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      HistoryCultural StudiesPsychologySocial Psychology
A koalíciós korszak sajtótörténetéről még nem készült monografikus összefoglalás, miközben a korszak történetéről egyre nagyobb számban jelentek és jelennek meg tanulmányok, kötetek, forráskiadványok. Azonban ezek a feldolgozások is... more
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      Press and media historyModern Hungarian History
In this essay, I examine the public discourse about Oswald Spengler's ideas in Britain in the 1920s and 1930s, particularly the »cultural morphology« he developed in his two-volume work Der Untergang des Abendlandes (translated into... more
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      Cultural HistoryAnglo-German relationsInterwar Period HistoryPress and media history
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      Media StudiesPublic OpinionJournalism HistoryCivil Society and the Public Sphere
Царская цензура существенно ограничивала информацию о военных действиях в прессе, однако не могла противостоять усилению критики правительства. Поиск внутренних врагов стал одной из главных черт российской прессы периода Первой мировой.... more
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      Russian HistoryPress and media history
paper presented  to Newspaper and Periodical History Forum of Ireland conference, Galway, November 2018
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      Modern IrelandPolitical CorruptionPress and media historyElectoral Reform
Personal account of US-Soviet relations and press censorship just prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union
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      International RelationsMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCensorship
La civilisation du journal ne voit pas seulement apparaître une circulation accrue des idées, une extension du lectorat, un mode d’information tissé de romanesque et de nouveaux rythmes liés à la quotidienneté. Elle instaure aussi... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesCaricature (Visual Studies)Print Culture
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      EnlightenmentPeriodical StudiesIntellectual History of EnlightenmentPress and media history
Qu’est-ce qu’un journal ? Un objet, ou un contenu ? Mais peut-on seulement penser l’un sans l’autre, la matière sans l’esprit du journalisme ? Si l’on veut comprendre l’évolution de la presse à travers les âges, alors il faut interroger... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismBook HistoryMedia History
Cette étude trouve son origine dans un double étonnement. En effet, les années 1680-1740 sont marquées par la publication aux Provinces-Unies de nombreux ouvrages en français qualifiés d’« historiques » et consacrés à l’actualité... more
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      Book HistoryPolitical CulturePolitical JournalismHistory of International Relations
Consommée au quotidien, la photographie de presse fait partie de notre paysage visuel depuis bien plus d'un siècle. Si elle a été rejointe par d'autres formes de mise en image de la réalité, sa fonction ne s'est pas estompée. La... more
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      Visual StudiesPhotographyPhotojournalismPress and media history
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    • Press and media history
What might be called the “benevolent billionaire model” for supporting journalism begs the obvious point that not all billionaires are benevolent.
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologyAmerican Politics
Generally regarded as a ‘father of public relations,’ Edward Louis Bernays (1891–1995), was a public relations theorist and practitioner whose methods revolutionised the field and who originally coined the term public relations counsellor... more
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      MarketingEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesJewish Studies
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      Political HistoryWeimar RepublicPress and media history
Introducción a cargo de Laura Cucchi y María José Navajas
Colgado en mayo de 2012
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      Press and media historyHistory of the pressPolitical PressPrensa y política
In this paper, I examine the American-Hungarian press-coverage of the Soviet-American exchange exhibitions, which had been organized in 1959. The Soviet Union opened its exhibition in New York at the Coliseum. For the organizers, the... more
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      Cold War and CultureCold WarCultural DiplomacyPress and media history
This chapter discusses research on the policies, laws, and subsidies that create and shape the organizational structures and practices that form the basis of the news media. The research reviewed treats news media institutions as... more
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      Institutional EconomicsPolitical EconomyMedia StudiesNew Media
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      Content AnalysisPress and media historyGULAGSolovki
Uğur Mumcu’nun tanımına göre gazeteci; haber ve bilgi kaynağına en çabuk ulaşan ve bu kaynaklardan dindiği bilgi ve haberleri okurlarına sunan insan demektir. O, gazetecinin bu görevini yapabilmesi için habere, olaya, olguya belgeye ve... more
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      Press FreedomPress and media historyMedyaMedya Arastrmalari
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      Media StudiesCensorshipBook HistoryPortuguese History
2017-ben egy huszonhárom tanulmányt magában foglaló kötet látta meg a napvilágot az Osiris Kiadó gondozásában. A tematikus fejezetekbe rendezett írásokat elsődlegesen a szer-ző személye köti össze: Erdész Ádámé, a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryIndustrial History
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
A rare and lost preface to Animal farm; novella written by George Orwell. This preface better known as Freedom to Press was written by Orwell himself and It gives equal cult to the topic which Orwell tried to heed on. I just edited it... more
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      Russian StudiesAcademic FreedomGeorge OrwellFreedom of Religion
In the last few years, affect has entered the field of politics through both the media and political actors themselves. This article is based on the hypothesis that the images of affect that illustrate contemporary political narratives in... more
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      EmotionCommunicationIconographyMedia Studies
le mot "perles", même s'il est difficile à éviter à propos de certains articles de propagande, comporte aussi le risque, en raison même de la réputation de futilité qui l'entoure, de leur permettre d'échapper à la critique qui en certains... more
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      PropagandaFirst World WarPress and media historyPearls
Knjiga je podijeljena u dvije cjeline te je prije svega namijenjena studentima novinarstva. Prva cjelina obrađuje povijest novinstva kroz sljedeće teme: 1) Zašto istraživati novine (Tehnike u zaštiti starih novina, Stare novine dostupne... more
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      JournalismMedia HistoryMedia EthicsPress and media history
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      Jewish StudiesMedia HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Jewish History
Статья посвящена анализу соответствия редакторской политики журнала «Перец» властным директивам, помещенным в редакционной статье «Против идеологических извращений в литературе» в газете «Правда» от 2 июля 1951. Был рассмотрен процесс... more
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      Soviet HistoryHumor StudiesHumour StudiesPress and media history
Nacimiento de la prensa periódica en el Estado de Morelos (México) e inventario.
