex selection calls for careful thought, it seems in many cases to be neither intrinsically objectionable nor likely to have bad consequences.
Este trabalho visa discutir os conceitos de “diferença colonial” e “pensamento liminar” de Walter Mignolo, em articulação com uma discussão filosófica das questões da diferença e do antagonismo, especialmente de acordo com a proposta de... more
Este artigo relata o processo de discussao e concepcao de uma matriz curricular para tres habilitacoes do curso de Comunicacao Social na Universidade do Vale do Itajai (Univali): Jornalismo, Relacoes Publicas, e Publicidade e Propaganda.... more
espanolEl libro publicado por Stephen Toulmin en 1958, que lleva por titulo Los usos de la argumentacion, es considerado como uno de los pilares del resurgimiento de la Teoria de la argumentacion en el siglo XX. Si bien los estudios sobre... more
This pioneering book, in considering intellectually disabled peoples lives sets out a care ethics model of disability that outlines the emotional caring sphere, where love and care are psycho-socially questioned, the practical caring... more
The eleventh century philosopher and Archbishop of Canterbury St Anselm wrote, 'I do not seek to understand so that I may believe, but I believe so that I may understand' (Anselm Proslogion 154-5). Anselm was asserting that, from a... more
The fall of the Muslim civilization resulted from the rejection of reason. The rejection of reason was a result of the characterization of the use of reason to know revelation as kufr. The rejection of reason became explicit in the... more
Die Analyse der ersten zehn Minuten einer audio aufgezeichneten psychoanalytischen Sitzung fuhrt zu der Entdeckung und Beschreibung einer psychoanalytischen Prozedur, die wir als »Tanz der Einsicht« bezeichnen. Die Sitzung ist nach den... more
Pensar os limites do investimento curativo requer perspectivas a partir da nocao etica de limite, de desenvolvimento da biomedicina e das reflexoes da bioetica, assim como da natureza dos cuidados paliativos. As tres perspectivas – a da... more
Castoriadis' logic-ontology of Magmas provides the philosophical presupposition for a real democracy anchored on the radical freedom of the imaginary, which breeds an ontological novelty, manifested primarily in the psyche and the... more Free book available in PDF at this link This book lifts the veil to identify the puppet masters behind the MK Ultra Mind Control shills that front the New World Disorder Dystopia. The usual suspects are... more
Nonostante il tentativo di Aristotele di offrire un’esposizione esaustiva di tutta la problematica del luogo e di darne una soluzione definitiva con l’arcinota definizione di luogo come primo limite immobile del contenente, fin... more
La concepcion cognitiva del aprendizaje postula que el aprendizaje significativo ocurre cuando la persona interactua con su entorno y de esta manera construye sus representaciones personales, por lo que, es necesario que realice juicios... more
Cet article décrit de façon critique le recours aux théories de l’attachement comme fondement de la loi en matière de protection de la jeunesse. Il situe ces théories dans leur contexte historique et montre en quoi elles s’inscrivent dans... more
O presente artigo tem o objetivo de mostrar a relacao existente entre a “estrutura literaria” e “estrutura narrativa” do Quarto Evangelho. Por meio de criterios literarios e elementos narrativos, as “quatro grandes partes” do Evangelho... more