Recent papers in Protestantism
This paper uses evangelical reflections on the meaning of "rights" to explore the juridification of religion in contemporary England. Drawing on sixteen months of participatory fieldwork with evangelicals in London, I argue that English... more
Publicat a "Ibix 9. Annals del Centre d'Estudis Comarcals del Ripollès 2014-2015", 2016, p. 113-132.
This is a draft section of a chapter in my forthcoming Ph.D., in which I explore the anti-Semitic theories and theological views of 19th-century German preacher and politician Adolf Stoecker. I examine Stoecker's influence on Nazism, and... more
Anne Askew is renowned as a Protestant martyr from Henrician England. She has been exalted in Reformation hagiography due to both her stern refusal to recant her beliefs and her fearless death on the pyres of Smithfield. However, this... more
Manuel Cardoso de Macedo (1585–1652) is a man of multiple worlds, as his Azorean Catholic youth, his years living as a protestant in England, his encounter with crypto-Judaism and his eventual embrace of normative Judaism in Amsterdam’s... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
At the heart of James B. Torrance’s theological project was a concern to demonstrate the importance of an evangelical account of repentance, over against a legal account. This was a concern that he inherited from John Calvin, who stood as... more
Introduction and first chapter of a new book: Even though ‘the crisis of secularism’ was declared decades ago, it remains unresolved. This book argues that its roots are internal to the liberal model of secularism, which emerged from the... more
Guide für die Erlöserkirche in Jerusalem, 1898 eingeweiht
Parmi les thèmes et engagements jalonnant l’œuvre et le parcours de Denis de Rougemont, le rapport à la démocratie, au fascisme et au national-socialisme dans les années 1930 suscite des jugements contrastées chez les historiens. Les... more
1620 november 11-én szombat hajnalban a Mayflower nevű hányatott sorsú, egykori teherhajó, a közel három hónapnyi viszontagságos tengeri utazás után horgonyt vetett egy szélcsendes, biztonságosnak vélt öbölben a mai Massachusetts állam... more
Intervention présentée lors de la journée d'étude "Mémoires honteuses. Les chrétiens européens face à leurs passés embarrassants", organisée par Laurent Ropp à l'Université du Mans, laboratoire TEMOS, le 9 novembre 2021. En 1623, les... more
Reformation Heute: Band 1: Protestantische Bildungsakzente, edited by Christopher Spehr. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016. The Sixteenth Century Journal 50.3 (2019) 903–04.
Il saggio intende dimostrare che, subito dopo la pubblicazione, da parte di Alberico Gentili, dei De iuris interpretibus Dialogi sex (1582) e delle Lectiones et Epistolae (1583-1584) i rapporti fra Jean Hotman e il giurista di San Ginesio... more
Review of Michael P. DeJonge, Bonhoeffer's Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, & Protestant Theology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012) in Calvin Theological Journal 48, no. 2 (November 2013): 345-48.
Sunday Times 13 July 2014 In Justine McCarthy's article about Joyce McSharry, who was separated from her mother in the Bethany Home in 1951, the solicitor David Phelan of Hayes & Sons disclaimed knowledge of an irregular 'Adoption... more
The article refers to Protestant tradition in its Lutheran dimension and further historical development, especially the Evangelical line of thought. It sketches the basic characteristic of Protestantism, showing how denominational... more
Couverture du numéro 90 (2015)
Based on a chapter in my book, Patrons and Patron Saints, this article argues in making genius loci figures--or "spirits of place"-central to both Lycidas and Comus, Milton offers a counter to the countless saints of both medieval and... more
This chapter explains how the sixteenth-century Protestant reformer, John Calvin, transformed the Western theology and law of sex, marriage, and family life. Understanding marriage as a divine covenant with distinct and discernible goods... more
Borrowed from a psychological theory, the principle of ‘separation-individuation’ refers to a developmental phase in which a subject develops sense of differentiation from her past or present origins and sense of autonomous selfhood and... more
Colin Kidd’s work offers an intellectual history of the ambiguous connection between Protestant theology and concepts of race since the early modern era. In the conclusion to the book, Kidd hints at the original point of departure for his... more
This review was first published in CHOICE Current Review for Academic Libraries, June, 2011.
The main theme of this study consists in questioning, from the Polynesian Protestant field, the connection between the transformation of the church institution and the transformation of men-women relations in parish. The... more
Natif de Saint-Félix, il fut un pasteur très influent dans les Hautes-Alpes, puis se passionna pour la montagne et devint un pionnier de l'archéologie moderne Nous continuons notre série sur les célébrités saint-féliciennes au cours de... more
Religious groups can reinforce, complement, or undermine authoritarian domination. This article investigates whether high-status Protestant churches act as democratising civil society organisations by gathering hundreds of Protestants... more
In the Haitian diaspora, as in Haiti itself, the majority of Haitians have long practiced Catholicism or Vodou. However, Protestant forms of Christianity now flourish both in Haiti and beyond. In the Bahamas, where approximately one in... more
Like many early modern writers, Bradstreet attempted to accommodate the worldly to the spiritual. The world of finance, agriculture, and genealogy are is both merged and set into conflict with the spirit in her father-poems. The poems... more
Cílem konferenčního příspěvku bylo poukázat na příbuzenské vazby evangelických pastorů, později evangelických farářů, kteří do Čech a na Moravu po vydání Tolerančního patentu přicházeli především z Uher, aby spolu se založenými sbory... more
The authors reviewed the literature on mental health issues among clergy and other religious professionals, using electronic searches of databases of medical (Medline), nursing (CINAHL), psychology (PsycINFO), religious (ATLA), and... more
Short historical overview and guide to archival sources for Anglicanism and Protestantism in Belgium