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      Mexican StudiesPolitical History19th Century (History)Mexican Politics
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      American HistoryMedia StudiesGilded Age and Progressive EraMedia History
The chapter details the historical context of challenges to press freedom in setting the context for subsequent modules designed for educating all stakeholders on the challenges to press freedom and how to better guarantee it
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      Media SociologyMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
As the United States descended into civil war, New Orleans’s century-old community of French-speaking free people of color — wealthy, educated, and influential — struck back against increased racial hostility and erosion of their rights.... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesTranslation StudiesPoetryRace and Ethnicity
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      Media HistoryHistory of BroadcastingPress and media historyHistory of Communications
Depuis l'indépendance de la RDC, la presse écrite connaît d'importantes mutations, souvent marquées par des changements politiques. Mais aussi, les innovations technologiques, le cas d'Internet. Elles ont de manière significative... more
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      Journalism StudiesPress and media historyPresse écriteLubumbashi
For over a century the US has conducted an experiment in commercialized journalism by treating news as both a commodity and a public service.
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      Critical TheoryAmerican HistoryIntellectual HistorySociology
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    • Press and media history
Este trabalho se intitula A revista Veja e o bloco soviético - do Império do Mal ao fracasso do comunismo: 1985-1991, por cobrir o período cronológico recortado de suas páginas e por identificar o percurso que o anticomunismo declarado... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEastern EuropeSoviet History
Gathering pace in Poland in 1955, the thaw marked a break in Stalin’s order. An increasingly visible division within the communist elite was reflected in inconsistent government policy, including towards the press. On one hand, the... more
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      Modern HistoryEastern European StudiesMedia StudiesSoviet History
En el presente artículo se retoman aspectos parciales de un conjunto de problemáticas abordados en un estudio precedente, sobre los modos de construcción de la noticia policial en la prensa gráfica durante la última dictadura cívico... more
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      Social ControlPress and media historyHistoria de los mediosControl Social
Die ersten deutschen Frauenzeitschriften im späten 18. Jahrhundert und ihr Publikum Mit dem raschen Anwachsen und der zunehmenden Ausdifferenzierung des literarischen Marktes erschienen im deutschsprachigen Raum in der zweiten Hälfte des... more
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      Women's HistoryGender HistoryCivil Society and the Public SpherePress and media history
Resumo: A eliminação a seleção brasileira da Copa de 2014 aconteceu após uma derrota para a Alemanha pelo placar de 7 a 1. Esse jogo foi interpretado por grande parte da imprensa esportiva como a maior vergonha dos cem anos da seleção... more
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      Sociology of SportNarrative and IdentityPress and media historyWorld cup
Das 20. Jahrhundert war ein Jahrhundert nationaler Feindbilder. Und wiewohl das Zeitalter der Extreme mit 1989 zu Ende gegangen sein soll, gibt es wenig Hinweise darauf, dass das 21. Jahrhundert das Zeitalter der allgemeinen,... more
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      Race and RacismWar StudiesNationalismStereotypes and Prejudice
En vista de la importancia que se concede en muchas versiones del conflicto hispano-americano de 1898 al papel de la opinión pública, este artículo analiza las divergencias interpretativas en la reciente historiografía española en torno a... more
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      Public OpinionPoliticsUnited States HistorySpain (History)
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      Media SociologyModern Chinese HistoryChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementPress and media history
Since media is omnipresent in our lives, it is crucial to understand the complex means and dimensions of media in history, and how we have arrived at the current digital culture. Media in History addresses the increasing multidisciplinary... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedia HistoryWorld HistoryPolitical History
The US media system is primarily a commercial one dominated by a small number of lightly regulated corporations, and offset by weak public alternatives. This was not inevitable ; it resulted from the outcomes of specific policy battles... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryIntellectual HistorySociology