Physical Anthropology
Recent papers in Physical Anthropology
Представлены результаты экспертизы антропологических материалов из могильника античного времени Сувлу-Кая в Юго-Западном Крыму. Обсуждаются демографические и краниологические особенности двух хронологических групп из подбойных могил... more
Publikacja ta daje synoptyczne ujęcie wykładów antropologii ogólnej, wygłaszanych na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim w roku akademickim 1945/46, a poprzednio na Uniwersytecie Jana Kazimierza, we Lwowie, od roku akademickiego 1913/4 do... more
L’analisi antropologica e paleopatologica dei reperti umani rinvenuti nella cattedrale di Alba è stata condotta al fine di ottenere informazioni necessarie sia per delineare il profilo biologico del campione in esame (sesso, età... more
The Human Organism: Introduction to Biological Anthropology ---- OPEN ACCESS (FREE) ONLINE SINHALA TEXTBOOK “Minis Saththwaya” offers an introduction to Biological (Physical) Anthropology with a focus on humans as biological... more
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is a non-inflammatory joint disease mainly characterised by the ossification of the right anterior longitudinal ligament and the presence of enthesopathies. Studies have shown that the... more
On Dec. 12, 1985, a military charter DC-8 crashed shortly after takeoff at Gander, Nfld., Canada. All 256 aboard were killed, making this the deadliest US military aircraft accident in history. The investigation team (consisting of... more
Arm span (AS) has been reported to be a good substitute for height measurement in osteoskeletally deformed patients and in the elderly with osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between arm span and height... more
The Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) is an overall indicator of undernutrition composed of stunting, underweight and wasting. A cross sectional study was conducted in an urban area (Haldia) of Purba Medinipur District,... more
Ancient human remains like Egyptian mummified bodies cannot be considered on a physical anthropological perspective only. So severe and invasive were the operations on the body, so various were the materials involved in the preservation... more
We have carried out a comprehensive ESR and U-series dating study on the Lake Mungo 3 (LM3) human skeleton. The isotopic Th/U and Pa/U ratios indicate that some minor uranium mobilization may have occurred in the past. Taking such effects... more
An evaluation of overjet and attrition in skulls of aboriginal California populations, finding a strong negative correlation.
La complejidad y cotidianidad relacionadas a la alimentación humana, nos revela que debe ser analizada a través de un enfoque holístico, que incluya aspectos de naturaleza biológica, social, cultural, económica y política (Álvarez et al.... more
Roma people are from long ago suspected of Indian ancestry. At first this supposition was proved by somatological observations. Generally different Roma appearance from neighbouring European populations was obvious but only since start of... more
Tooth wear is a natural phenomenon and a universal occurrence that has existed from the origin of humankind and depends on the way of life, especially diet. Tooth wear was very serious in ancient populations up to the medieval period. The... more
A total of 11 340 Cartesian coordinates of 42 homologous landmarks on five excavated human crania were recorded by three observers using a three-dimensional (3D) digitiser and computer models created with a 3D laser scanner. The aim was... more
Based on the presence of palisades and an iconography suggesting a warrior elite, warfare is presumed to be endemic in the Late Mississippian period (AD 1200-1600) of the southeastern United States. Warfare is theorized to play a vital... more
Manual for Physical Anthropology Lab course. Covers human genetics, early primate and hominid evolution, origins of culture, and relationships between biology, culture, and the spread of disease. Lab activities use a hands-on approach to... more